2021-01-12 14:57


*Piano Music*
Alright, I'm gonna borrow your-
It's already on record by the way.
I'm gonna borrow your book.
*Piano Music*
*Piano Music*
*Piano Music*
Okay, ready.
1, 2, 3.
*Piano Music*
Home inspector found
a serious flaw in the
house, oh yeah.
Hybrid cars get
good, my little
children are
Oh, everybody,
come to
my house,
gather around,
and everybody
get your business,
let's have a great
That was nice!
That was nice!
The last half, I didn't even
look at the book, it just came to me.
That was amazing.
Musical geniuses here.
Bring with the piano.
Written by
Stevie Wonder, so.
I just played.
What was that song?
The song, "Everybody Come Gather."
But that was a nice song.
That was kind of nice, wasn't it?
Yeah, like really, the melody line was so
comfortable and long,
but still cool.
It matched the
chords, or whatever you call it.
It was a miracle.
Stevie Wonder will be surprised.
He'll be proud of me.
You know what?
I don't know what to talk about
until you say you're next again.
No, no, no.
Last episode, we talked about
New Year's resolution.
Last episode, I talked about mine.
So, this year,
you know what?
I have
I have two.
One is a very
light one.
To consume less sugar
is my goal.
You know the story.
I know the story, and it's not that light.
It's heavy.
Pretty serious.
You're right, it's pretty serious.
That's one.
You know the story, right?
You know the whole drama behind it.
So, that's one.
Another one
is to
this might be a little
I don't know how you call it.
Easy, maybe.
I pursue my happiness.
It's like always.
This isn't literally...
I've been
wanting to follow this, and I have
been doing this ever since
as long as I can remember.
It's been going on
for ages.
And I'm
still working on it.
Still on my journey
to pursue them.
Can you elaborate that to me, please?
Sure can.
Let me elaborate for you.
Well, you know.
I think that
I think I'm
at my highest.
I think I'm at an all-time high.
With my happiness level here.
If you were sharp, you know.
If you were sharp out there, guys.
All-time low was on my list of the worst.
It's a little arrangement.
It's an all-time high.
My happiness level is an all-time high in my life.
Really nice to hear that.
But I feel like I can do more.
I feel like I can do higher.
Like I can...
Like I...
I feel like I...
I don't know.
I feel like I can go higher, but at the same time
I feel like
I have enough.
I know this is contradicting.
And it's coming from the opposite sides.
it's a conflict I have inside me.
I want to be...
I feel like I can go higher.
I feel like I want to be more happier.
I feel like I can do more things.
I feel like pursuing my inner true self
would be something that I want to do.
But at the same time
what I get is that
me wanting to be more happier
really means
telling myself that I'm not happy enough.
That's what...
I feel like that's the same...
That's the same kind of thing.
Telling yourself that you can be more happier
means that you are not happy enough.
You know what I'm saying?
So I feel like
with that in mind
I feel like that
you know...
Maybe I just start thinking
that I already have enough.
And maybe I should be satisfied
with what I already have now.
not crave for more.
You know what I'm talking about?
So it's...
It's this hard balance I have inside me.
Like how I should...
How I should place the rails
in front of me
throughout my journey of life.
Like should I
take the rail of
you know...
being more greedy
to myself. Being more greedy to find
what I'm looking... trying to find
what I'm looking for. Or
be humble and like appreciate
what I have. And...
And feel the...
the graciousness that I already
have in my
environments and what's around me.
Which one should I go? Right?
I naturally feel both of them.
I feel like that's hard.
That's a bit difficult.
It really
didn't end up as
what's my resolution but that's
kinda like the big theme I have inside me.
Kinda, kinda.
What do you think about that?
I'm kinda a little
same to you. I'm feeling like
I'm really happy man. Happy guy.
Like living like this.
But still at the same time
I have to push me up.
Push myself.
To try hard.
So I can understand what you
say. But
for me it's a little different.
more I appreciate what I have.
I'm feeling like
I feel like I have to
try more.
So there's no conflict.
What do you mean?
The more you
feel happier
like appreciate more
I will think
that I have to try harder.
Because I have so many things
that I have to
try hard.
Wait I'm not getting it.
Because if I don't have nothing
I have to
concentrate my life
and I have to think myself
and my happiness.
But if I have this
so many great things surrounding me
then I start to think
that I have to
like compared to me
having nothing.
So that leads me to
try more.
Like are you
guilted into doing more things?
Did I put that correctly?
What do you mean?
You're guilted. You feel guilty that
you're blessed with so many things.
That forces you
to create value.
No but more you appreciate
what you have
that means you realize
that you can do
so many things
like compared to
me having nothing.
why not
do more?
Think about this.
If you were a bird
If I were a bird
I think I would love to fly.
I really want to fly.
And if I were a
then I would definitely love to
run in 200 km/h.
And if I were me
having this environment
then do me.
That's what I
want to
more appreciate that things I have.
You want to fully utilize
your possibilities.
If you are a bird
and have wings
then why don't you fly?
That's what I
think. So there's no conflict
in myself.
I feel
happy and at the same time
I feel like I have to do more.
So if I trace
my kind of
my thoughts onto that
what would happen is
you've got so much possibilities.
You've got your
possibilities. You've got your
options. You've got what makes
you you.
And the fact that you're not
fully utilizing that
kind of gets you kind of
guilty. It kind of gets you.
Then you start to feel like
I'm not satisfied.
How should I say?
You're not
The more you think
the more you say yourself
oh I can utilize more
of my
possibilities. Oh I can utilize
all of these surroundings. The more
I say that to
myself. The more at the same
time the more I say oh you're not
doing enough. Oh you're not
you're not
you're not
you haven't accomplished it.
The more
you know what I'm saying?
Yeah yeah yeah.
But for me there's no
choice but to stop thinking about that.
I mean it's
what do you think about that? What do you mean stop thinking about that?
like when you stop thinking
that okay it's
okay I
reached here. Okay.
for what
are you living?
I mean.
You're right.
No you don't think so?
what would happen if I decided to
say to myself okay
this is it. Yeah.
You've made it. You're done. You've got everything.
You're happy. Be appreciative
of what you have. I don't know
what I would probably do is
spreading love.
Is what I would probably do.
Well that's a
for me like
spreading love is
try hard.
The same thing for me. You know what
that's a good point. That's a
yeah that's a
that's an interesting
zone. Yeah.
So what would I do? Okay. What would I
do? Yeah if you
stop like if you
say okay
you got everything. Yeah.
That's a good question.
So on
first thought I thought I was gonna that was my answer
to like spread love like create content
that would
not be a merit
for me in any way.
You know what I'm talking about but for
other people. Yeah.
Do you want to say like
I don't want to be
I don't want to
create I don't want
live for my own
merits. I want to live
for other people's
merits. Like I want to do stuff.
I don't know. It's probably because
I feel like human connections are
very worthy
like yeah
I feel like I don't know why.
What am I talking about here dude?
I don't know what I'm talking about.
You don't think that's
what we are doing is for
other people? Right right
you're right but you know I know of
course we think about ourself of course
a little bit but you know it's
obviously for other people.
Right you're right
maybe I feel like I can do more maybe then.
but then you
you start to think that
you are not happy man.
It's a paradox. Wow.
See this is hard right? This is
hard. This is
so hard. But that means you are
you know you appreciate
what you have then
thanks to
that all these things
you can
produce new things
right? You're right.
Yeah but it's
there's a conflict
inside you. I feel like
there's something that I haven't addressed
for sure.
That's something that's really important
but I don't know I can't articulate that
it's in my mind but it's not
I can't get it out so
maybe later
maybe after some time maybe I can
get that out. Let's talk about that later.
But on this episode that's
as far as we can get.
What's it called again?
Stimulation? What was that?
Stimulation? What are you talking about?
This is resolution.
This year's resolution
was to consume less sugar
and pursue my life.
Right? This is my
resolution. There you go.
Alright, bye bye guys.

