WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress 87 Episodes

Explore WordPress with Josepha Haden, the project’s executive director, and guests. Learn about where WordPress is going, how we’ll get there, and how you can get involved. Join us today and help democratize publishing!

Episode 7: Your Opinion is Our Opportunity

Episode 7: Your Opinion is Our Opportunity

Apr 27, 2021 12:34

In this episode, Josepha discusses the importance of co-development and testing for the continued growth and maintenance of the WordPress project. 

Episode 6: Who Is WordPress?

Episode 6: Who Is WordPress?

Apr 12, 2021 08:13

In this episode, Josepha explores the five groups within the WordPress ecosystem and provides a high-level example of how they interact and support one another. As always, stay tuned for the small list of big things and a contributor highlight.

Episode 5: Talking Full Site Editing with Matías Ventura

Episode 5: Talking Full Site Editing with Matías Ventura

Mar 30, 2021 33:04

In this episode, Josepha is joined by Matías Ventura, also known as “the spark behind the vision of Gutenberg." Josepha and Matías discuss full site editing and answer your questions, from “is full site editing a standalone plugin?” to “will full site editing break my current site?”

Episode 4: How WordPress Improves

Episode 4: How WordPress Improves

Mar 16, 2021 10:52

In this episode, Josepha Haden Chomphosy explores the WordPress release process. Tune in to learn about what goes into a release and catch this week’s small list of big things.

Episode 3: My Typical Day as WordPress’s Executive Director

Episode 3: My Typical Day as WordPress’s Executive Director

Mar 1, 2021 09:33

In this episode, Josepha Haden Chomphosy speaks to her role as the Executive Director of WordPress. Learn about the day-to-day of her role and how it supports the mission of WordPress.

Episode 2: WordPress is Free(dom)

Episode 2: WordPress is Free(dom)

Feb 16, 2021 10:17

In this episode, Josepha Haden Chomphosy gives quick explanations of the Four Freedoms of open source, the phrase “Free as in free speech, not free as in beer,” and why open source matters in the grand scheme of things.

Episode 1: Welcome to your WP Briefing

Episode 1: Welcome to your WP Briefing

Feb 2, 2021 12:26

For this inaugural podcast, Josepha will share a bit of what to expect from this podcast, some thoughts about the State of the Word 2020, and a list of focuses for the coming weeks.






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