WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress 86 Episodes

Explore WordPress with Josepha Haden, the project’s executive director, and guests. Learn about where WordPress is going, how we’ll get there, and how you can get involved. Join us today and help democratize publishing!

Episode 66: Advocating Open Source Solutions

Episode 66: Advocating Open Source Solutions

Nov 13, 2023 09:00

WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, speaks to the strategic approach to integrating open source solutions within your company and offers insight into initiating open source advocacy conversations. Tune in for a session that could redefine your company's technological approach.

Episode 65: Little Sun Success

Episode 65: Little Sun Success

Oct 30, 2023 16:53

Join WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, as she looks at a recent WordPress success story with Little Sun. To help us, we spoke to two special guests with Little Sun, Romane Guégan, Senior Press and Communications Manager, and Ashley Mrozek, Senior Digital Manager. Don’t miss this opportunity for an insider’s look!

Episode 64: Patterns in WordPress

Episode 64: Patterns in WordPress

Oct 16, 2023 05:28

Join WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, as she goes back to the basics and offers some insight into block patterns for WordPress. Don’t miss this exciting insider’s look!

Episode 63: A WordPress 6.4 Sneak Peek

Episode 63: A WordPress 6.4 Sneak Peek

Oct 2, 2023 33:08

Join WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, as she offers an exclusive preview of the upcoming WordPress 6.4 release, accompanied by special guest Sarah Norris, one of the Editor Tech leads for this release. Don't miss this opportunity for an insider's look!

Episode 62: Enterprise Clients and the Business of WordPress

Episode 62: Enterprise Clients and the Business of WordPress

Sep 18, 2023 12:08

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy as she discusses the role WordPress Enterprise plays along with the WordPress community.

Episode 61: Community, Summit, all at  Washington D.C.

Episode 61: Community, Summit, all at Washington D.C.

Sep 4, 2023 14:43

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy as she discusses the latest from the Community Summit and her takeaways from the 2023 event in Washington, DC.

Episode 60: Sneak a Peek at WordPress 6.3 with Special Guest Kira Schroder

Episode 60: Sneak a Peek at WordPress 6.3 with Special Guest Kira Schroder

Jul 17, 2023 24:49

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy and Core Tech Lead Mike Schroder as they discuss their favorite new features and enhancements coming in WordPress 6.3.

Episode 59: A Polyglot’s WordPress

Episode 59: A Polyglot’s WordPress

Jul 3, 2023 23:17

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 59th episode of the WordPress Briefing. Today she invites guest speaker Alex Kirk to discuss Polyglots’ work to continue to help bring translation to WordPress.

Episode 58: A New Wave for WordPress Events

Episode 58: A New Wave for WordPress Events

Jun 19, 2023 13:13

Hear special guest host Chloé Bringmann and special guest Angela Jin in the WordPress Briefing as they discuss the next generation of WordCamps.

Episode 57: The Power of WordPress Mentorship

Episode 57: The Power of WordPress Mentorship

Jun 5, 2023 05:52

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 57th episode of the WordPress Briefing as she discusses the Contributor Mentorship Program to help increase the success of new contributors over time.

Episode 56: What to Know About WordPress Playground

Episode 56: What to Know About WordPress Playground

May 22, 2023 13:22

Join guest host Rich Tabor and WordPress Playground innovator Adam Zielinski as they discuss the capabilities and promise of WP Playground in episode 56 of the WordPress Briefing. Stay tuned for your small list of big things coming up in the next two weeks.

Episode 55: Happy Anniversary, WordPress!

Episode 55: Happy Anniversary, WordPress!

May 8, 2023 12:08

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 55th episode of the WordPress Briefing as she looks back at the 20 years of WordPress and how the open source community made WordPress what it is today.

Episode 54: A Bill of Rights for the Open Web

Episode 54: A Bill of Rights for the Open Web

Apr 24, 2023 08:01

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy in the 54th episode of the WordPress Briefing as she explores the concept of the four freedoms of open source and likens it to today's Bill of Rights for the open web.

Episode 53: A Look at WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”

Episode 53: A Look at WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”

Apr 10, 2023 07:36

Named after the multi-instrumentalist Eric Allan Dolphy Jr., WordPress 6.2 "Dolphy"'s high notes are riffed on by WordPress's Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, in this 53rd episode of the WordPress Briefing.

Episode 52: Workflows and Phase Three Visioning with Special Guest Héctor Prieto

Episode 52: Workflows and Phase Three Visioning with Special Guest Héctor Prieto

Mar 27, 2023 20:43

On this week's episode, special guest Héctor Prieto joins Josepha in a discussion about phase three and why it's more than collaborative editing.

Episode 51: Is Routine a Rut?

Episode 51: Is Routine a Rut?

Mar 13, 2023 07:12

Join Josepha as she discussed the benefits of routine and what role it plays in the WordPress project.

Episode 50: 3 Interesting Trends from WordCamp Asia

Episode 50: 3 Interesting Trends from WordCamp Asia

Feb 27, 2023 11:12

Join Josepha as she discusses her top 3 takeaways from the first-ever WordCamp Asia in Bangkok!

Episode 49: Everything You Need to Know About the Community Summit!

Episode 49: Everything You Need to Know About the Community Summit!

Feb 14, 2023 13:06

Tune in to learn everything you need to know about the 2023 Community Summit!

Episode 48: What Does Concluding a Gutenberg Phase Really Mean?

Episode 48: What Does Concluding a Gutenberg Phase Really Mean?

Jan 30, 2023 06:43

Gutenberg's second phase is ending. Join Josepha as she reflects on what concluding a phase means in the project.

Episode 47: Letter from the Executive Director

Episode 47: Letter from the Executive Director

Jan 16, 2023 07:13

Hear from WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy on her vision for the open source project in 2023.



この発信は、 読書習慣をつけたい自分の英語学習継続のためです。 途中から自由気ままに台本なしに話しています🤭 今は思春期の娘と二人暮らし 看護師の私に、脳血管の難病(もやもや病)がわかり 開頭術を経て、臨床に復帰。 でも、ここ何年かのワーキングメモリ、短期記憶低下を自覚していたのが、実は後遺症で、 軽度の高次脳機能障害の可能性も指摘され、 急性期の臨床で働くことが怖くなり、 何においても自信喪失、気づいたら一年休職。 さらに、 コントロールできない感情の起伏などをあり、 摂食障害とも付き合いながら、 これからの生活どうしようと 看護師としての復職が絶望的で どん底だったときに、心救われた語学学習やコミュニティの仲間の存在。 そして、発病から1年経過し、身体は順調、脳はそのまま。職場での環境やシフト勤務の配慮を条件に、 主治医から復職許可がでて、勇気を出して復職して今また臨床で働いています。 外国人対応やマイノリティの対応など、 今まで学んだ知識や経験が、 院内で今後求められた時に、発揮できるように、 楽しくをモットーに自己学習中です。 国内では、 外国人患者は英語を母語としない人も多いです。 英語を学ぶことで、幅広い文化背景や海外の事情を知り、視野を広がるきっかけになります。 今は、英語を身近な医療英語から楽しく、 発音練習しながら学んでいます。 この音声発信は 復職によって日々の忙しさに忙殺されて 学習習慣をまた中断したくないためです。 過去の私が仕事中心で、 仕事のストレスはお酒と睡眠で解消してたので、 そんな不摂生の生活をもう繰り返したくないし、疾患のこともあるので、できないです😅 でこぼこな脳で、自信を失い、 落ち着きのない私がとりあえずやってみた試みがこの音声発信。 今後どうなるかわからないなか、 今できることに取り組み 今は身体の不自由がないことに感謝しつつ、 誰かの役に立てたらと思って生きています。 まとまりなく長い説明文のところ、 ここまで読んでくださり、 大変ありがとうございます。 "Click here for LISTEN, a podcast transcription service" https://listen.style/p/skpqfjig?tODwV5LP










朗読 de ポッドキャスト

朗読 de ポッドキャスト

好きなこと(朗読)をし続ける場所です。 読む題材は青空文庫から選んでいます。 セリフは時々声を変えたり、抑揚を強めに読んでいる作品多めです。 BGMやSEは入っていません。毎週1作品ずつUPされます。 ------------★------------★--------------★------------------ I love "rodoku" and keep on reading! Voice is Japanese only. There is reading story every week. https://listen.style/p/haruca?JGvcSwpF


