1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンの歯の白さについて
2020-06-17 09:35


welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English room podcast yay my
name is Kevin I am here with Yamachan Yamachan and sorry for mumbling I am
eating my dinner right now okay yeah well now I have a question for you okay
that it's about your your teeth teeth right okay it's it's too white right oh
compliment do you do something for for your like for keeping that well white
and clean and I don't know um so if you actually look at my teeth they're not
that white but it does the front two teeth they're like extremely white I
don't know why there's so white but look if we actually take a look let me let me
get all the rice in my mouth okay let me swallow all my rice see your
rice yeah look yeah if you actually look well look right here it's not that white
it's like a little yellow but it's a white front two is very white I
understand that it's too white right here it's not that white it does it's
white to you yeah they're really white to you well you know compared to that
those two days mm-hmm the front days front tooth front teeth teeth it's a bit
less white huh mm-hmm but still it's still white do you something like like
expensive something or no well okay look so first of all I when I was in
elementary school I had braces on really I do that's why you're kill say have
they are beautiful teeth thank you the teeth are I mean right yeah they're
they're organized it's because I did braces when I was in elementary school
what braces are like on you'll say in Japanese kill say the metal thing and
that comes in your mouth yeah yeah it does have you tried it before yeah when
I was really little mm-hmm okay it's painful right yeah so I was doing the
braces then that's like the that's like the beginning of my the first time when I
actually took care of my teeth okay so after that um I took it off and I stopped
caring about my teeth after that and then when I was in high school or like
it's early college years I I noticed that my teeth are getting like like a
little bit yellower oh really yeah so like this is bad I gotta do something
right hmm so I I bought this toothpaste that's really like really expensive
toothpaste like yeah like like like the one tooth a right is based I know that
they cost like what like 2,500 yen really right 2,500 yen for fucking
toothpaste man pretty expensive right it's really expensive yeah so I was
brushing my teeth with that hoping that it would whiten my teeth like honestly I
didn't I I don't know if that were actually worked out yeah I don't know if
it actually like affected my teeth or something but you have your teeth white
now see I don't know about that I don't know if the reason my teeth is white
right now is because of that 2,500 yen toothpaste I don't honestly I don't
think so because for the last like three years I've been using like the normal
toothpaste like the like the 300 what the average cost like 300 yen yeah oral
B I've been using oral be like okay I don't know how much I cost like this is
like the normal ones right that the normal toothpaste I've been using that
you know I think the performance isn't isn't that bad I get my white teeth
hasn't really gone down it's still white right so so after answering all that
question I don't know why it's like there's so many factors to it I don't
know why it's white okay but um one thing I can tell you is I've never like
never never slept at night without brushing my teeth okay I have never done
that in my life in my life okay I don't know about that like after okay after I
came to Japan so like after high school I have never not once in my life have I
slept without brushing my teeth oh that's well yeah
unbelievable right it's not like unbelievable things for me like you're
saying that but you know kind of really confidently that but it's like I'm out
here save the person like I saved a life or something
but um it's really that's good for your yeah it's probably like the closest
answer closest but I can imagine the reason why my teeth are so white and
lately I've been using a Listerine like after every meal that's why I think I
think that's what's important to like it's like oh it's like oh so you it's
your whole life it's gonna come with you the whole life it's like a once-in-a-lifetime
yeah once-in-a-lifetime you know you don't get to change your teeth you
know like it's not like you know it's not like your nails or say it's not
gonna grow back if it's gone it's gone right if you rotten it you run it you
have to take care of it from the very beginning so it's like you know like just
like your eyes you know or like your whatever it is it's not you can't you
can't go back you know once it's gone bad yeah so I think we should take care
of that really nicely we restrained Listerine and I should we should also
floss to flossing is also very important do you do flossing no I don't I don't
boss I know I don't but it's important I don't I'm too lazy to do flossing okay
well I want to though oh yeah I didn't have the time to go to the store by
myself a floss I just didn't have the time just a fucking busy man I am
fucking busy man you don't have time to go to the pharmacy exactly okay exactly
okay but you have time to buy your bento box I do okay do I do have to know
interesting my father he's in the United States yeah my father has an even
wider teeth than I do he does because like he does Listerine and flossing
you should okay every time every meal not every meal but like every chance he
gets he does flossing like after every chance exactly right I don't have any
chance exactly like you think that flossing is after like right right
my father like when she when he's in the car he flosses like he flosses like it's
like it's like I don't know watching YouTube like that's what he does instead
of watching YouTube or like watching listening radio or something like that
he flosses - that's what he does for fun I don't know if it's for fun but like
that's what he does when he gets a chance okay so like this really grosses
me out but like what he does is he he flosses and he doesn't rinse his mouth
oh he just what he just he he flosses it and it's done you mean you know he he
like have that things yeah right exactly exactly oh that's okay with it yeah but
like I do think that he should rinse I do think so but it's better than like
waiting for an opportunity to be able to rinse okay right and not not floss right
sorry then then flossing when he has chance and not ring I think that's so
much better for you right right exactly exactly exactly
your your right your cavities are not gonna wait
that's that's so funny mm-hmm
I think that wraps up yeah this episode of about my teeth exactly
they are unbelievably white fucking white
have you seen my father yes I do not like in person video on the air okay on
video right right right you should meet him in person right he looks exactly
like me how he speaks mm-hmm yeah hi hi voice right mm-hmm well thanks thanks
Thanks for listening guys.
So I'm eating.
Bye bye.

