Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
So on this episode we're gonna be collaborating with...
Not collaborating, but like we're doing the Instagram live
and recording our podcast at the same time.
So we're gonna get somebody from the Instagram live
to give us a topic.
Oh that's great.
Live. This is live.
This is actually happening right now.
You can ask questions in Japanese too.
So we're gonna go ahead.
You have to write in English.
You have to write in English.
No, it's all French.
It's okay.
You have to write in French.
Okay, I'll write it down.
So the other person has to say okay.
Now you can...
So now the other person is refusing, right?
Right. They're not answering the call.
So if this goes on way too long, we're gonna have to cut it out.
And I think that's about time.
Alright, we'll cut it out.
Just go on to the next one.
Oh, I think we got one.
PJ Kumi-san.
Thank you for always commenting.
Oh, hello.
Sorry, it's dark.
No, it's fine.
You don't have to show your face.
It's fine.
I'm a little nervous.
No, don't be nervous.
We're doing this in a casual way.
So if you have a topic,
we'd like you to tell us.
I was doing an erotic thing earlier.
Kevin is American.
But you like Japanese people, right?
So you want to marry a Japanese woman,
so you want to come to Japan.
You graduated elementary school in America.
That's great.
So you're not erotic,
but as a person,
whether you're a man or a woman,
do you have any attraction,
any gestures,
any thoughts,
or anything?
I see.
As an American.
I see.
I'd like to hear it even if it's not Japanese.
So we'll do it with that topic.
I hope you can understand.
I got it.
I got it.
So let's hear it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yes. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Thank you.
Elegant voice.
Elegant voice.
Right? Very calm.
This is what we're talking about here.
This is the erotic that we're talking about here.
The very one.
There you go.
But OK, so let's frame up the question in English again.
So basically, from the standpoint of an American,
like as how...
OK, so...
The point was you love Japanese woman, right?
That's the main point, right?
That's not the main point.
It was more like...
The main point was you want to marry a Japanese girl, huh?
That's not the point.
That's not the point.
That's not.
OK, but so it was like an American, Japanese...
American, Japanese, doesn't matter which one.
What as a human, like what erotic or attractive do you feel?
Do you feel?
It doesn't have to be a woman or a man.
Just human beings.
Just human beings.
What as a person do you think is respectable?
I guess would be like the question.
I feel like people who knows...
People who are...
Like self-aware about themselves.
Like they know what they love to do.
They know how they want to drive their life.
People who...
Have respect for themselves.
They say no to what they don't like.
They say yes to what they do love.
People who have the power and the ability to...
Shift their life into how they want to shift their life.
Those people.
I think that really is...
Really attractive to me.
I understand that.
Pretty deep, right?
I don't think anyone was expecting this deep of an answer.
Yeah, it is.
But for me, it's just you are.
You know yourself and you have your self-awareness.
And that's what you are for me.
Thank you.
Yeah, so that's why I respect you.
That's the point.
For me.
I completely understand that.
How about you?
Oh, me?
Like, not being...
But not being too confident.
So, can you elaborate on that a little bit more?
Like, it's a little bit the same thing, but someone knows that...
That things that one can or cannot...
Like, don't lie.
Be honest to yourself.
It's important to me.
Like, that people seems like...
Like, attractive to me.
So, what did you mean when you said not too kenkyo?
Like, care about too much other people.
Like, actually someone is able to do this.
More able to make this.
But if she or he is too kenkyo.
Like, have no confidence.
Like, in too much.
Then, not show that talent.
Isn't one of the...
An honest way of living.
Okay, okay.
For me.
I understand.
I get that. I get that.
So, I like someone who is really honest.
I feel something similar. Very similar to what I said.
I think that also could lead to self-awareness.
That could lead to self-happiness.
Driving yourself to happiness could be a similar kind of topic, I guess.
Also, I have one more thing.
Someone who is cheerful.
Cheerful person.
I like this kind of people.
Like, always have happy atmosphere.
Like, cheering atmosphere.
Like, not deny everything.
Like, cheering up atmosphere.
Like, accepting open person.
Is what I like.
Is that different from an optimist?
It's a little bit similar, but it...
One has not have to be...
It doesn't have to be optimistic.
You can say no to...
If you have typical reason.
But always have cheerful atmosphere.
Gotcha, gotcha.
I understand that.
I understand where that comes from.
Like, that skill, right?
Like, I think that natural born or acquirable, I do not know.
But I think that's skill.
There's some people that's really good at it.
There's some people who doesn't, who aren't.
I understand that.
I understand how that's a "魅力的" kind of factor.
I totally get that.
What about you? Do you have any other thing?
I got one more thing.
Is that someone who try hard.
Is someone I like.
Who's going at it for their dreams, right?
Yeah, like studying English everyday, maybe.
People who are pursuing their dreams.
I understand that.
Like for me, it doesn't even have to be for one's dream.
But trying hard moves me.
I see, I see.
That's already moves me.
That is "魅力的".
Yeah, yeah.
Someone who's going really hard.
Yeah, like "運動会"
Running really hard, trying his or her best.
Like sing and try one's best.
You know, that's already, that's the "魅力的" for me.
There's something about the facial expression of that person.
That's "魅力的".
The eyes.
Very "魅力的".
That's beautiful.
That is beautiful.
That is beautiful.
Yesterday, did you know that the movie "ドラえもん" was on air?
I know you don't have the television, so I'm assuming you didn't watch.
But the movie of "ドラえもん" was on air.
And the last part was like, "ドラえもん" was fighting with "ジャイアン".
Wow, "ドラえもん" was fighting with...
No, no, no.
Nobita-kun was fighting with "ジャイアン".
"ドラえもん" is too strong for "ジャイアン".
He has so many mecha.
And the thing about Nobita-kun was that he was trying to fight "ジャイアン" without "ドラえもん".
That was his goal.
He was always like, "I'm always relying on "ドラえもん" and I cannot live like this anymore.
I have to beat "ジャイアン" by myself.
And then, as always, "ジャイアン" punches.
Nobita-kun gets down.
And "ジャイアン" was like, "Hahaha, you're weak as always."
And then Nobita-kun gets back up and be like, "I cannot let this happen."
And tries to grab him, but like very weak.
But once again, he's punched down.
And then again and again and again.
And then finally "ジャイアン" is like, "Okay, fine. You lose. I lose."
And then that was very touching.
That was very touching.
I would cry.
I would too.
I almost did cry.
But that was...
That's so "魅力的".
That's kind of like the same thing.
Do you get it?
I get it.
So there you go. That's about 10 minutes.
So thank you.
That was a really good topic by the way.
That was.
Thank you, VJ Kumi-san, for like immediately like spontaneously like...
Let's open up our conversations and like...
And say okay.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Let's end the podcast.
So bye-bye guys.
You're really busy today.
Yeah, I know.