1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんが最も気に入ってる..
2022-05-28 13:45



Welcome to Kevin's in this room podcast
Everyone Kevin here again alone in my room
Yesterday I
Introduced you guys to my favorite
episode out of all the
the the talks that I've done with the on Sean
and for today and also tomorrow I
Contacted Yamachan and I asked him what his favorite episode was and he gave me two of them and one of them
was on
March 19th
The title is Kibiyama sample at the Omotesando
That was when we were outside
Walking, you know, you know how we usually you know record our podcast in studios now
But back then we've done like a like an outside recording as we walked through the streets of Tokyo
Yeah, I still kind of want to do that the freestyle kind of thing, but yeah, that was
Done on March 19th
We walked through
We started
We finished at a cafe and
we finished caffeine at in
Shibuya and then walked
Through Omotesando and then and we were aiming for I think we were aiming for some
No, we were just strolling around. So yeah, it was that episode and you guys are gonna hear it after this one. So
Please enjoy. Bye
Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
How can I open this one?
No, no, no, okay
It is really soft
So we just got out of a cafe called factory. The owner was a really good guy, right?
He's so nice actually that's the genuine guy main reason I that's why you went go there often. Yeah
He was a gentle caring. Yes guy and you you're trying the math that no son gave you
It's soft it is soft. I I feel like I have nothing on my ear. Yeah
I know right that is that's why it feels good like no stress. It's like angels right angels on the back of the year
Yeah, yeah, no pain at all. Yes, like
Nothing at all. You don't feel anything right? You don't feel a pressure
Hey, and you're not gonna feel pressure even if you wear them after like several hours
Right now like when you wear a mask after several hours, you feel really bad
Yeah, you're back the back of your sauce like hurting. I actually didn't even realized that I
I was feeling that pain. Uh-huh, you know, but right now
You know, I you realize the pressure that was putting on you. Yeah, I know
Thank You knows cousin thank you knows good on it's really good. Okay, so we are headed
Finally, yes, it's been like what I think there's seven episodes
Yeah, like when we first started going there one like one hour
So like listeners have to wait seven days, yeah
Until we actually got to the store. We spent so much time in the cafe because he was so calm. It was comfortable
What's up anytime was so nice? Yes, I definitely
Visit again. I'm finally living in near
I mean come to right right right and go in time. It's a very recommending place. Yes. Yes. Everyone, please go there. Yes
So how far do you think it is from here I think
15 to 20 minutes. Okay. Yeah, that's great. That's great. And it's the time right now is currently
Seven o'clock seven seven p.m. Seven p.m
It's a little bit I'm not sure if it's open or not. Yeah, maybe or maybe not but you know, if it's a coffee shop
Must be open until 20. Can you can you actually drink coffee there? I don't know
Yeah, okay, go ahead but she recommended me that shop as an coffee bean store
Uh-huh, and she told me that the you can choose and you can be told about the coffee beans
at that shop, ah
by the special special
Professional nice people nice nice nice, so I
Don't know if there is it's cheap and uh-huh
Cafe, uh-huh place. Uh-huh. Gotcha. Yeah
Interesting, so I'm so sorry if the shop yeah, if it's close that's our that's that's our luck. Yep. That's our
Have to try a destiny. Yeah, there's an 8
We'll try again. Yeah
So, how do you feel walking through the
This main street of Japan it always feels good. Yeah to walk in the middle of Tokyo, right?
Like you see all these high towers
Um, I will never take this from granted I probably will never do yeah, that's really like yeah, I
Mean you make me happy like, uh-huh. You're saying this yeah
Imagining that
She was beautiful
There's I mean it's Tokyo yeah, I feel like yeah, it's just beautiful
I think you know you it's if it's Tokyo. Look there's a yeah. Okay. Okay. That's uh
Okay, okay
There's a lot of yeah, it's Tokyo. I think a lot of people yeah, it's area
What about the pizza?
It's fancy. I mean good. Yeah, it's great. It does look great, huh? It looks tasty
Don't mean the Italian pizza. So yeah, they tell you visit look good. I
Mean it's Tokyo. Okay. So like I
think a lot of like people where they were the
The trendiest outfits. Yeah, come here. So it looks beautiful. Yeah
It's almost Sando. Yeah, which is the center of that. Well, shawty there. Yeah. Yeah
So we're gonna go
Walk through that that real want to Sando. Yeah. Oh, oh shit. Yeah
Coffee cake. Yeah. Oh
If I was alone, uh-huh, you would go there. Yeah
Sun jikken coffee sun jikken ice. Yeah. I'll try next time
I am I am starting to get a feeling that it's not gonna end this episode
You're not we're not gonna reach the store in this episode. It's gonna be like two or three episodes later
I'm sure like yeah, because we're gonna be looking at we're gonna run into so many interesting cafes
Yeah, and this was this was really interesting. I don't straight on this look great. Yeah, who?
Who writes coffee?
In a in a vertical fashion, yeah, and did they even spill coffee correctly
Cough is that spelled correctly? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think so FF EE. Yeah, really
Really I think so was did really feel FF EE was that is that coffee? I think so coffee. Okay. Yeah. All right
All right
This is the
This is the main street of Omotesando. Isn't it? No, no, it's not a
Main street. Did you see that guy?
He had a owl in his oh, really he had on an owl
Wow, that's welcome to Japan
He had an owl he had a really cool-looking face he had a really straight like normal just like everyone else
He had an owl Wow
And that
Huge display of Max Mara. Yeah, I love the huge display
It is so cool. So cool. Yeah
Like you know if I was alone
Let's go and let's go. Okay. It's gonna be a little far away. Okay, it's a little
Not direct. Okay. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Wait, I
Really love going this kind of little at the narrow street street. Yeah, we just we just turned
yeah, ordinary street and I I want to I want to I want to know what this is what's a
Baby, what's not it? I actually really love nothing. Okay, you do. Oh, yeah. I went to hookah the other day. I fucking love. Yeah
Wow, and look at that nappas
Naps, yeah, it looks really fancy
How much do you think it is for per person I'm looking at the menu right now
6000 6000 for one one for one person
One one thousand five hundred eighty. Yeah, that's pretty cheap, you know for omotesando
you know in the
Humbug looks really nice. It's really like
Expensive. Yeah, it looks it does it does
So many all shot it look in areas, yeah, you know
Like there's a one cafe, uh-huh. Oh over that Wow, look at this. It's like a gallery art gallery kind of space
Well the cafe over there, uh-huh is in that
Yeah, I can see I think this is like an ice cream store
Paria short Haria Haria short key honjitsu uno short game
Short kick store. Wow, maybe maybe not a store looks like a gelato case from here. Yeah
When I go in gelato, yeah a little bit scared
Feel that scared it's a little bit too old shot it for me. No, that's good
Right. I don't I don't I don't have the courage to go in. I'm scared. I'm a little bit scared
Should I go in should I overcome my fear?
Well, if you want to eat gelato, I I probably will not eat gelato
Oh, do you have the courage to go in and get out without doing anything? Oh
Yeah, I do like I honestly have no pressure at all and to entering to enter. I'm gonna overcome my fear
So let's do it. Yeah, it's going
Okay, we're in
Okay, we're in
Excuse me, are you a pick up?
Your total is 36,000 yen
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Okay, so we're in
Look at the menu
It's not a
It's not a restaurant
It's a restaurant
It's actually a food
Salad, chicken
How how what do you think?
Do you want to leave or?
Do you want to leave or?
I'm fine
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
That felt good
Yeah, I think I've overcome my fear
You did it
I think I'm a
Let's get into the picture
Oh, that was great
That was great
Oh, there's so many
The atmosphere of this restaurant looks great
It's a Chinese restaurant
Oh, it's really fun
Strolling this street
You know, because like
Because it's the center of Tokyo
A lot of the stores have like a
Really strong concept
Really, they have to stand out
In order to survive
So it's interesting to look at these
These kind of
Let's go
Okay, 11, 12 minutes
So I'm gonna cut off now
We're gonna continue this
So thanks for listening guys
Thank you

