2020-08-11 15:35


This is Jingles.
Okay, but...
Okay, what about it?
I have to sing in the sweetest voice as I can.
Got it.
When I see your face...
I'm gonna stop you right there.
Hey guys, welcome back to the Lips of Faze's broadcast!
Terrible opening right there by Yama-chan.
Poorly executed that opening.
So, we're doing Mei-san's request for topic again.
"Sukina, doubutsu"
Oh, that's a cute question.
Yeah, it's suddenly a very simple cute question.
It was all like, well thought out questions.
Suddenly like, your favorite animal.
That's pretty cute.
Why she's asking this.
"Sukina, doubutsu"
Well, I have one actually.
That's Shiba-ken.
I absolutely love Shiba-ken.
I know that.
I remember that your line icon was Shiba-ken picture.
Yeah, people always told me like, you look exactly like that dog.
Right, right.
Like that Shiba-ken looked like really...
Like, I don't...
Like, sorry, I never wanna offend you.
No problem, go ahead.
But he was kind of really, really foolish face.
He was a happy guy.
Yeah, I think he's a happy guy.
But, like, thinking about nothing.
But that's okay, it's okay.
I'm not offended at all.
That doesn't mean he's saying I've never had any thoughts in my life.
Like, opening mouth like that.
He was cute by the way.
He was cute, you know.
I always took that as a compliment when people told me my line picture looks like my face.
It was a compliment for me.
I like Shiba-ken.
I like dogs that are really, really stupid looking.
Like, I love the dogs.
Like, dogs walking and then hit a pole.
You know how there's like a pole in the middle of a...
I've never seen dogs hitting...
Yeah, that never happens.
But like, some people do, some dogs do.
I'm hoping for it.
Like, some foolish dogs in the world.
Exactly, it's cute.
Like, he's walking and you suddenly hit a pole.
It's cute.
And he's like, laying on the floor and all of a sudden he's like, started puking on the floor.
That's cute.
It's cute.
And like, you know, like, racing for your tail and spin around.
That always happens, right?
Maybe that's a cat thing.
It's a cat thing, right?
That's cute.
I mean, the stupid dog is really cute.
And I always enjoy watching those stupid dogs.
Stupid dogs.
They're really, really cute.
Yeah, I always dreamed of having one.
Shiba Ken is kind of expensive, by the way.
Oh, really?
Yeah, they are. It's popular.
And I think the market's getting pretty high with the Shiba Ken.
Have you ever had one?
No, never had a Chihuahua, but I've had Chihuahuas.
Oh, sorry, I've never had a Shiba Ken with a Chihuahua.
Oh, really?
Yes, I've had two of them.
One's Coco-chan, and I forgot the other one.
Mei-chan, Mei-chan.
One's Coco-chan and another's Mei-chan.
So, they're both Shihuahua.
Oh, right, right, right.
Same name as the Instagram meme.
So, they're both really little puppies.
Little cute little Chihuahuas.
Enjoyed it.
But I would love to have a Shiba Ken.
They were both a request of my sister.
My sister always had the power, right?
I imagine that.
Right, so she would choose which dog to have.
And she would rule the...
The brother-sister kind of relationship.
Now, I'm independent, so I want to get a Shiba Ken.
Does Shiba Ken exist in the United States?
No, that's a Japanese dog.
So, you don't have it there?
No, not in America.
But I guess it's starting to gain a little bit of attraction there in America.
You know how the pro figure skating medalist, Zaki Toa,
she received a Shiba Ken, right?
Right, right, right.
Everyone's like, "Oh, what is this Shiba Ken thing?"
Right, so it's gaining popularity.
But no, it's not in America currently.
And I would love to have one.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, so tell me what. What about you?
Oh, I like dogs.
But the most favorite one should be...
Let me guess.
Let me guess.
Okay, okay.
I'm gonna guess.
Because you're such a nature guy.
I think you've gone into something more of a characteristic kind of animal.
Not like Hachure, where you can't read the faces of the animal.
I think you want the interaction with the dog.
So it would be like a dog or a cat or a monkey or someone who learns,
interacts with you, recognizes you.
I think those are the kind of animals that you'd like.
And I guess from the list of the ones that I gave,
I think a dog would be the most human characteristic kind of animal.
So I'm gonna go with a dog.
But I have a feeling that you like big dogs.
I have a feeling that you have a golden retriever kind of dog.
Or a huge muscular kind of dog.
So I would go with a golden retriever.
How about that? Let's go.
Thank you for your guessing.
You're right.
I like dogs, especially the huge ones.
Someone like a bear.
But the most, you know, the...
No, no, no.
Your most favorite?
Right. My most favorite one should be an elephant.
Okay. Tell me about it.
They are huge.
They walk slow.
Like as I told you, when I went to Kenya,
I saw them walking slowly.
Like really, you know, with...
You know.
Enjoying the slow life.
That was so calming.
They were so calming.
So were you on top of the elephant?
No, no, no.
Just watching from afar?
Oh, by the way, I have an experience that I only...
Oh, you were on top of the elephant.
Yeah, when I was in Thailand.
But I'm not talking about that.
Elephants, you know, huge.
And also, they...
You know, their brain is really, really like humans.
Oh, really?
Yeah, it's really high level, right?
So they care about their families, their children,
their grandfathers, their grandparents.
That's what I like.
I've seen a video where an elephant paints a picture with their nose.
I think you've seen that before.
Yeah, yeah.
They're pretty clever, right?
Right, they're clever.
So they're all really smart.
I thought it was just that one elephant that was extremely talented.
I guess that is talented, but like generally,
all elephants have big brains and they're pretty intelligent.
Clever and kind.
They can help people.
They're really kind.
So I guess they're a little bit emotion based, like dogs and cats.
Yeah, I think so.
And monkeys are emotion based.
They have empathy, right?
I think so.
Or sympathy, something like that.
That's why I like them.
Do you like their looks?
Their skin and all that looks?
Do you like that?
So you like going to the zoo and just watching elephants.
That's a good point, but I don't prefer them in the cage.
You want to see them in the wild.
Like, unlimited place and they can go everywhere they want.
I wish happiness.
You wish happiness for them.
You have empathy for the elephants.
Very kind.
If you get the chance to own a pet, what would it be?
Obviously you can't have elephants in your backyard.
You can, but I don't think that's going to happen.
Is it possible?
You can't have some animals as pets in Japan under the law.
I don't know if elephants are under the law, but if you had to.
If you had the chance to have any pets in the world under the law, what would it be?
Yeah, dogs would be pretty.
Yeah, dogs.
What kind?
Big dogs.
Golden retriever?
How about the ones that are really muscular?
I don't like skinny dogs.
Petty-coded model dogs.
You know those dogs?
German shepherds?
Yeah, the super sexy dogs.
Do you think they are sexy?
I think they are sexy.
Have you seen their skin and body and legs?
They have no furs.
Yeah, I've seen them before.
I think that's pretty artistic.
Okay, but I prefer not being muscular.
But you know, with little fluffy furs.
What about bulldogs?
I like them too.
They're pretty cute, aren't they?
I think so.
Or like Toy Story.
The dog in Toy Story.
Because of the ugliness?
That's cute.
Ugliness is cute.
Just like a stupid dog.
Runs into a wall.
That's pretty cute.
Have you had any pets?
Just a fish.
Yeah, I had them too.
When I was in elementary school,
I went to one of the forests.
And you know,
I put honey on the trees.
The old cliche elementary.
Right, try to catch the huge kabutomushi.
Those are good memories.
With my little brother.
That was a good memory.
But it was really hard for young kids to keep them alive.
You see what I mean?
You were feeding them?
Responsibility wise?
Yeah, it was really hard.
You killed them all?
Because you didn't feed them?
I did.
But you know,
I think the condition was terrible.
Too hot or too cold?
I think so.
Too humid or something.
Got it.
I was giving them the jelly.
Like always.
The red one.
The blue one.
It was difficult.
And it was so sad.
So now I don't want to have any pets.
Because they will be gone.
I have a story.
We always talk about this when my family gets back together.
My sister was a very "wagamama" girl.
Unbelievably "wagamama" girl.
She would always cry when she doesn't get what she wants.
And so at that time...
I'm talking like elementary school age.
Wagamama period.
And then she would...
At that time she wanted a rabbit.
A rabbit?
If she doesn't get him, she would cry.
She would yell all over the place.
And our family would be devastated.
So we got her a rabbit.
Yes, we got her a rabbit.
This is United States.
It took...
It took so much effort to keep a rabbit healthy.
You have to feed him.
You have to take care of him so much.
And one other...
One other thing I had to take care of a rabbit...
Was that to keep it in the cage.
A rabbit...
You cannot underestimate the athletic skill of a rabbit.
That mother fucker got some legs.
They got some jumping power.
They got some muscles.
They got some slim body.
They would escape your fucking cage.
My rabbit would escape the cage every fucking night.
Next morning, she's gone.
Our family would have to be like...
Let's go find him.
She's out there somewhere.
We would always find him in the woods.
Walking alone.
Mother fucker, get out of the cage.
We would take her back to the cage.
That's tough.
That is fucking tough.
And that was such...
Such a workload for our family.
Especially my father.
So what my father decided to do...
He had a meeting with my mother.
In the middle of the night...
When me and my sister was asleep.
He goes like...
Mother, it's a problem.
We have to let her go.
So what he did...
He secretly gave it away to a neighbor.
Someone who wanted the rabbit.
Tick it to her.
And the next day, we would be like...
Oh, it's gone.
Oh shit, it's gone.
And then we'd look for it once.
Not find it.
And be like... Sorry sister.
I think she's gone.
Oh really?
That's what we had to do.
Because it was so much.
So much of a workload.
And my father knew that if we tell her...
That we're gonna give it away.
She would cry all over again.
It was too much to handle.
So he said, let's just give it to someone.
And pretend like she walked.
And the rabbit escaped.
That's what he did.
We would always laugh.
Get together and always laugh at the ages.
When we did that.
When was the moment that he revealed...
That he actually gave it to the neighbor?
Around when we...
Turned into shakaijin.
So we don't care about those things anymore.
That's when he revealed it to us.
It was pretty funny.
It's funny.
Yeah it is.
That wraps up the episode.

