1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンの引越し先はどう?
2020-12-17 11:57


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Pretty low.
You're really good at doing that.
My little duck voice, right?
Yeah, like little monster.
Monster voice. Yeah, thank you.
You can do some seiyuu job.
Oh, can I?
I think you can.
But only for the evil one.
You can talk with your voice like that?
I can.
I can talk with my voice.
Yeah, you can do that.
Okay, that's tokugi.
Yeah, right.
So, let's talk about your city.
Your new city.
Right, I moved to a new city.
I moved this November...
November, I believe.
Wait, I think November.
Yeah, one month.
Lots of daigakusei.
Oh, that's nice.
You know, they give you like little energy.
Right. Like cheerfulness.
Nah, you're right. You're right. Happiness.
Right, that's...
Right. You're right.
There is some sort of a cheerfulness in the existence of the college students.
But there's also the annoyance of the college students too.
I can imagine that.
So, my city is like...
It's way more urban than the city I was in before.
Which we share the same city.
We were very close.
Yeah, because that city...
No, I don't want to call that a city.
That was a little town or village.
That was really...
Disrespectful Shuraku.
Disrespectful Shuraku.
But you know, that was a little...
Very small, tiny town.
In a countryside of...
So, compared to that, it's very, very urban, I feel.
But not very, very urban.
Not like when you're talking about Kanagawa and Tokyo.
Like average...
I think it's below average.
There's lots of more urban cities.
But it's pretty good.
Good enough, I guess.
It's got the...
Oh, that's nice.
Tsutaya. You need that.
Yeah, I love Tsutaya. I love them.
It's got one tapioca shop.
It does. We do.
KFC, McDonald's.
Izakaya, Ikeke Ramen.
That's nice.
Stamina Don.
That's good.
Yakiniku Sushi Row.
Yakiniku King.
Yakiniku King. You know that?
Is that good?
It's like a cheap and tabehoudai kind of Yakiniku store.
So, that's good.
Actually, I went there yesterday.
It's got the...
It's got these little bagel shops.
Kojin K.A. bagel shops.
I have not found any Kojin K.A. cafes.
But it's got gems.
Oh, nice.
But my house is actually like 15 minutes away from a convenience store.
From what? Convenience store?
Like the nearest convenience store.
So, that's a little bit of a detour.
Especially when you want to buy a little chocolate.
Yeah, exactly.
I always try not to buy a huge packs of chocolates.
Why is that?
Because it will be easier for me to access to sweets.
Right, access to chocolates.
I'm trying to not consume them.
I don't want to have like easy access chocolates.
Even though I do have them right now.
My mindset is I don't want to have them.
That's nice.
So, that's good.
It's also positive.
It's also an upside that it takes 15 minutes.
It will stop me from going.
It could be an upside.
Oh, I don't know if it's a dog or a cat.
But I get this dog shit or cat shit.
I get new dog shits and cat shits every two days.
In the back of my house.
Back of my house is a little space.
A little yard?
Like a garden?
Kind of like a little garden.
It's filled with rocks, like little pebbles.
It's not so much of a garden.
It's just like a Japanese rock garden.
I wouldn't call it a garden because it's not facilitated.
It's just a space.
That one can go into.
But not do anything.
There's not really a space to do anything.
It's just space.
I get this dog shit.
Fresh dog shit.
Every two days.
I look at the window and there's dog shit.
Here, there, over there.
I don't know who's doing it.
I don't know if it's done by someone's dog.
And the owner's irresponsibility leaving that there.
Or if it's just a wild cat pooping on the floor.
I don't know.
I've been getting fresh shits.
Fresh shits.
On my backyard.
And I kind of smell a little.
It's very uncomfortable.
You're not happy.
I open my window and there's shit smell coming in.
That's not good.
Not good at all.
I'm taking videos every day.
And I'm going to send them to my owner.
That's the problem.
That's the problem, right?
I just want to make sure that it's not you.
No, it's not me.
I'm not the one shitting and putting it in my...
I don't do that.
I don't do those kind of things.
You know what I'm talking about?
I know some people who does that.
It's not me.
It's like this big.
My shit's like this big.
The size is different.
That must be like cat.
Because that...
This size maybe?
This thick.
It's like...what?
1.5 centimeters thick.
I thought that was a little too thick for a cat.
Oh, maybe.
Don't you think?
I was thinking dog.
There is no wild dog.
So I was thinking somebody's dog.
Have you ever seen dogs?
I've never seen dogs.
I see many cats.
I see a lot of wild cats.
So it's maybe cats.
I don't know.
But that's a problem.
That's a big problem.
It's fresh.
It's fresh.
It's still kind of wet.
Someone is at the same time...
Someone is collecting the old ones.
Every once in a while,
it resets.
And it's gone.
Followed by a brand new fresh shit.
But like...
Someone must...
like cleaning up.
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe Oya-san?
I don't know.
I heard that there's like little sprays.
You can spray on the floor.
So that cats won't come.
Oh, that's nice.
I think that you should do that.
I've seen a little...
Someone putting a little plastic bottle.
With water.
How cool.
In front of the house.
Cats are afraid of that?
I don't know.
But it's kind of maybe...
What's that?
I'm not sure if it's scientific.
Proved one.
But in Japan,
there are so many houses that do that.
Like putting paint on.
But the cats are kind of cute though.
Cats are kind of cute.
You like cats?
Are you allergic?
No, but I don't like...
You don't like cats so much?
I think not that much.
I'm not a hater.
If you see a wild cat that's really like...
Okay with being touched.
You're not going to go for it?
No, I'm okay with touching.
But I'm not going to touch them.
See them.
I think they are cute.
But you have no interest in petting them?
Do you like cats?
I do. I love cats.
I love petting wild animals.
So you can feed them maybe.
I've done it in my past house.
Yeah, I've done that.
I saw the wild cats and I've done feeding them.
Like in the middle of the night.
I would go outside.
No one would see me.
No, you shouldn't do that.
But they are so cute.
There's one cat that always comes to me.
Whenever I walk around.
That was so cute.
I was tempted.
I bought little...
I leave some on my knee a little bit.
I go outside and give it to them.
I do it in the middle of the night.
Because I don't want nobody to see me.
I don't want people to be like,
"Hey, what are you doing? Feeding cats?"
I don't want that to happen.
I'm secretly giving them food.
One time when I was done feeding.
The cat followed me to my door.
I forcefully locked him out.
But he came to my door.
So he loved you.
He loved me.
He's probably doing that to everyone who gives them food.
He was a little bit fat.
So I'm assuming a lot of people did that to him.
But I kind of learned my lesson.
Not to give them food.
Alright. There you go.
Thanks for listening again, guys.

