1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビン、始めて本格うな重を食..
2020-10-10 14:57


Hello everyone! Hi! This is Yamachan here with Kevin. Yeah. We are Kevin's English
podcast. Yeah! Guest guest guest! Okay? Alright! Actually, I'm hungry now. Okay. It is
1248 p.m. Yes. As I had a breakfast at 9. Alright? 9. So I'm being
hungry. Getting being hungry now. Do you have anything that you recommend to me?
As your lunch today? Yeah. Um, well uh, like for real? For real, yeah. Like for real? I
mean for real. I can go to the convenience store or have delivery service
anything or go to the restaurant or anything. Um, but for real. I'm hungry now.
Like for real? For real, yeah. You want my recommendation? Yeah. Not saying something
like pepperoni pizza from Papa John's. No, not like that. For real. Okay. Sure.
Yeah. Okay, I think you should have um,
a Marugame Seimen. Marugame Seimen, okay. Because there's one nearby. Yeah.
Right? And you're not gonna live in this town anymore. Right. That's convenient.
You have less than a month. Yeah. In this town. In two weeks. In two weeks you're
moving out. Mm-hmm. So I think you should like deepen your relationship with this
town. Right. Well then, have you ever been there? The Marugame Seimen? Yeah. Okay.
Actually I have too. Okay. So I want to go to the different place. Okay. Place
that I didn't visit it yet. How about like uh, the unagi place? Oh yeah. That Chie-san
recommended. Right. Do you like unagi? I do. Oh you do? I do. Okay. Do you do?
I do. But like, it's expensive. Oh yeah. Versus the price. Okay. Right? How much does
an unagi cost? Like 1,600 maybe? That's a lot. That's a lot for a lunch don't you think?
Yeah but it's delicious. Okay. So you don't feel that value. Yeah. Of costing that much
money. Maybe it's because I've never eaten a good unagi. You know? Let's, yeah.
You want to try? Yeah let's go to that. Okay. Unagi restaurant. You want to go there right
now? What? You want to go there right now? Yeah. Why not? Let's check if they are open
or not. That unagi place is recommended by Chie-san. Right. Chie-san. Our good friend?
Yeah. Friend? Is she our friend? Yeah. She's friend of ours. It's uh, Chie-san is a, so
I'm running this restaurant and there was another, there's another restaurant next door
and she's the arubaito shufu? Yeah. Maybe not a shufu? Arubaito woman? No kata? No kata.
She's a funny person. She's very funny. She was really funny. Yeah. Interesting. Interesting
person you know? Yeah. It was always fun watching her and having conversation with her. She'd
create this weird menu like suddenly out of nowhere she starts creating menus and gives
it out to us. Yeah. Like new spiced curry. Right. New spiced curry. Yeah. It's a tapioca
place. Yeah. It's a tapioca, it's a tapioca place and she starts making curry and passes
out to the next doors. Right. One day you smell like curry, spicy curry. And one day
you smell tamagnaga negi. She started, right, cooking naganegi. She was like, "Naganegi
aitakara douzo." Right. Funny person. She was so cute. Yeah. She would come back to
the store every day because she forgets something in the store. After she left her restaurant.
And that unagi restaurant is where she recommended us to go. Yes. Right. Is it open? Yeah it's
open but until 1.30. So we have to go now. Okay. You think it's a last order? I think
so. Last order? Last order is 1.30? I don't know. I don't know. Well let's go and see
what's happening. Alright. Let's go. This is a go outside kind of kikaku. First time
go outside. Okay. I have to pass my wallet. Yup. Alright. Let's go. Alrighty. I wonder
if they give you paypay. Oh it's not available I think. No? No paypay there? No paypay. Cash
only maybe. Cash only? That's okay. I got it. Yeah. Alright. Yeah it's fun to go out.
Alright. It's our first time to go out. Even we didn't, we haven't done this on YouTube
even. Yeah I know. I really want to do some out going. But we can't like you know. Outside
kikaku. Okay. Okay. Let's go. Oh good day. You know it feels really good today. Really
good today. It feels good. Sunny day. Bright sunny day. But the air is quite fresh. And
the sun's out. Yeah. Clear sky. I feel like going to a picnic. Yeah. If the unajou is
not there. We should do a picnic. Alright. Right. Where? The park. Or like right here
like the parking lot here. We've got a parking lot here so we can do like a little bit of
a picnic. There's cats all over this place. Oh really? Yeah. Did you know that? Have you
never encountered a cat? No. No. No? The big fat cat? No no no. There's like the little
cats. A lot of cats? I mean there are fat ones but like not always. You know what I
just realized? I have a very loud voice when I speak in English. Yeah right. Like I can
like I'm outside right now. And I feel like I am speaking very loudly. Like I feel like
people from over there can like notice what I'm saying. That's what we Japanese think
when you like listen to the American people. For example like for example in the train
right? Right. Those people are so loud. Right. I understand how I understand what's going
on. Right. It's the way they're speaking. Yeah. Like I knew that but like now I actually
know why. Yeah. Like I just can't there's no other way of speaking. You can speak a
little bit you know lower voice. I mean. Well it's not fun. Okay. It's not fun to speak
in a lower voice. Oh really? Yeah. That that's the reason. That's the reason I. Okay. It's
more enjoyable. Okay. It's a very selfish way. Right. So how was this town? So you're
leaving in two weeks. Yeah. How was it? Well you too right? I am well not two weeks. One
month maybe? A month or so. Well this town is pretty good to me. Pretty good? Comfortable.
Not that you know much big city. But you know it was really cozy. Okay. Is that right bud?
Yeah it's cozy. It's quiet. Quiet. Yeah. Peaceful. Right. Right. You know we've got everything
we need. A supermarket. Yeah. A little restaurant. You know in the station. Uh huh. So it's not
a gorgeous town. But I was really comfortable living in this town. Okay. You enjoy all of
the places you live in. Yeah. Right. You never had a city where you're like oh this place
sucked. No no no. Have you? Yeah I do. Really? This town. Wow. I didn't like this town. Why
you say that? I'm saying that this was good town and having good memories here. Like I
needed a more convenient place. What do you mean convenient place? I need I need. What
kind of. Okay. So like I wanted a supermarket nearby. Well we have supermarket nearby. The
station. Right right. We've got a convenience store. I just have a higher expectation than
you do. Right. I want to be able to access super stores like within at least 10 minutes.
Well you can go there by 10 minutes. If you like fast walk right? Yeah. If you walk in
like a normal place it would take like 15 minutes. Oh then what? Okay. And others?
Convenience store. Well you have that one. Is that a little bit far? You know that's
not a problem of this town. But your housing is a problem. Exactly. You should have chosen
a different one. But you know even if I had my house very close to the convenience store
and the supermarket I wanted a Tsutaya. Okay. I wanted to rent DVDs. Okay. And I wanted
to have a Yoshinoya or like a gyudon place. Right. There's no gyudon place here in this
town. Yeah I love the gyudon place. It's cheap it's fast it's good. Yeah. Yeah. And it's
good when we have a McDonald's there. Yeah. But and the ramen's there. Yeah. Ike ramen.
So all the ramen Ike ramen tastes the same to me so it's okay if we have one. And you
don't care which one is better? Yeah I can't tell the difference. Except the gold ramen.
Oh you feel that. The gold ramen in Yokohama that's good. Okay. I feel the difference.
Just like how I feel the kaisendon is different in Otaru. Okay. From Kanagawa and Tokyo.
Okay. But this place is very very quiet. Yeah. Do you like quiet place? Yeah I do I do I do.
But I know you prefer living in the city. Yes. Like huge city like New York. Yes. Tokyo.
Right. Yes that's my yume. So I enjoy it more. Dead caterpillar. Think about that. This town
is much smaller than your expectation. Yeah it is it is very smaller than mine. But the
quietness is a is sometimes a merit. Okay. Sometimes a desirable factor. So this is a
madagama salmon here. Yep. Madagama salmon. Yeah. Do you like udon by the way? I do. I
like the bukkake udon. Where you mix it. Yeah. Mix it. Mix it. Put the kakiage in.
Yeah. That's good. Okay. Righty righty. And you know there's always a lot of cars in this
place. Yeah right. I guess it's because there's not much restaurants here. Right. So you're
planning to move to the different city different town. Yes. In one month right? In one month
but I still haven't uh kaiyaku shitenai. Oh really? Right my current house. So you're
gonna stay here right? Yeah so that's not happening in months. Okay. I have to make
sure that I'm I have to make sure that I'm able to find a new house. Right. The good
place. Right before you know ending the contract here. Right. So where do you want to go when
living? Uh you know I have no idea. Shizu city maybe? Yeah. Desirably. Desirably? But
still I still respect the money. Okay. So I probably wouldn't go for like Shibuya or
like Shinjuku or like those kind of major cities. Yeah. It's still a bit far of a dream.
Okay. There we go. I hope it's still open. I hope it is. Yeah. Okay um it looks open.
Yeah it looks it smells good though. Do you smell the unagi? Yes yes yes. I don't. Do
you? Just just breathe. No no I no. Oh my it smells good. Oh yeah I feel it I feel it.
Right. I feel it. Show you. Yeah. Oh it's open. Okay so we're gonna if if it's if the
atmosphere is okay like if it's if we could do the podcast in the stores we would but
we're gonna say goodbye for now. Yeah. All right have a great lunch guys. Yeah. Bye bye.

