WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress 86 Episodes

Explore WordPress with Josepha Haden, the project’s executive director, and guests. Learn about where WordPress is going, how we’ll get there, and how you can get involved. Join us today and help democratize publishing!

Episode 86: My First WordPress Experience

Episode 86: My First WordPress Experience

Sep 16, 2024 10:26

Join us this week as Josepha takes a personal journey down memory lane to her first encounters with WordPress. In this episode, she shares the story of her very first WordPress website, the excitement of getting involved with WordCamps, and how those early discoveries shaped her rewarding path in the WordPress community. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to the platform, Josepha’s reflections will inspire you with insights from her earliest days in WordPress.

Episode 85: WordPress in Education

Episode 85: WordPress in Education

Sep 2, 2024 10:58

Discover why WordPress is becoming a cornerstone in student education. In this episode of WordPress Briefing, host Josepha Haden Chomphosy explores the vital role of WordPress in the school curriculum and how it equips students with essential skills for thriving in their future careers.

Episode 84: A WordPress 6.6 Sneak Peek

Episode 84: A WordPress 6.6 Sneak Peek

Jul 22, 2024 21:42

Join WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, as she offers an exclusive preview of the upcoming WordPress 6.6 release, accompanied by special guest Meher Bala, the release's coordinator. Don’t miss this opportunity for an insider’s look!

Episode 83: Learning Pathways

Episode 83: Learning Pathways

Jul 8, 2024 30:45

Discover how Learning Pathways can guide you through your WordPress journey with clarity and purpose. In the latest episode of WordPress Briefing, host Josepha Haden Chomphosy welcomes special guest Wes Theron to discuss the newly introduced Learning Pathways. These curated lesson sets are tailored to various experience levels, roles, and use cases, ensuring a personalized learning experience for every WordPress user.

Episode 82: WCEU Hallway Track

Episode 82: WCEU Hallway Track

Jun 24, 2024 08:35

Big events create big moments, and WordCamp Europe 2024 was no exception. Join host Josepha Haden Chomphosy on this episode of the WordPress Briefing as she shares her top insights and favorite highlights from the event. Discover what the WordPress community focused on during this exciting three-day gathering.

Episode 81: It’s your first WordCamp? Welcome!

Episode 81: It’s your first WordCamp? Welcome!

Jun 10, 2024 16:05

Get ready to dive into the vibrant world of WordCamps with this special episode of the WordPress Briefing, hosted by Josepha Haden Chomphosy! This episode is designed for first-time attendees; we’ll explore what to expect, from Contributor Day activities to mastering the art of socializing and networking. Whether you’re aiming to contribute to the WordPress […]

Episode 80: Unlocking Your WordPress Potential with Learn WordPress Tools

Episode 80: Unlocking Your WordPress Potential with Learn WordPress Tools

May 27, 2024 11:59

Welcome to another episode of the WordPress Briefing! In this episode, your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, delves into the incredible resources available to help you broaden your WordPress expertise. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your skillset, these tools and tutorials offer something for everyone. Join us as we explore how Learn WordPress can be your guide on the journey to mastering WordPress, providing invaluable support and community connections along the way.

Episode 79: Why Start a WordPress Media Corps (and Why Now?)

Episode 79: Why Start a WordPress Media Corps (and Why Now?)

May 14, 2024 09:13

There’s a new initiative in the WordPress community: the WordPress Media Corps. In today’s episode of the WordPress Briefing, you’ll find out how it came to be, first as a nugget of an idea during the pandemic and now as an active experiment. Learn how this shift in focus values the ongoing impact, and often invisible effort, of independent WordPress media—and seeks to help them more easily deliver engaging, high-quality WordPress content to their audiences.

Episode 78: Guided Growth: Cultivating Contributors Through Mentorship

Episode 78: Guided Growth: Cultivating Contributors Through Mentorship

Apr 29, 2024 20:50

Explore the transformative world of the WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program with guest host Angela Jin and special guest and sponsored contributor Hari Shanker. Whether you're a long-time WordPress enthusiast or new to the scene, this episode is packed with insights, stories, and tips to help you engage more deeply with one of the most passionate open source communities.

Episode 77: Let’s Talk About Data Liberation

Episode 77: Let’s Talk About Data Liberation

Apr 15, 2024 35:24

Explore the WordPress Data Liberation project in this exclusive behind-the-scenes episode discussing WordPress migrations. Joining us is WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy, along with special guest and sponsored contributor Jordan Gillman. Together, they'll look at how the project is expanding opportunities to benefit from the freedom and flexibility WordPress offers. Don't miss this enlightening discussion!

Episode 76: A WordPress 6.5 Sneak Peek

Episode 76: A WordPress 6.5 Sneak Peek

Apr 3, 2024 30:05

Join WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, as she offers an exclusive preview of the upcoming WordPress 6.5 release, accompanied by special guest Dave Smith, one of the Editor Tech leads for this release. Don’t miss this opportunity for an insider’s look!

Episode 75: WordCamp Asia 2024 Unwrapped

Episode 75: WordCamp Asia 2024 Unwrapped

Mar 18, 2024 09:12

WordCamp Asia 2024 was a dynamic three-day celebration of collaboration, diversity, and innovation in the WordPress project. This week, Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy shares her insights and experiences from the event, which featured one of the largest Contributor Days in the region, a variety of speakers, engaging panel discussions, and workshops. Josepha offers her thoughts on the latest topics being discussed within the community and forming the future of WordPress.

Episode 74: Kickstart (Or Level-Up) Your Contributor Journey

Episode 74: Kickstart (Or Level-Up) Your Contributor Journey

Mar 4, 2024 09:46

Explore the impact you can make on WordPress without coding in this WordPress Briefing episode hosted by Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy. She'll guide you through diverse non-coding contributions suitable for all skill levels, including content translation, photo submissions, event organization, and software testing. Listen and discover how you can enhance the WordPress community in ways that align with your interests and expertise.

Episode 73: Inside the Interactivity API

Episode 73: Inside the Interactivity API

Feb 19, 2024 28:38

In the latest WordPress Briefing, Josepha Haden Chomphosy discusses the Interactivity API, a new foundational tool that helps developers create memorable interactive front-end experiences. She is joined by special guests and sponsored contributors Ryan Welcher and Mario Santos, who share more about this impactful addition to the WordPress developer experience.

Episode 72: Why Your Website Matters

Episode 72: Why Your Website Matters

Feb 5, 2024 08:39

In the latest WordPress Briefing, Josepha Haden Chomphosy explores the reasons for choosing a website supporting your digital presence, covering topics from trust-building to professionalism to owning a unique online domain.

Episode 71: New Year, New Blog!

Episode 71: New Year, New Blog!

Jan 22, 2024 15:26

In the latest WordPress Briefing, Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy revisits our roots in blogging and breaks down the essentials of starting your first WordPress blog. Tune in to Episode 71 for practical tips and inspiration to kickstart your blogging journey.

Episode 70: A Look Ahead at WordPress in 2024

Episode 70: A Look Ahead at WordPress in 2024

Jan 8, 2024 06:30

Curious about WordPress's big-picture items for 2024? Phase 3, Data Liberation, new meetups, and more, get the spotlight in this episode. Join Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy for all this, plus a small list of big things coming up in the next two weeks.

Episode 69: Reflections on State of the Word

Episode 69: Reflections on State of the Word

Dec 26, 2023 08:13

In this episode, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy reflects on the recent 2023 State of the Word, which took place in Madrid, Spain, and some of the highlights of the work across the WordPress open source project.

Episode 68: Toward a More Interconnected Web

Episode 68: Toward a More Interconnected Web

Dec 11, 2023 11:30

In this episode, WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy articulates the vision for a collaborative ecosystem where knowledge sharing and contributions to open source tools lead to a more interconnected and empowered web.

Episode 67: Openverse & Photo Directory Rewind

Episode 67: Openverse & Photo Directory Rewind

Nov 27, 2023 08:19

WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, returns to a recent episode of the WordPress Briefing, which discussed two resources for openly licensed media in the WordPress project– Openverse and Photo Directory– and how they differ from one another!



夜の帳がおりる頃、 しじまにまたたく星のささやき。 光年の孤独の叫びを、夜風が柔らかく溶かす。 今宵 ひっそりと夜ふかし。 「群読のある夜」












この発信は、 読書習慣をつけたい自分の英語学習継続のためです。 途中から自由気ままに台本なしに話しています🤭 今は思春期の娘と二人暮らし 看護師の私に、脳血管の難病(もやもや病)がわかり 開頭術を経て、臨床に復帰。 でも、ここ何年かのワーキングメモリ、短期記憶低下を自覚していたのが、実は後遺症で、 軽度の高次脳機能障害の可能性も指摘され、 急性期の臨床で働くことが怖くなり、 何においても自信喪失、気づいたら一年休職。 さらに、 コントロールできない感情の起伏などをあり、 摂食障害とも付き合いながら、 これからの生活どうしようと 看護師としての復職が絶望的で どん底だったときに、心救われた語学学習やコミュニティの仲間の存在。 そして、発病から1年経過し、身体は順調、脳はそのまま。職場での環境やシフト勤務の配慮を条件に、 主治医から復職許可がでて、勇気を出して復職して今また臨床で働いています。 外国人対応やマイノリティの対応など、 今まで学んだ知識や経験が、 院内で今後求められた時に、発揮できるように、 楽しくをモットーに自己学習中です。 国内では、 外国人患者は英語を母語としない人も多いです。 英語を学ぶことで、幅広い文化背景や海外の事情を知り、視野を広がるきっかけになります。 今は、英語を身近な医療英語から楽しく、 発音練習しながら学んでいます。 この音声発信は 復職によって日々の忙しさに忙殺されて 学習習慣をまた中断したくないためです。 過去の私が仕事中心で、 仕事のストレスはお酒と睡眠で解消してたので、 そんな不摂生の生活をもう繰り返したくないし、疾患のこともあるので、できないです😅 でこぼこな脳で、自信を失い、 落ち着きのない私がとりあえずやってみた試みがこの音声発信。 今後どうなるかわからないなか、 今できることに取り組み 今は身体の不自由がないことに感謝しつつ、 誰かの役に立てたらと思って生きています。 まとまりなく長い説明文のところ、 ここまで読んでくださり、 大変ありがとうございます。 "Click here for LISTEN, a podcast transcription service" https://listen.style/p/skpqfjig?tODwV5LP


