1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 初ドライブデートで死にそうに..
2021-01-13 12:57


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Yeah, let's go.
That was cool.
I mean, I adapted.
So, I've got a message through Instagram.
Oh, great! You're being honest!
Of course, I...
You're being honest!
Every day I am honest. I never lied.
So, this is from Kyoro-chan.
Kyoro-chan, arigatou gozaimasu!
Hello, I'm always watching your podcast.
Thank you.
I'm always looking forward to it.
Senjitsu komado you no kaaten wo tsukutteita no desu ga, sunpo wo hakari keisan wo shite nunou saidan shita no ni mo kakawarazu, nimen no ichi no saizu ni kitte shimai mashita.
Minasan wa kore wo shiyou to omotteita no ni, naze ka wakaranai keredo konna koto wo shite shimatta to iu koto na do wa arimasu ka?
Thank you!
You know what? I feel like Yama-chan has lots of stories that are...
Why do you say that?
You're the guy for this.
You're the guy.
The guy for this.
The guy who would do these kinds of things.
You know, I always plan so well.
You're not Kake-chan.
You're not Kake-chan.
That's Kake-chan.
Yeah, like, kore wo shiyou to omotteita no ni, naze ka wakaranai keredo.
Right, but there are so many experiences that I...
There are so many, right?
I mean, I must have one too.
I'm trying to remember if I have one.
But, you know...
When I cook, at first I was thinking that trying to make some tomato pasta today.
But finally I...
You know, at that time.
At that time.
But while you were cooking, things are going to the different place.
What do you mean?
And then finally I made spinach spaghetti.
What are you talking about?
You know, that happens a lot.
That does not happen.
I tried to make chahan.
But finally I made a little durian thing.
How do you do that?
That happens to me.
Wait, what do you mean?
Even though I completely well planned before I start cooking.
But finally I reached somewhere... I don't know.
That is so weird.
Wait, you start off...
So you're like in your room, like, "Oh, I'm hungry. I'm going to cook myself some chahan."
So you go to cook pad.
Do you go to cook pad?
I don't go to cook pad.
But I, you know...
You have recipes in your head, right?
You're going to be like, "Oh, I'm going to cut this, cut this, add this, add that."
Just fry some rice.
You got that down in your head, right?
You go to the kitchen and you're like, "Okay, let's execute what I have in my mind."
And you start off, like, cutting all the ingredients and shit, like, right?
Get the rice.
And you end up with a durian.
What the fuck, man?
How the fuck does that happen?
I don't know.
Like, when you see in your fridge, you'll find maybe a tomato.
Then, "Ah, it looks delicious.
Why don't I put this?"
And I put tomato in my chahan.
So you still think that it's going to be a chahan even if you put the tomatoes, right?
Like, then I start thinking about, don't care about chahan or durian or whatever else.
So your goals are changing.
Are changing.
Every moment.
And I put tomato, then I stop putting my Chinese dashi things.
Then why don't we put consomme?
Okay, let's try that.
Put my cheese on it.
Then, "Ah, it looks delicious then."
But it's delicious then.
It tastes good-bad.
Well, I mean, that's not bad, right?
That's your style of cooking, I guess.
Yeah, but...
Yeah, right?
It's not that bad.
It is weird, it's weird, but it's not like, you know, if it tastes good then, you know, it's not bad.
Like, you're not aiming for a chahan anymore.
Like, you yourself is not aiming for that in the first place.
So, like, it's not like your mind is blacked out and gone.
Oh, shit.
What are you doing?
I think you broke my...
I think I broke your little...
This came off.
Is that supposed to come off?
Like this, maybe?
Yeah, I think that's good.
Yeah, there you go.
Don't want to break your chair.
Okay, okay.
I, um...
I had one in my mind.
Okay, understand.
I, uh...
What was it?
I bought...
There was...
Ah, I have one.
This is not kind of like...
It's not like that, but on my first girlfriend.
When I had my first girlfriend, right?
What was that?
Not my first...
I was driving my car.
It was like, I think it was like second year college, maybe?
So it was my second girlfriend.
So I was driving my car.
We were like driving, right?
And this was like the time where I wasn't really used to those kind of things.
What do you mean kind of things?
Driving and dating?
Like dating.
Like drive dating.
You know, like that.
So I was a little bit nervous and I was like...
I parked.
I parked at some random spot.
It was in Tokyo.
So I parked.
We went to...
I forgot where we...
It was either a park or a restaurant.
I do not remember.
But we went somewhere.
We parked in a parking, like a coin parking kind of space.
We left.
It was like...
I forgot how long.
Maybe like four or five hours maybe.
Then we came back to the car and I checked the parking.
You know how you enter the number?
Like the number two or number one.
And then you click "Seisan" and then the amount comes out.
It was like "Nanase-yan".
It was fucking "Nanase-yan" dude.
I think...
Yeah, I remember it was like "Nanase-yan" or...
For four or five hours.
And it was like...
Oh shit.
What the fuck is this?
And I checked my wallet and I did not have enough money.
What am I going to do?
I cannot tell this to my girlfriend.
So I was like...
I was like...
You know what?
I am going to run to the convenience store because I am going to get some drinks.
I ran to the convenience store and I ATM myself.
And then I got the money.
I was like...
I did not know that parking would cost so much.
It was like...
It would have punched my face.
It would have punched my mouth.
And then I was like...
So then I found out that there was...
You have to look...
There is a "Saidairyo-kin" in some parking lots.
I did not know the concept of the "Saidairyo-kin".
I did not know that there was a parking lot that stops.
Yeah, so...
That was a...
That hurt.
Financially, yeah.
You know, about driving...
I have one experience.
You know, bittersweet...
Memory, you know.
When I...
Same as you, when you want to drive...
With my girlfriend at that time.
It was...
We went to...
It was "Nagano".
"Nagano", yeah.
We were in Kanagawa.
And went to "Nagano".
Like through the...
Yeah, "Kousoku-doro".
And you know, it's the opposite side of Japan.
So you have to go through all the mountains to reach "Nagano".
You know?
Got it, got it, got it.
And "Nagano" is around here.
So go through all the mountain side.
And all the "Sannmyaku" things.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was kind of our first drive to...
First drive to...
That far place.
Ah, got it, got it.
And it was winter.
And we planned like...
10 hours of thorough driving.
Which I did.
Hardcore driver.
I start...
Just after start driving, it starts snow.
And we couldn't drive at all.
Like I can't see the in front like just 10 meters.
So that we have to stop at any place.
At the place.
On the spot you had to stop.
Yeah, but that was in the mountain.
We were in the middle of mountain.
There is no hotel, there is no restaurant, no place at all.
But we couldn't stop in the mountain.
Because it's too cold.
If we sleep in the mountain, we're gonna die.
So all we had to do was just keep going.
And even in the completely white world, I was kinda like this.
In the mountains, right?
Where like if you go off a little bit, you go downhill?
Yeah, like...
That kind of road?
I didn't even know.
You didn't know if there was a guardrail on the side or not.
And I was like 10 km/h.
Driving like this.
And I was so so...
It was so tough journey.
That's a tough journey.
Yeah, but it was in the midnight.
We reached to the little tiny village.
And there was a little hotel.
Thank god.
So lucky.
Thank god.
Yeah, but I really remember that journey.
That was so fun now.
But at the time, you know, I was...
I'm gonna die with my girlfriend.
Was there anyone?
Was no one going pass by you?
Was it like that super sudden kind of snow?
Yeah, it was hard snow.
It was really hard snow.
And of course, it was in the mountain side.
And the road was completely iced.
And slippy.
So scared.
Thank god you're alive.
Really really...
Thank god you made it through.
So like the worst case scenario would have been you slipping off the road, right?
Like there's no guardrail.
I'm sure there's guardrails.
I think so, but...
Maybe if they didn't have a guardrail and you didn't see the white because you didn't see the road ending, right?
Like the side, you go off side a little bit.
One of your wheels come off, then on.
So fucking scary as shit, man.
That's why I don't want to drive with my friend.
What's the right thing to do?
What do you mean?
At that moment.
When you're in the situation, are you supposed to call the police?
Stop driving.
For support?
Stop driving?
Stop driving.
And wait until the snow melts?
Or like go back to that place.
Like if it starts snow and think about the plan, you know, I had to drive through 10 hours from there.
Then, okay, let's just stop.
It's impossible.
That's the right thing.
You're right.
Tough experience.
Yeah, I was so young.
So much energy.
It's right.
Thank God.
That's true.
Thank God you're alive.
And we arrived.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.

