Oh, this is the jingles again. Okay. Go ahead and do the jingles.
*Jingle noises*
Yeah, we're the Kevin Zingles podcast!
Welcome again! Yo!
That was great. Okay. You got that rap kind of vibe. That was great. Did you like it?
Yeah, I prefer the Echo one. Got it. Go back to the Echo one.
Okay. Alright. So, like I mentioned last time
in the episode, we're going to talk about how you interpret your friends.
Okay. Because I think you have a very interesting way of
interacting and interpreting
your "friends".
Yeah. Okay. What do you mean? I don't understand.
What's the point? That's okay. Okay. Just follow my lead.
Okay. How many friends do you have? What do you mean? How many friends do you think you have?
What do you mean "friends"? Okay.
The most inner circle friends.
You know how there's like a hierarchy of friends?
How close you are to your friends, right? Like the "yottomo"
to like "suki ichi nomo ze tomodachi" to like
very best friends. Right. I want to talk to you about my
most inner problems kind of friends. Right? Yeah.
How many of those most inner circle friends do you have?
Like four or five. Or three or four.
Three or four? Yeah. Around that.
Okay. How many "yottomo" friends do you think you have? Okay. That's a wrong question.
You have too many. So, how many of the next layer
friends do you have? Like I don't know. Maybe
100? Right. That's where
it gets very interesting for me. Oh really? Like when you go
okay. So for me this is natural. Every once in a while
I hit up a friend. Right? Like say like
say someone "Fogu-chan". Okay.
"Fogu-chan" is a friend of me and Yamashita. And I hit up "Fogu-chan" and be like "Hey let's go
let's nomini koze." Right? Me and him. Go out.
Like once every like three months or so. Oh really?
That happens. Right? That actually happens.
Yeah it's fun time. Like we go and talk about whatever we have in our mind.
Like what's going on in your life. Oh yeah I'm doing this. How about yours?
Like we're doing this. Oh that's great. That's great. That seems
fun huh? That does seem fun right? But for you that doesn't seem natural
does it? Like right. Right.
I think that's very interesting. Why does it not feel natural to you? Well I think I'm
kind of timid boy. Shy boy.
Shy boy. Okay. So I'm not something someone
you know text to everybody to you know
invite to go out. Like have party or something. Right.
So basically that's the thing.
And also for me if I don't have something that we should
like we should solve
or we should attack to you know
I... You need a reason. Right.
Right. I need reason. Right.
To meet that friend. The reason could be something like you mentioned
discuss about our lives. That could be
a reason of course. But you know someone
texts me and saying let's go out
next weekend. And have a drink. Yeah.
Well okay but why? Your take on it is why?
Why? What are we doing? Why do you want to do so? Right.
Why do you want me to? Right. Isn't that interesting guys?
Listeners don't you think it's interesting? It's not unusual for me
someone having no reason but
try to invite you. For me it's you know...
So from a guy who actually does that. Okay.
From a guy who actually understands why you'd want to go out
with no reason. Like you just want to stay connected with that person.
Like you want to keep a relationship. Right. You want to spend your time and build
that relationship. Okay. Right. To build the friendship. Okay.
Does that not make sense? Yeah I understand that. Uh huh.
If you have a reason of that. Uh huh. That kind of reason.
Then I understand. Uh huh. Let's go.
So they should... In that case the reason
should be to exchange our lives. Right.
The experiences. Yeah right right right. That's the reason. Uh huh.
But you know there are so many
people who don't have any reason but
you know text me or call me.
Let's go out. Let's go out for a drink. Uh huh.
Why? Okay. So...
What if someone... Okay I get it.
What if someone comes up to you and says hey
I want to know more about you and I want to start building a relationship with you.
I think I value the relationship I have with you and I want to keep it...
I want to have this for the rest of my life.
So I want to cultivate this relationship. Let's go out for dinner. How about that? Does that make sense
for you? Well yeah I'm happy to hear
that. Uh huh. But you know so I have to
you know that guy want me to speak about myself.
Right? Well yes yes. So he want me...
He want know about me. Yes he wants to know about you. He wants to build a relationship
is that's what he wants to do. Not necessarily
you know listen to what you have to say. Just build a relationship you know.
Why is that? Why do you want...
to build a relationship with me? The same reason why you think friends are valuable
in your life. You know like it brings... Okay. What? Okay no no no.
Do you not get that? Go ahead. Because like if we are already
you know friends. Uh huh. Well I understand that. Yes. But if we are
not. Why do you want to be a friend?
Well okay. Well because friends are
I think you know relationships are built.
Yeah. Friendships are built right? I think
if it's... If you're in a circle
right? Like we were in a acapella circle. Right. We would do
concerts right? We would have to work late at night
and work on our concerts right? Like you know build the sets
and do the lightings and think about how we're going to
entertain our audience and we're going to do lots of teamwork. All the scenarios. Do exchange
information right? Spend time together. That happens like
with or without me wanting to build a relationship
with you because the event is there right? The relationship is built.
There's a reason like it happens because of the
there's an event. But what we're doing. That's natural for me. That is natural.
I completely agree with you. That's natural right? For now. It builds
naturally. Right. Right. We're in the same lane. Yes.
Got it. Got it. But when we're in
shakaijin right? When we get to shakaijin we don't get to build a lot of
friendship time with many people right? Because we're busy doing our
work. We're going back and you know going to stay home and whatever you do
right? It's not natural to have that
friendship building time that's integrated within our life.
So we have to make time for that. We have to go out. We have to take actions
to actually build a relationship with somebody. So if one tries to build a relationship
after they get out of college or you know when you're
doing 9 to 5. You have to ask for that. Ask for that
let's go drinking. Yeah. Make sense? Does that make sense
to you? No. In that case we need a concert. Right?
What? Like concert you know when we were in college
concert was the goal. Right. He's talking about the
acappella concert we did. We built an acappella concert. Right. Anything like camping
is the goal. The event right? Group events. Right.
Is the goal. Right. Right? Right. For me
going out and eat some food
are not my goal. So going out. I don't
think that's the reason. Like if you're planning
to go out and camping with
5 or 6 people. That could be a reason.
Okay. Like it's kind of the event.
Right. Right. Something that we collaborate together.
Yes. Right? Yes. I understand. Okay.
So going out
for a drink. Right. For the sake of building a relationship
makes no sense for you. But going out for a drink for the sake of
enjoying. For the sake of like
testing. I don't know like trying the new
new izakaya makes sense. Right.
Like. What if that was
what if that's a disguise. Right. Let's say I want to build a relationship
with you. Okay. Right. And I want to
I want to take you out for a drink. Okay.
Because I want to build a relationship. But I say
I don't actually care about the izakaya but I'm like oh there's a new izakaya. Let's go
let's go drink the let's go try some. How does that
make you feel? Does that make you feel like you're. Yeah. That's better for me.
It's better for you. Yeah. But I'm actually lying. Right. Like I'm not
I don't care about the izakaya. I care about our relationship. That's what I want to
go there for. But that's my problem. So.
That's natural for me. Like that's understandable for me.
Like if you're saying you're interested in me. Well
and you're saying that you want to build a relationship
with me. But okay thank you. I appreciate that.
But why. Why do you want. Why do you want.
Because I like you as a person.
Yeah but. Okay.
That make sense? Like that's natural for me.
That's natural for you. That's natural for you. Right. Jesus Christ.
I'm really poor at English so I can't explain my you know
feelings in English. Yes. But
yeah. Like if you're saying that
let's go to that restaurant which is
you know super like new thing.
It's on the menu. And let's try that. Okay let's go.
That's natural for me. Right.
Oh my god.
I don't think we have enough time to fully elaborate.
To fully explore your background on. Yeah.
And I have to improve my English skills because it's really hard for me.
I mean that's what this podcast is all about. Oh yeah. You're learning this English right? Yes I'm learning now.
You're learning with the audience. Yes yes yes. That's the whole thing in this podcast. Right right.
In the future episode we're going to elaborate. Okay. We're going to go even further down into
Yama-chan's take on friendship. Yeah. But do you think
you're natural? Yeah. Please tell us in the DM
if Yama-chan's point of view. Because we don't know if you're two of us. Right right right.
You know maybe if I'm really natural.
Maybe I'm the minor one. Right right. Yeah. Please let us know in the
DMs. Right. Thanks for listening again guys. Thank you so much. Bye bye.