1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. BBQした後は劇的にスモーク臭..
2021-11-04 11:25



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
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Google Play or the App Store it's free so that was Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyo
anchor yeah all right thanks all right good morning I'm trying morning why don't
you say like this program is brought you to by the cliche yeah yeah when do you
hear that like TV show on TV radio wait like before it starts or like in the
middle of the program when there's commercials that they go this program is
brought to you but I've heard that yeah I've heard that for yes in the middle I
just can't remember where like in the middle in the middle got it the mid roll
several yeah several times like in Japan did they do like go to the
bank yeah yeah okay that thing you could do that really we could just we could
put that right in the middle of just immediately as we're speaking suddenly
that in there this program is brought to you by right it sounds like sounds
professional mm-hmm yeah I have the English accent yeah well do you think do
you think you still smell the barbecue yeah well I personally don't I really
know do you add a little bit really yeah I didn't I didn't I didn't feel anything
really I was like carefully like two twice three times yesterday yeah but
still like I sense a little smokiness really I don't think I do nothing yeah
yeah no but you don't think that you don't smell it I don't think so yeah so
for those of you listening me and Yama-chan and other friends from the
circle we got gathered together and did like a little barbecue ish thing outside
yeah and uh yeah it was we got all smoky the clothes and everything it was
outside mm-hmm but as it was raining a little bit we've got a little tent tent
yeah and we had to put ourselves in one tent wasn't that small so but still it
was kind of smoked yeah we were smoked up yeah yeah I feel like the smoke was
all inside the tent there everything yeah so you know we took the train to
get back to our places but I was so smelly I'm yeah I'm sure we were all so
smelly our little group was like fucking like yeah barbecue and yeah and the
train after we we said we split it yeah and I took a train by myself and I was
like oh I smell so bad and nobody came to me like there's some empty place
really yeah oh my god terrible yeah it's terrible do you think it like me always
the question I've always had is like did they know that it's you like it could be
somebody else like you just smell it from somewhere right but you can't
really detect where it's coming from well yeah you think you think they know
that they knew that it's you yeah really it was too strong and
it was so obvious so mmm they noticed that it was me and that nobody come oh
my god so embarrassing I would stand in that situation yeah because when you sit
down you obviously have two empty seats right next to you right yeah when you
stand and you don't really there isn't really an empty spot right it's just all
free so that makes it so much easier oh but my clothes definitely got yeah
smoky yeah the smoky smoke on in it you need to wash it I do so yeah yeah yeah
my shoes got dirty too yeah mine too yeah I didn't know that it was all muddy
yeah yeah because it rained you know true I had to wash it you know I washed
it oh you washed it with utamaro soap do you know what that is with the model
soap no it's like a it's like a really like I don't know it's herded as this
like a really nice soap they really like ban those soap I guess okay yeah I think
it's I think it came off pretty well it's like it's like an actual like hard
so so yeah okay it's like green looking emerald green looking okay and yeah it's
it's a pretty like popular soap I think hmm yeah okay well my shoes was you know
I was before the barbecue I attended to the party and I was like I wore a little
like leather in leather shoes like nice shoes yeah so I can't wash it you can't
you can't wash can you wash love it's like no no no I have to I like wipe it
off why I wipe it off the cloth oil yeah you can put in water like and use soaps
you can't do that you can yeah yeah it was a little sad mm-hmm but but the
barbecue itself was fun you know yeah it was all English well I don't quote all
it was meant to be a quote yeah no Japanese yeah activity but mm-hmm we
gathered all the people who spoke English from our circle yeah and then
yeah it was really fun it was actually my first time hearing like them speaking
English actually me too it was literally the first time speaking
English but soon a here yeah we came here we spoke English yes other than
that and one other person who know others it's like yeah okay for me like
Matsune I've heard that yeah it was all first time and they all sound much
cooler and when they speak in English sounds like more clever yeah I know
like yeah it's so interesting yeah right I wonder if that changes even if you're
like even if you've never been to the US for any other English-speaking country
like people who just learned English in Japan do you think that the atmosphere
of that person changes versus what they speak in Japanese in English well I
think atmosphere would be changed mm-hmm but I'm not sure which one is cooler oh
yeah because when I speak in English I have like much less was much less
focus yeah so I might sounds more like less intelligence I wasn't I want to
speak in Japanese I can use much more you know complex yeah yeah I can say so
many things so I think I might sound a little cooler when I speak in Japanese
mm-hmm but it depends on the people but yeah yeah it changes uh-huh absolutely
like the one the Yukako I'm not sure I can name it but you got go see she
sounds much cooler when when she speaks in English when she speaks Japanese she
will be like little high-pitched voice and yeah like you know true yeah yeah
I'm kind of used to her speaking English because we spoke in English all the time
over a university but yeah I guess and also like when when in Japanese she
speaks a little slower mm-hmm yeah yeah so but in English just speak like speaks
like really like fast and uh-huh yeah right did it sound fast yeah to my head
it didn't sound that fast no no like compared to Jap when she speaks in
Japanese uh-huh she was much faster than I really then she speaks in Japanese
yes okay I guess I got too used to it oh really I didn't I didn't feel it was
like really surprising to me oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you do get like a huge
surprise when you like when you hear somebody talking a different way yeah
yeah it just feels like it's a different we have like person like what you said
earlier so true yeah but it was so fun I'm always surprised at how they like
remember English hmm because like for me I use I now use English as my job right
this is kind of my main job I I'm you know using English create content analyze
them and all that stuff so I'm constantly being like I'm refreshing my
my English memory right so it's in use all the time but for them I don't I
don't think they're I'm not sure but like they don't they're not using English on
a daily regularly basis but so like oh when I you know chatted with them just
they were so fluid there's I was so surprised natural yeah yeah and they've
been only injured in it was like elementary right mm-hmm when they were
really like the kids and the rest of their life they've been in Japan yeah and
they still remember how to talk fluently yeah I thought was pretty fascinating
yeah yeah well I think she's after return to Japan she like keeps learning
English I guess maybe in high school because she's got 990 oh yeah she does
yeah yeah for that she definitely needs some you know study yeah I'm sure I was
yeah yeah so yeah probably right right job yeah English absolutely really hard
and important all right thanks for listening guys thank you

