2020-11-10 21:25


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Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast cast cast cast in we are in
Shinjuku station. Yeah
I hope you guys can hear this, you know, you know, yeah, it's a very loud
People I know right like so many so which where do you want to go? I
We have no plans right now
How have you ever been to of course many times actually in my old restaurant? I've I've
Placed a temporary storage in juke once. Oh, right. Yeah. Was that Shinjuku? It was Shinjuku. Wow
So you're yeah, I thought I have memories here. Okay. Yeah
Then where we are
Where are we? Yeah, right. Where are we? Where are we?
In Shinjuku station, I know that I know that but where are we like, you know, okay
Okay, okay. Let me ask you this. Where do you want to go? Okay?
Like I want to see a
Godzilla you want to see God's that of course man, I'll take you there. Do you know where to do?
I of course I know where it is. I
Came here. I came all the way from the US to live in Japan man
How would I not know where Godzilla is you come to this come here? It's over here. I think it's somewhere around the
Kabukicho area which I wish I see over there, right?
This is the way how you find the place right? So we got find that little come back. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes
Yes, you didn't know that. Yeah, I know that but you know, we're walking in the very opposite side of our directions
So let's go. Let's go over sideways here
It's really really like so crowded I know right very very crowded
We have to keep the social distance, huh? I know right there right, right
We do have to keep social distance. Uh-huh. But it's okay. We have our masks on. All right, right?
So oh look at that. What is that? So many people Oh around the IQ
Hi Q's an anime or something. It's a manga manga. Oh, we've got some love that. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, hold me once
So many people are taking pictures of the yeah
The toksetsu wall, right?
You want IQ you want me to take a picture of you?
You okay
Really okay, maybe not
You know what? What are we in or are we out?
I think we're still I think we're still inside. All right, Shinjuku
Really big city, huh?
Go that way maybe yeah, I think it's this way. It's kabukicho, right? We should go to kabukicho
Yep, yeah, I think this is it
Wait, are we out? I think we're out. Yeah, we're still inside the city. Really? We are going to to go to the outside
Huh, but there's no kaisatsu
So I guess we're out
Yeah, but we we did we did yeah, we did we did already. Yeah, so we're out. Yeah, okay
Did the outside of the kaisatsu? Okay, okay
The famous Aota studio
I have once entered in the Aota studio and did some event. Oh, really? Yeah, were you?
I did. You did the event? Yeah, like an acapella event or something like that? Yeah, kind of yeah
That's interesting, right was it fun? Yeah, it was fun. That's fun. I did it with a singer-songwriter
Oh, really? Yeah, that's good. Nice event. Good for you, man. Yeah, I know Aota is famous for like
"Gokigenyo" No, no, "Waratteita" right right right "Tamori-san" right
What the fuck man
Lion? Yeah, Lion
Right, what does do you know that mean? "Miraiyon" No, it's a you know "Mirai"
Future, Lion, combined right? So that's a future lion. Yeah, that's right. Oh, it's golden
So future lions are golden, I guess. Yeah, interesting, right
And that's a donation. Oh, "Lion no kuchi ni shihē ya kōka o tōnyū suru to hoemasu"
Interesting. Yeah
Great. Do you want to try one? Yeah. Oh you want to? Okay, sure
First time doing a Miraiyon
Hello, hello, how you doing?
Yeah, like a small coin in there. Yeah, I think that works. It's okay. I think that's uh
Here we go
They spoke! Wow! They spoke, man!
Miraiyon spoke. So like they do the roar with the lion and then they really speak Japanese
All right, that was fun
You told me once that you have been to Italy huh? I've been to Italy once. Yes, I have. Like you did the little you know
There's a place. No the the little thingy, right? The little like you put your hand in the mouth and then like you
If you are a lion, the hand will never be
ever be
You can you cannot put that out again. Oh, really? Yeah, I didn't know though that meant like I didn't know that
Oh, so if you're a liar, you're okay. Okay, so I was able to put my hand out which means I was not a liar
Yeah, okay
Good. Yeah, good good
So this is something you like yes, I'm looking at
Where are we at?
What is this place? I don't know but like in
Front of the Alta studio. Yeah, and I'm there's so many tall buildings. This is why I came to Japan for man
Okay, so you love this time. Yes strolling around the
The city lights the buildings buildings the size and time
So amazing. Yeah
I mean
I am I think I feel like I'm really fortunate to be here, you know, really? Yeah, I feel really grateful
It's really like precious for you to yes time like in the place like this, yes, I
Mean this is what I've been looking at through my computer screen when I was back in the US. Oh
This is my dream world, right? I was like, oh I want to be here someday
And you come to now I'm here
Fucking amazing. Yeah
Did do this I mean walking around and outside yeah occasionally. Yep. Occasionally I do I do I do
You know what I think we're going in the wrong direction, okay, let's walk this way and then turn left right great
Are you fascinated by these like
What do you mean urban cities I do you do yeah, do you like these kind of like cities like
Yeah, I do I do yeah like a little lighting like high buildings
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And all such as I like seeing the people like you're like seeing the people coming and going
people walking
What do you why what do you analyze? No, I don't analyze at all
see them and I you know kind of feel like I'm
Oh, there's a so many people around in the world
And I don't I feel I'm sincere a little bit. Really? Yeah, like oh look at them. There's so many people
You know each of them have
Like worries and that'd be so many things and I feel like wow
It'll be okay. Got it. Got it. Got it. I'm one of them right like you're you're not alone, right?
Everyone's got their own problems, right? And there's so many people living their lives
And they seem okay. Mm-hmm, which means we're okay. Yeah, I
Think it's uh, I think it's this way. Uh-huh. Oh that way. Yep. Uh-huh
The famous kabuki Joe Wow, hey, have you had negishi Yuta negishi I did I right it's good
Really good
Do you like you time I like you time. Oh, really? They're good. They're really good
Does get an restaurant is this in the United States? Yeah. No, I don't think so. I
think the only like similar form of restaurant is like steak food. Mm-hmm, right do you eat?
Yeah, I think they're yes, but I don't think I don't think it's that popular okay, right
You turn is like better right right right tongue right, you know, don't you know, don't you know, don't you? Yeah, right
I'm so cool. She'll net. Yeah, that's really good
Wow, this is a book. It's oh, yep. I don't think this is like the main street of kabuki. Okay, I think we should go
I've once walked
Through kabuki Joe alone
How was that?
So many kept Vicky. Yeah, like so many onii-san right comes up to me like but it's got
Right, I know that right maybe girls don't know about this, huh
Maybe yeah, maybe not because they never come to them, right? Right. Is that actually I have once told that kind of story too
Like female friend. Uh-huh. And and they they didn't know about that
Oh, they so maybe girls don't know about that, right?
So if you didn't know if you go to kabuki Joe and you're a guy
Right, and if you're alone, we're maybe two of us. So maybe today we might get those kinds of yeah, but
So many kept Vicky for like kabakura
Like sexual services, right, right
And then they always like though this go right though this go that's how they talk
Yeah, there's certain language of like, oh look Godzilla man. Wow. We've got the Godzilla
Does the Godzilla like?
Light up every few I a few minutes or something. Really?
Hey, it's already lighten up. No. No, I think the Godzilla like
Scorts out fire from the mouth
Yeah, I don't know but like I think like they have this like audio kind of like oh, yeah
Yeah, I think every like I don't know like 30 minutes or something like that
I don't know maybe maybe even more frequently but like are you sure every once in a while the Godzilla I think man
I think it's right from wrong but like with fire. We're like not like an actual fire maybe but like
It has some sort of like a little sounds right sound and kind of movement and all that shit like that
There's no no, can't he keep guy? Yeah, I've that's surprising
I guess this isn't like the deep place. I think I think there's like a more deeper area where
More techies happening, right?
Right, right. This is like right, right
Is kanzenkoshitsu like a do you want kanzenkoshitsu?
Like I do what's the merit of that?
If it's not kanzenkoshitsu, yeah, there's so many other yoparai people around you. Ah
You know, I can't I would not be able to talk with you. Like I got it
So too loud, right? I got it got it too loud and you know Fumiki. There's no Fumiki at all
Ah, I see Wow
How do you feel that
This building, you know, this building's really the blue lines are amazing
So can I take you know, okay, so can I take you?
Have you seen IMAX
Yeah, I do. No you have I you told me once huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, tenet. Yeah. Yes. I think tenet there why not?
So many people that looks like a hostel, right? Yeah
Like wearing really tight black. Yes leather jacket. Yeah, and little hairstyle like that like right
Hostie style they're walking in four. It looks like they're like an idol group or something
F4. Yeah, F4. Yeah, I know a four. I know a
Other name not June. Yeah
Have you entered one of these like who's oku kind of places
How was it I went to a cabaret with with with my boss like when I was here when I was a
Like my boss invited me to go
but it was
not like
Not interesting at all like at all same here. Please
Same here same here. Right? I went to a boss with a camera. Uh-huh. I
Was the one who was like really cute scout. Yeah, right. All right
Let's go look at that
Is that like is that a sexual store which one we do Joe whole I think so, okay, all right
Like I think for foreigners it's really hard to tell the difference right there's all kanji, right
It looks like convenience store it does if you're if you're not used to Japan, right? Right. It's really hard to tell I know
Holy shit, what is that the S?
Shopper it's like sexual shops. Yeah
Such a deep city
Look at these old black
Probably like really fancy cars, right? Yeah
Let's be some important guy. Yeah
Hmm do you know that Robert restaurant? Yeah, I think it's really famous for like foreigners, right? Yeah. Yeah
like when I was a
Salaryman, I did I was in a local diet and uh-huh and made a trip for foreigners
Yeah, and I often use that this place. Oh, really? Oh, yes. What was it like inside? There's so many shoots
Robots inside. Uh-huh, and they dance they sing so it's not
Sexual at all. No, not just one just all robots. Yeah, and with
so loud
smokes, uh-huh, I kind of show robot dance shows
Where's the entrance
This is a combine, uh-huh. So the restaurant itself is over there. Oh
Gotcha. Come on. Saki Sanji made a gotcha gotcha. You want to go there? I know
How do you think an employee would react when we go inside
Let's go no, I don't have the guts to do so man
That would seem fun, but I just don't have the guts
I don't want to disrespect the guy, you know, I mean if he was like in a part-time job, right?
It's okay. But like if he was like an actual owner, I don't want I don't want you know
So, do you feel
Japan from this town. Yes, I do like all right here right here like this street right here. Very Japanese. Wow
We're looking at really narrow yoko Michi. Yeah with with with all these like what do you call these little?
American air con no sono high-speed
machines and these little wall drawings of like
Like these little Zach. Well, I don't know what they said
But like little these drawings and these stickers and all these bicycles, right?
Very Tokai no Yami
kind of
Kind of image for me. Oh, like it's so dirty. There's lots of rats. I'm assuming there's like cockroach. Look at that
Wow in between the buildings, right?
Wow interesting
Oh shit stage behind stage, right
We're supposed to
Are we even allowed here?
but it's a
Maybe this is the Ura Gaba restaurant. Maybe yeah. Oh right robot restaurant. Yeah, holy shit
Wow, haha, look at that
What is that
Gira Gira
God, yeah, this is the robot. Oh, this is a robot restaurant
This is so unique man, never seen anything like it right for real I'll go inside
We just got kicked out. Yeah, yep
You know that the one thing that I like about speaking in English is because people treat us like foreigners yeah, like it's good
They probably won't go hard too hard because they assume that we don't know the rules, right?
Like if we spoke in Japanese that man would probably like be more harder, right right with the language
So I'm not getting as much of the
Kakuhiki as expected. I was expected to like get like way more
Maybe we have to oh
That's why maybe
Look at that
They need downsize. They need yeah, maybe I could have five for you. Yeah
35 yeah, you can't get a conga. Yeah
It's really good experience to be
I am going to cut this episode. Okay right now because it's like 20 minutes now
Maybe we might split it again. Yeah, so for now, thanks for listening. Bye. Bye guys

