1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ウグイスマメ美味くない?
2020-11-21 10:49


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
It's been a while actually, no?
Uh, has it been a while?
Yeah, I think it has been a while.
The last time we recorded was like the outside Shinjuku, right?
We went to Shinjuku together.
We walked in the Shinjuku street.
No wait, I think it was the Hyakumi beans.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, that was it. That was it.
I still have my Hyakumi beans in my house, man.
Have not eaten one at all.
Have you eaten your Hyakumi beans by the way?
I didn't even open it.
Still packaged.
Yeah, it was kind of a week ago maybe?
Yeah, I think it was like a week ago or something.
Uh, Yamachan's eating his pasta.
Oh yeah.
That was some quick cooking you did right there.
That was like what, like 10 minutes or something?
Maybe less than that.
What are you eating?
What are you eating?
It's a chef's special.
Oh, chef's special.
Chef's special for today.
It's spaghetti with champignon.
French? That's French, right?
De patte de champignon.
Ah, de patte de champignon.
Wait, did I say that right?
Like, setteux?
I was like, I did not know.
I just said some random French accent.
Oh really?
Setteux, is that a word?
What does that mean?
That's a phrase.
What does that mean?
It's all, like, is that everything?
That's everything.
That was a miracle.
That was a miracle.
It is everything.
I just said some random accent.
That's it. Setteux.
That's a phrase.
I thought you learned something.
The only one I'm learning is Korean.
I'm learning how to read Korean first.
Oh yeah?
Because they're very easy to read.
Right, it's kind of romantic.
Right, they're accent based.
Right, it's puzzle based.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know how to read though.
Just by memorizing it, you can pronounce it.
But, you know, I don't understand the meaning of it though.
It's just something called... right there.
What's going on in my house?
As I just said, like five minutes ago, I came here with a bicycle.
It took me like...
Congratulations, you moved to the new place.
Thank you, thank you.
Right, it's the first time recording the podcast after I moved.
Right, I'm in a new place.
How was the time?
Good, good.
I think my house has a loft.
Wow, that's a boy's dream.
Boy's dream.
I have my bed in there, but like the ceiling is really close.
I'm sleeping like this.
It's like this close.
Literally this close.
How much is this?
Like what?
Like 30 inches maybe?
Something like that?
Like 30 inches from my head when I lay down.
In the middle.
When I like try to sit up, definitely hit the wall, right?
You can't wake up in that place.
Right, you can't.
You can't stand.
You can't stand, you can't sit up.
You can't sit straight up.
You just have to like roll.
The only thing you can do is roll to the stairs.
Then you can kind of like verticalize your body.
How big is your loft?
Is that like...
Like one bed space?
Yeah, like one bed space.
That's great for like a Himetsukichikara place.
I really want to have that.
Bedroom is...
The mattress is the only thing that can fit in the loft.
But which is still a huge deal, you know?
Like my main living room is like much more wider now.
But my loft doesn't have a window.
So I actually needed a circulator.
I bought a circulator.
Must be hot.
Not now, but I'm afraid it will be.
I'm afraid that it will be in the future.
Right, in the summer maybe.
It will be really hot and humid.
How about like the winter?
Is it really cold in the winter?
Cooler than usual?
In the loft?
Yeah, no.
No, no, no.
Because cold goes down.
Hot goes outside.
Got it.
Right, right.
But we'll see.
We'll see how it turns out.
So your house is quite near from my house.
Came here by bicycle today.
Took me like I think like 25 minutes maybe.
Somewhere in there.
Do you...
move fast on your bicycle?
Like you know, when it's sports.
Yeah, it's a cross bike.
So really fast.
Yeah, I think it's faster than average.
I think.
I can imagine that you're moving really fast.
Yeah, I'm using a lot of my muscles to accelerate there.
As it's really bright sunny day today.
It is.
It is, it is.
Really like fun.
It felt good.
Very good.
All things have settled down already?
Did things settle down did you say?
It did, it did.
All my cardboard boxes are gone.
I still do need some rearrangements with the furniture and things but I'm having a great time.
I have a university very near my house.
Oh really?
And right, the cafeteria is open to everybody.
That's a very good upside.
Because like lunch is very cheap in universities.
It's like what like 400 yen or something.
350 yen or like 400 or like 450 yen somewhere around there for a full packed meal.
That's good.
That's good.
That's really good.
So I'm excited about that.
But at the same time I want to do more cooking.
So you know, trying to balance that out.
Yeah, but that would be really convenient when you're going to time.
Right, right.
For energy.
I actually bought, because I wanted to do more cooking, I bought more healthier things.
Like I told you this about the miso shiru, condensed miso soup.
The tube, tube condensed miso soup.
Right, like the very...
Instant miso soup.
Right, kind of like that.
It's a...
Right, I bought that.
I bought ugui sumame.
You know what that is?
Yeah, I know what that is but is that really like beans?
Beans itself.
I don't know what they are but I just feel like ugui sumame is really good.
I love ugui sumame.
How do you eat them?
You just eat it by itself.
So it's not a raw bean?
Well the raw beans.
What do you mean?
Like what do you mean?
It's a little bit roasted?
A little salt?
You're talking about like the adzuki, right?
No, no, the ugui sumame.
Ugui sumame?
Like, no, no.
Well, I can certainly tell you they added sugar in there because it's really sweet.
Oh, right.
It's a sweet mame.
You know how they're sweet mame.
What are you talking about sweet mame?
What's that?
Is that like little maybe boiled ones and put sugar over there?
Well, that's possible.
Yeah, I see that.
It's a little bit sticky so I think that could be...
I see that.
That's possible.
So it's not a raw like...
Right, right.
It's a little bit cooked.
It's a little bit cooked.
Right, right.
They're green and they're really good.
Yeah, because it's sweet, huh?
Yes, yes, yes.
And healthy.
Is that healthy?
Well, I mean they're beans, right?
I mean not everything.
Yeah, but so much sugar in it.
Well, like I'm...
You know, but you know what?
I am actually not consuming desserts after my meal.
So you're replaced to that?
Well, not that I'm replacing it.
It's just...
Well, remember like several episodes ago I was like,
"Now I'm gonna start trying to resist, trying to lower the sugar intake in my life."
Remember I told you that in like the several episodes before?
Yeah, well I'm trying that.
So I'm trying to cut desserts.
That's a great thing.
Right, that is a great thing.
So there you go.
But right, beans, it's got sugar in it.
But not as bad as like the ice cream sugar, right?
Not as bad as like the chocolate kind of sugar, right?
Contains some fiber and some vitamins.
Like some other...
Possibly, right?
...elements in it.
It is a big step for me, right?
You eat that without nothing?
I just eat with the beans.
Just beans itself.
I also bought a kimchi.
I have kimchi in my house.
You love kimchi.
I do love kimchi.
I love Korea.
So, you know, it reminds me of Korea every time I see them.
It just makes me happier.
Alright, that was about 10 minutes.
We talked about nothing there.
Alright, guys, thanks for listening again.
Alright, guys, thanks for listening again.

