1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん、ピアノをGET🎹
2020-11-11 09:58


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hey guys, I am right now by myself walking outside.
I am on my way to Yamachan's house which we will be recording our podcast and I'm almost there.
Today I messaged him about to come over to his house and he was like "yeah sure"
and he told me "oh you'll be surprised Kevin, you'll be surprised of my of something new about
his room." He didn't tell me if it was like an interior or something or or maybe he bought something
I don't know but uh he told me that I'll be surprised so uh very excited for that. I wonder
what it is. Maybe he bought like a new instrument or something possibly because he is so into music.
Okay I have arrived at his house. Okay
Dialing numbers.
Hello Yamachan. Hi. I have arrived. Thanks for coming over. Yep.
What was that? What was that? You have your hair cut. I had I did not have my hair cut.
How do you know that? I have my I have my cap on. I have my cap on. Okay.
I had my cap on and he was like "Kevin did you get a haircut?" How the fuck did he know? How the
fuck did he assume that I got a haircut? Funny Yamachan.
Okay out of the elevator onto his room. Alrighty.
It smells like wine in here. Hey what up man. Oh you have your hair cut?
You know what I was wondering why you said that when I had my cap on. When you can't even see my
hair. I do. You'd be like assuming. No no no it's because uh the pressure from the hat. You really
didn't? The cap. No I didn't. Oh yeah I did. Wow. Oh shit. I just remembered. Yeah.
You know what yeah because I always get my own haircuts. I it's not it's not an event for me.
Right sometimes you forget. It's just a daily thing. Yeah it's not that I cut my hair daily.
It's just it's not a special event. So uh you know what you told me. Uh-huh. In line. Yeah. Uh
you're gonna be surprised. Yep. I was like wondering did he get like a new instrument?
Did he like what did he do? Like you know and uh at your place. I see you have the doors closed.
Yeah. Can I go check it out or something? Sure sure. Okay. Oh you're talking about this door?
I don't know. Like is it? All right. I don't know. The biggest thing I've bought. Okay. Is
look at this. Look at this.
This is so convenient. Wait seriously? No no. Oh good good. I was like.
Like he showed me like this. What do you call those? I don't know.
Like stand. Right a triangle cone right to like let the air dry. And I was like shit.
His world is like oh what the fuck. All right you can just go. Okay so in this room right? Yeah.
You got a fucking piano. It's oh shit some badass piano man. Yes it is. Holy crap.
It's not a grand piano I'm assuming. It doesn't have the huge back right? It's but you know what
but the you but the texture is like just like a normal piano. Can I open this? Sure. It's applied
piano. Holy shit. What was it called? Uplighted piano. Uplighted? Yeah like up up and light maybe.
Up and light again. We call this upright piano. Holy shit. It feels just like a normal grand piano.
Well yeah it is. Holy shit man. Just play it. Wow you've got a piano.
That is so amazing. Yeah and also I'm pretty sure that I told you about the speakers huh?
Oh you got your yeah you told me about the speakers but I've never seen it like outside the box. Yeah.
Looks amazing. And I've got the little shelf. Oh yeah you use the shelf as your mics your your speaker
stands. Yeah so that I can put my books in it. Damn. It's really convenient. Your room has been upgraded
to the level that I did not imagine. But it looks like a little bit smaller than before but
well uh but it's nice. Nice and clean. Right? Simple. Yep. Oh god. Are you how's your piano?
It's good? Great. Good? That's great. Can you do me one? Can you like what can you do one? I want to
like how about like la la land? Can you do la la land for me? I don't know the end. I have no score so.
It's very like natsukashii for me. Yeah. I've once had pianos in my place before. Oh really? Yeah.
And um it feels the the feel of the keys you know like it's it's really different from like the
digital. Yeah. Piano right? So like the the feel you get when you when you push one key like it's uh
heavy huh? Yeah yeah yeah and I can feel the vibration like once it's pushed down. Yeah.
No yeah I don't know. You want to stop playing? Yeah I wanted to do like the la la land kind of theme song.
But I didn't remember.
Yeah that's it. Oh!
*Piano playing*
Oh look at this man.
Oh city of stars. Wow!
Yeah I'm just playing right now.
City of stars. Oh yeah.
Wow! Yeah well actually this is not the piano I bought actually. I uh it's uh
you know I have a friend graduated from the musical university but works at usual company now.
And uh that friend that friend like gave it to me I mean uh like
I. Lended it to you? Yeah yeah. Just borrowing it from you right? Yeah yeah yeah.
Okay so all the. Still right you know. Yeah all the scores are not mine actually. Ah okay okay.
I'm sure this cost very expensive. It's I'm sure it's expensive you try to. If I buy this. Yeah.
Yeah it is like. Like really. Yeah maybe more. Maybe more. Jeez. So I'm really lucky and happy.
Actually it came here. She came here yesterday. She came here yesterday. Yeah.
So did you play her yesterday? Yeah of course. Good good good.
I'm really glad your your room is filled with. Yes. Your your unbelievably amazing
musical instruments. Yes. And you're fulfilled every day with you know your music right? Right.
It's my studio. Good for you man. Amazing. And uh okay that was the the new. Uh what do you call these?
New instrument in your room. Yep. Uh thanks for listening. Well thanks for listening. We're gonna be uh
or will you make something for me? Sure sure. You mean that. Lunch? Yep. Thank you. Yeah.
So next episode will be Yabe-chan's Cafe. Right. Yeah. That would be great. Bye bye.

