1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん、30代に成し遂げたい事
2020-11-01 14:30


Respect for Yama-chan’s perspective on life.
Oh yeah.
Ahhhh my baby.
Where did my baby go?
Ah she left me.
Sitting here by myself.
With a shot of tequila.
Ah it hurts. I know it hurts.
Which genre was that?
Well I think that was really ancient kind of blues.
Ancient blues?
Did you feel some blues?
African Native people sang it.
Got it. Okay.
There we go.
That was a good piece of artwork then.
Sorry my chords wasn't for the blues.
No no no.
It's alright.
Maybe next time I'll sing and then you address to the...
I'll try.
So in the last episode I gave some answers for questions from iSun.
What do you want to accomplish in your 30s?
And I gave my answer in the last episode and then we're gonna go Yama-chan's answer this time.
So do you have anything you want to accomplish in your 30s?
Yes. Well it's kind of the same to you.
It's not about 30s but also from today actually.
Like first of all I want to keep doing this.
This activity.
And so that makes people happy.
Of course study maybe a little bit.
And also this is really happy to me.
Spending time like this.
So I definitely want to keep this.
Like that's the first thing.
And also you know.
As you know I'm into music world.
Yes you definitely are.
And I've just moved to the abode room.
And so that I can sing aloud anytime as loud as I want.
So I want...
Like I want to start covering some other pop songs.
And upload to my channel.
And also...
Like I mean...
Really like...
You know we've been doing some music things.
But you know it was a little bit difficult.
Because we couldn't sing aloud in my house.
We didn't have enough time.
So now I can do this.
And we can invite you here.
Maybe Kake-chan here.
And some other friends here.
Of course I can do this all by myself.
And we've got speakers there.
So all I want to do is start this.
Like in reality.
And start making my own original.
That's what I want to do.
And also...
This is kind of my thing.
What I want to do from today.
And actually I've just started.
So it's not kind of a dream.
But in my 30s.
I actually want to have a place.
And I think I didn't told you before.
But I like cooking actually.
Yeah I think you...
Yeah. Like cooking.
You told me you cook on a regular basis.
Well actually I like cooking.
And having my friends come to my place.
And have dinner together.
And talk together.
Or maybe a cup of coffee.
So I actually want to have that kind of place.
It's a little bit like a restaurant.
But not that huge one.
Like a little bit like a cafe maybe.
That's new.
Yeah. First time I heard that.
That's my actually like dream.
I want to have a place.
You're going to be in the kitchen?
Or no?
I do.
Like sometimes.
Okay. You want to have your place.
I want to have my dream inside.
You know in my dream that place has a studio.
Like music studio.
In the same like building.
And I can make music in that room.
And play something with my friends.
And play something with my friends.
And play something with my friends.
That is amazing.
That is like fantasy.
That is like dream fulfilled island.
That is like dream fulfilled island.
So now I'm cooking regularly.
That is actually because for that dream.
That is actually because for that dream.
I want to like a little bit train myself.
You know.
To like memorize the recipes.
As I told you before I don't see recipes.
That means not I'm not good at cooking.
That means not I'm not good at cooking.
So I have to like make sure.
Like my cooking skills.
So that I cook daily.
So that you know.
Not making complicated things.
You know little pasta.
Little things.
So how in your.
Your most.
In your mind.
In your mind.
If things go as planned.
If things go as planned.
How soon is that going to.
Be able to start a page or like do you even have one.
Do you want to like a.
Actually want to start inviting be able to invite friends.
Like actually I don't.
Like today you're coming to my house.
And I.
A cup of coffee.
So kind of you know.
Inside of me it's.
I thought it was kind of a little beginning.
Actually I invited some friends to my new place.
And did some.
They stayed at my house.
And I cooked a little bit.
You know that's a little start.
So it's actually.
Has been started.
But I don't know yet.
When I will like.
Buy the real place.
Or you know.
Gotcha. Gotcha.
So I'm planning to.
To invite.
Start inviting more people to my.
Best place.
And not taking money.
But you know.
Yeah provide a little.
Dishes maybe.
My practicing.
You're one hell of a happy man.
Yeah I am.
I didn't expect that.
You know.
I was in a.
Trip company.
Yes yes yes.
Yeah yeah.
They are.
I also like.
Tripping around.
And that's what I like.
And also I really love.
Like hearing stories from.
All the people who traveled.
Like listen to their story.
Is something.
I really love.
So I will be really happy that.
Someone came to my place.
And I can listen like hear to their stories.
And have time together.
That will be so so happy.
That's my dream.
Awesome man.
Yeah. Love it.
Yeah. And I'm a big dreamer.
And also I love reading right.
You love reading.
And actually I love writing too.
I haven't published yet.
But I.
You know.
It's really embarrassing to say this.
But I.
I've been trying to write some kind of little.
Piece of novel.
Kind of thing.
And I.
You know.
Someday I want to make some novel.
And I want to tell you.
You know all those people's story.
You know.
I'll be giving some inspiration from them.
And want to write something.
That's my dream.
That is amazing man.
I didn't know you had such a.
Like those kind of dreams man.
So what I thought you had was like music.
What was the biggest goal you had.
Well that's the biggest one of course.
Well you had like other things.
You wanted to have a place where your friends could hang out.
And you providing dishes right.
And you wanted to.
And I want to play something.
Like do some live at my place.
You know.
If I have a place I can play.
For people.
Like the thing.
What really reminds me is that you really.
Your actions are really.
Centered around.
The process right.
Like you're not doing your.
For the money.
For the market.
It's really all about the process.
Like you building your restaurant right.
And people being able to come to your place.
It's really.
I don't know how do you say this.
Self centered in a really good way.
Like you're not really pandering to the market.
It's really.
This is something that I want to do.
I don't know how many people will come.
But this is something that I want to do in my life.
But respect for that man.
Well thank you.
I'm happy to hear that.
I didn't expect that you said that.
But I'm happy to hear that.
I didn't expect that you said that.
So that is what you want to accomplish.
Right. In 30s.
In 30s.
You know. Maybe. Maybe not.
But you know it's a long 10 years.
It is a long 10 years.
You know. Thinking about how many things happened.
In this past.
One year.
Let alone five.
Five years ago.
Five years ago.
Couldn't even imagine it.
Not a bit.
Not a bit.
Like it was sad about that.
Like you know.
Someday we'll be doing.
Like influencer stuff.
Putting stuff on the internet.
We've been saying that but didn't think it was going to.
Not at all.
Actually turn out to be a reality.
Interesting life.
Yeah. Enjoying it man.
Great. Have to appreciate that.
Got it. Yeah. Exactly.
By the way I like the word appreciate.
I like that word.
That came out from nowhere.
You know that means.
Like thank you way.
Like I appreciate it.
Like when you.
If you give me something.
I'll thank you. Appreciate it.
And also that appreciate means like.
Like enjoy.
Do you sense that?
Do you feel that?
So the person who's appreciating it is enjoying it.
Appreciate it means like.
When you say you have to appreciate it.
That means a little bit like.
You have to be grateful.
Yeah. And get all the potential.
Like from that.
That's thing. Did you think so?
Well I think.
A little bit. I don't know if I understood what you're trying to say here.
But I think I appreciate.
When you say appreciate it rather than thank you.
I think there's a nuance of more.
You yourself.
The appreciator.
Is feeling more grateful.
Yeah. Rather than just.
Just words.
From the inside. It's coming from the inside.
I guess.
Not too much though.
I don't feel so much.
That much of a difference.
In a way.
I like the word anyways.
So when.
Polish is a book.
Maybe. Hopefully in the future.
I will be the audiobook reader.
So that is.
Decided already. And the book is in the record.
That would be so fun.
Be on the lookout for that.
I'm going to write in a really really difficult way.
Japanese using so hard kanji.
Right. So that you can easily read.
Exactly. Read them freestyle.
Alrighty. Thanks for listening again guys.
Bye bye.

