1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 言語学習でスランプ😔 - ケビ..
2021-01-20 15:52

言語学習でスランプ😔 - ケビンのアドバイス

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Trying out new variations. I'm trying to not repeat the same thing again.
Oh, that's nice. That's important. Try to feel fresh.
Thank you. You're really pushing yourself hard to support me.
I felt that squeeze in you. You know, like, "Oh, I gotta say something to support Kevin right here."
Even though in your mind it's like, "The fuck is he doing?"
No, I don't think so.
Okay, so in this episode we're gonna talk about Chiharu-san's DM.
She said that she is...
No, I met her.
You... right? Sorry about that. You met her. Right. Even though it says "DM."
Can you repeat that?
So I read...
"I've finally finished my thesis."
Should I read home?
No, let's just... the essential part.
But anyways, I really love this line that...
"I've decided to send it to you once I finish my thesis, so I'll send you a podcast request. I hope you read it someday."
I mean, it's... right. Her stance on... is beautiful, right?
It's cute.
So nice.
We loved it.
It's my turn to give the answer.
So I feel like this kind of relates back to the...
the advice I gave several episodes back about the Kyotsu Shiken.
Yeah, Kyotsu Shiken. Whatever.
I feel like this person is...
I feel like the reason that it burns out, burns out, because...
because you're forcing yourself to.
Like, there's something inside you that you feel like,
"I have to keep pushing myself to learn English in order for me to reach this certain kind of goal."
Like, I feel like...
The way you're approaching, Yama-chan, you're opposing your English is like,
you like the process of learning new things.
You like the process of acquiring, getting better at English, right?
That's why I feel like you never burn out.
To me, from my perspective. I don't know about how you...
Yeah, I agree with you.
So I feel like the reason you burn out is because there's a higher goal that you're aiming for.
And English learning is...
You have to go through. You have to...
It's a step that's needed to get to that goal.
And I feel like that's the reason why you're burned out.
You're not in it.
You're not in it for the process.
You're not enjoying the process.
You're not...
The goal is to... is not to...
But this is only my...
I'm only guessing here.
So my advice would be to...
Even if you didn't...
This is just like the senta test kind of advice.
Even if you weren't able to get...
Even if you burn out and not get the English skill that you wanted,
and in your life did not turn out as expected,
don't be so...
Don't be turned down so much.
The full analogy is on the two episodes before where I talked about the whole thing.
But not two.
Probably like four.
Sorry about that.
This is going to be episodes in between.
The senta shiken episode, if you just listen to that, you'll know what I'm talking about here.
And another episode...
No, another analogy would be to associate English
with something else.
Like, for example, be in love with Harry Potter.
Be in love with...
Be in love with...
Zac Efron.
And then...
If you want to understand more of Zac Efron's content,
you're going to have to learn English.
And I think that would be a motivator.
You know...
English is a tool of communication, so like...
That in and of itself is...
Not interesting, I feel.
You know, like...
When it's being utilized, it becomes interesting and useful.
English, right?
The language itself is not...
They're not...
Too interesting, you know?
It's only when it's being in use and being used as a communication tool.
That's when it feels...
That's when it becomes alive, I feel like.
So if you could...
If you could find passion for that end goal, for like...
For example, you being in love with Harry Potter.
You being in love with...
Christopher Nolan's films, right?
Anything that associates with English, that uses English as a communication tool.
Maybe then that would be a motivator for you to keep going.
Or it could be this podcast, right?
A lot of people told me that this...
They try to learn English and try to understand what we're saying.
And that's a way of continuing to learn English.
That's a...
Just like that.
If you could associate yourself...
If you could associate that English with something else,
then I feel like that would really keep you going.
However though...
That only...
That's only realistic if you're...
If you're actually in it for...
If you're...
If you love the process of learning English, right?
If you love...
If you have a goal,
and English learning is just a step to get there,
you don't have time to flirt around with Christopher Nolan.
You don't have time to flirt around with Zac Efron's fucking interview, sexy interview content, right?
You have to go...
You have to learn English that's only relatable,
that relates strongly with the end goal.
That's tougher, I feel like.
That you need...
You need gasoline in your body a lot more than Zac Efron.
In that case, I advise you to think about...
Think about yourself.
Be motivated by imagining yourself in that end goal.
If you want...
If you want to be in that university,
imagine yourself being in that university having a great time,
and maybe that would motivate yourself to learn more English, maybe.
Right, that's what I would do.
And don't beat yourself up if you didn't study English three days in a row.
What do you mean?
Don't beat yourself up.
The meaning of the expression.
Don't beat yourself up is like...
Don't beat yourself up.
Beat up is...
Beat. Beat up somebody.
Beat up somebody.
Beat yourself up is...
Meaning, beat yourself up.
Don't beat yourself up if you didn't study English three days in a row.
I'm sure you're in a position where you have to push yourself to study every day,
but if you don't want to, if you're not motivated to,
and it turned out three consecutive days of no studying English,
don't beat yourself up.
That's not...
It's stressful to you.
So let that obey to your nature, your true nature self.
Don't put too much stress on your body.
It's a little bit unhealthy.
So don't...
It's okay if you didn't study three days.
And three days of no studying, be energized to work again,
go hard for five days, maybe rest for two or three, maybe four.
It's okay if that happens.
It's a process.
You don't have to go hard every day.
So that's your advice.
Have I been burnt out before?
Yes, I have been burnt out before.
It's not a language learning experience, but I've done...
You know how I like to do businesses, right?
I've tried to buy stuff from China and sell it on Amazon or whatever.
And that process of finding potential products that could be sold online,
it's a huge process.
And like that, I burnt out quickly.
Because I was in it for the money.
I was in it for...
The final goal was to get the money.
So like that burnt me out.
I was not in it for the process, which was to...
Enjoyment of finding new products and enjoyment of hunting for potential products.
That I did not...
I ignored it.
That's how I feel like...
That's why I feel like I burnt out.
How I overcame that, I gave up on it.
Because I felt like the equation was not there.
I felt like the whole system was not sustainable.
That wasn't the only way for you to realize your dream.
Right, right, right.
I had to restructure the whole game.
Because I just felt like it wasn't sustainable.
And I noticed that through me burning out.
Burning out is a sign of things not working out.
So that led me to taking a different route.
And in hindsight that's a good sign.
So maybe that could be a good sign for you too.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
I also have been thinking about this topic.
Burning out?
Or language learning slump?
It's not about language learning.
But when I...
Or when you start to learn something new.
And getting better.
And improving yourself.
You know, slump is going to happen.
Like when I practice football.
I mean football.
Soccer, right?
If you want soccer.
You know, there are so many slump times.
I start to remember everything now.
Oh, good.
Alright, alright.
To be honest, I forget everything.
You do forget everything, right?
I do forget everything.
But now I start to remember.
It came back to you.
So I remember when I was a football guy.
High school?
Yeah, high school.
Or through the...
I was a little kid.
So many slumps times.
And also when I'm practicing playing piano.
Or my singing.
Practicing singing.
Or studying something new.
You know, slump must be happened.
And I'm thinking the reason of that slump.
The reason is maybe you getting better.
Like you get improved.
Then your point of view.
Like your eye, your ear gets better.
So that you can understand how bad you are.
You know what I mean?
Oh, got it.
When you're in a really low level.
You still don't know how bad you are at doing something.
But if you're getting better.
Then you can see how bad you are at doing something.
And also what is, you know, to be better.
What is need.
What is necessary.
Can be seen.
By your improved eyes.
And improved your ears.
So that's why I and you will be struggling in the slump.
You know, the skills is always, getting skills is always tough.
I think more tougher.
More tough?
It's tougher.
Then the brain gets improved.
So every time brain gets better fast.
And then skill came up.
So every time brain gets improved.
Then you feel the gap between your skill.
And what you can see.
You can tell the difference in the level.
So that's why the slump can be, like must be happen.
So when you feel slump.
Then that means you are getting better.
You are getting improved.
And now you can see how bad you are.
And that means you can be better.
That's an amazing perspective.
Very practical.
That's what I think.
When you learn something new.
When you practice something new.
The slump always come to you.
But that's a good sign.
That your skill is gonna be better soon.
Not now, but soon.
That's a...
So that's what I wanna tell you, Jihara-san.
Oh, that's awesome.
Forget about the last episode.
I was completely like...
I didn't memorize nothing in the last episode.
That was some very practical.
Very amazing perspective there.
So please ignore my last episode and listen to this episode please.
This is the true kind of advice.
Thanks for listening.
And good job with your thesis.
Congratulations, Jihara-san.
See you again, guys.

