1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 「Wonder」が良かったから別の..
2021-01-14 13:10


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
So, what have you got us for today?
So, we've got a Ningajo from...
You got a Ningajo man?
You need an actual street address for that thing, you know that?
That's what I did.
Where did she send it?
To my house.
To your fucking house?
Jesus Christ!
I didn't know you were opening up your street address!
I did!
So, for those who don't know my address yet, I'm gonna tell you.
Is to...
Let's stop it right there.
Not a good idea.
Not a good idea.
Thank you for stopping me.
So, I've got a Ningajo from I Am Kyeonchan.
I Am Kyeonchan!
Thank you.
I Am Kyeonchan.
That's a great name, by the way.
She is Kyeonchan.
To name yourself I Am Kyeonchan.
I love it.
She is Kyeonchan.
I should change my name to I Am Kyeonchan.
It's like I Am The Rock.
I Am The Rock.
That's what you're saying, right?
Okay, so.
I always enjoy watching your podcast.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The other day, you introduced Wonder, which you introduced in the Christmas movie.
I watched it on Netflix.
I was so moved that I cried.
And it was a movie that was easy to listen to in English.
That's true.
That's true.
The high school girl is reading this movie in the original version in an English class.
I see.
There was a original version.
The movie you introduced last time was very interesting.
If you have any other movies you recommend, please let me know.
That's what she said.
Thank you very much for watching that movie, Wonder, called Movie Wonder.
I saw it too, which was great.
Podcast listeners, you gotta watch this.
It's amazing.
It's an amazing movie.
It's an amazing movie.
Do you have any movies that are in your mind?
If you liked Wonder, I recommend, I'm sure you've seen it, but La La Land.
La La Land, yes.
The show, the showman, the greatest showman.
The greatest showman.
I love that movie too.
One of my students told me about the En-totsu Machi no Puperu.
That was also a brand new movie, right?
Right, brand new movie.
I haven't seen it yet, I'm planning to see it.
But she told me that was also a similar kind of movie.
It's about following your passion, not caring about what other people think.
It's a little town inside a chimney.
En-totsu Chimney.
There's a little village, I think she told me.
There's one boy who believes that there is a beautiful sky up there.
Oh, you can't see.
The chimney is filled with clouds, so you can't see what's above it.
Everyone was like, "Oh, what's up there is just grey stuff.
There's nothing up there."
But this one boy who believes, continues to believe that there's a beautiful sky up there.
It's his pursuit of his journey of finding the truth maybe.
Sounds interesting, right?
It must be a great movie.
That's another thing I recommend.
Oh, you got one?
Yeah, it's a Japanese movie called...
Wait, wait, wait.
What was it?
Hana yori dango?
I know that's a good movie, but not that one.
What was that?
Kimi no kiss wo tabetai.
What the hell?
What? That's weird.
I combined so many movies.
Kimi no suizou wo tabetai.
Right, right.
It's called Yokomichi Yonofuke.
Do you know that?
Nope, never seen it.
It's a Japanese movie.
It's a little old one.
It's about 10 or 15 years ago maybe.
Or 10 years ago.
It's about a boy, a man called Yokomichi Yonofuke.
That's the name of that man.
And it's about him and his friends and his girlfriend.
Nothing special is going to be happening.
So it's like his everyday life.
Yeah, but one...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
I don't want to say everything about the storyline, but...
He's a really, really kind boy, kind man.
The story is about him entering the university and meeting other people.
And growing up with each other.
It's a human drama.
Right, it's a human drama.
Is it comedy?
Ah, no.
More like romance.
It's a drama.
Human drama.
I don't know if I should say this as a romance.
Human drama.
Human drama is like the main...
If you had to put it in the genre, it would be human drama.
A little bit romance though.
A little romance?
Got it, got it.
It's a really touching movie.
What was the name again?
Yokomichi Yonofuke.
Got it.
Do you think it's on Amazon Prime?
Let me see.
You know, everything is on Amazon Prime, so...
Not now.
There are some films like that.
Why is that?
I don't know.
I don't know.
It's a bullshit system.
I don't know why that happens, but...
Can you tell me why, please?
No, I don't...
I'm sorry.
I do not know.
Why can...
I don't know.
I can't see this on Amazon Prime.
I have no idea.
You can see the trailer, right?
No, why?
Yoshitaka Yuriko is on it.
So why?
Do you like her?
Yeah, Yoshitaka Yuriko is famous.
Yeah, and do you like her or not?
Well, not much.
Oh, really?
But she's famous, right?
Yeah, she's famous.
I like her, by the way.
But he's famous and he's famous too, right?
Oh, really?
I don't know.
Oh, yeah, yep.
Yeah, he's famous.
He's famous too.
This guy.
Oh, yeah, I know that guy.
This guy.
He has a good face.
She has a good face.
Oh, do you know the movie called, uh...
Jidai Geki?
No, no, no, no.
Miyamoto Masashi.
Miyamoto Karakimi-e.
It's, uh, the movie that I will never see again.
I will never watch again because it's too strong and kind of traumatic to me.
Wait, how...
What do you mean?
I am now interested in that very much.
Uh, but it's, you know, the movie is about...
It's Ikemasa Sosuke.
This guy is the main...
No, no, no, no.
It's Miyamoto.
And he, uh, he tries to fight against the company, you know, about the people who is much stronger
than him for himself and for her wife, I mean, girlfriend.
I mean, that seems like a really...
It doesn't seem traumatic to me, you know?
Yeah, but...
Is it the way that they...
Does he...
The way he tries to get back at them is kind of violent?
Yes, it is.
First of all, it's really violent.
It's a violent movie.
And it's not that using a gun or, you know, hide, like, SF films.
But it's, like, it's really, really real.
Got it.
I'm feeling like it can be happened to anybody.
You know, that's why I don't want to see that again.
They got lots of torture scenes.
Torture is, uh, "gomon."
No, no, no, no.
There's not "gomon," but, uh...
You know, the fighting scene is really real.
It was realistic.
Right, right.
The visual effect was realistic.
There is no visual effect made by computer.
It's all, you know, everything is real.
Got it, got it.
So it looks like in the real world.
Oh, yeah.
It's happening there.
Right now.
Oh, shit.
And the reason why Miyamoto has to fight against them is, you know...
It's hard.
It's hard.
It's political.
Uh, like, yeah.
Like, yeah.
Oh, sorry.
I shouldn't say this.
You're now curious about this and trying to see the movie, right?
But, yeah, let's give a huge warning, right?
It's a very violent...
It's a very...
Like, you know, it's not violent.
Like, for me, it was a tough movie to watch through.
I was in a theater, and it was so hard for me to sitting in a chair and watch through
two or three hours.
But I remember that film, which means that was a good film.
But it's a strong film.
Let's just give a huge warning for that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's a strong film.
It was.
Careful before you watch, right?
Make sure you watch the "Yokoku."
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You get the image of the whole movie, right?
Well, there are some people who film nothing.
Of course.
Of course.
I once saw a movie that had...
It was the first time where I saw a Hollywood movie with...
And I'm usually okay with Hollywood movies with, like, violent scenes in it.
Like, the gun shoots and, like, the bloods.
I'm really okay with that.
But there was...
Did I tell you this before?
Oh, yeah.
"American Assassin," right?
Yeah, "American Assassin."
I saw "American Assassin."
I was like...
I almost threw up in the morning.
It was a mistake because I saw it in the morning, in the morning train.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
With my hungry stomach.
So many tortures.
Yeah, the torture scene was really disgusting.
It was like, "Oh, oh, God."
And I didn't feel well.
I didn't eat anything in the morning, and I was kind of hungry, but I couldn't...
Nothing went down my throat in the lunch time.
So please don't watch that, the American Assassin.
That was some disgusting-ass movie.
I can't...
Like, I really can't understand why they make films like that.
Like, so many tortures scenes.
Or horror movies, too.
I mean, that's...
I have no idea why people don't want to watch that.
So, recommendation was the "Puperu," right?
I mean, I've never seen this, so I can't really...
It was my student's recommendation, so I can't say it, speak for myself, but...
You know, "La La Land," "The Greatest Showman,"
and one of my students told me the "En-tetsu Machi no Puperu."
Yeah, okay.
And "Yokomichi Yonosuke."
"Yokomichi Yonosuke."
Alright, there you go. Thanks for listening guys! Bye!

