WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress Briefing - A WordPress Podcast

WordPress 86 Episodes

Explore WordPress with Josepha Haden, the project’s executive director, and guests. Learn about where WordPress is going, how we’ll get there, and how you can get involved. Join us today and help democratize publishing!

Episode 46: The WP Bloopers Podcast

Episode 46: The WP Bloopers Podcast

Dec 31, 2022 08:43

This episode of the WP Briefing features all the Josepha bloopers our little elves have stored away over the year.

Episode 45: State of the Word Reflections

Episode 45: State of the Word Reflections

Dec 22, 2022 11:59

Josepha reflects on this year's State of the Word address here on the WP Briefing podcast.

Episode 44: Minors, Majors, and Why We Have So Many Releases

Episode 44: Minors, Majors, and Why We Have So Many Releases

Nov 28, 2022 07:16

Hear Josepha Haden Chomphosy highlight the role of major and minor releases in the WordPress open source project in this episode.

Episode 43: Openverse & Photo Directory– What Are They, and How Are They Different?

Episode 43: Openverse & Photo Directory– What Are They, and How Are They Different?

Nov 14, 2022 06:45

Join Josepha as she explores the differences between Openverse & Photo Directory, two resources for openly licensed media in the WordPress project.

Episode 42: Something Spooky This Way Comes

Episode 42: Something Spooky This Way Comes

Oct 31, 2022 08:54

Tis the season for spooky fun. Hear Josepha Haden Chomphosy read a Halloween-themed WordPress Mad Lib on the episode of the WP Briefing.

Episode 41: WordPress 6.1 Sneak Peek with Special Guest Nick Diego

Episode 41: WordPress 6.1 Sneak Peek with Special Guest Nick Diego

Oct 17, 2022 18:24

Tune into episode 41 of the WordPress Briefing Podcast for a sneak peek into the upcoming WordPress 6.1 release.

Episode 40: All Things Testing with Special Guests Anne McCarthy and Brian Alexander

Episode 40: All Things Testing with Special Guests Anne McCarthy and Brian Alexander

Oct 3, 2022 29:30

On this week's episode of the WP Briefing, Josepha is joined by special guests Anne McCarthy and Brian Alexander to discuss all thing testing within the WordPress project!

Episode 39: Contributor Stories Live from WordCamp US!

Episode 39: Contributor Stories Live from WordCamp US!

Sep 19, 2022 09:16

Live from WordCamp US 2022, listen to contributor stories about why they WordPress.

Episode 38: All About LearnWP with Special Guest Hauwa Abashiya

Episode 38: All About LearnWP with Special Guest Hauwa Abashiya

Sep 5, 2022 16:16

Enter the educational world of the WordPress Training team and its Learn initiative during this week's episode of the podcast.

Episode 37: The World of WordPress on World Wide Web Day

Episode 37: The World of WordPress on World Wide Web Day

Aug 2, 2022 19:50

Celebrating WWW Day, Josepha invites contributors from around the globe to share stories of how WordPress impacts their worlds.

Episode 36: Beginner’s Guide to Contributions 2.0

Episode 36: Beginner’s Guide to Contributions 2.0

Jul 25, 2022 13:40

Thinking of contributing to WordPress? Josepha Haden Chomphosy guides you through the five stages of contribution on the latest episode of the WP Briefing podcast!

Episode 35: Five for the Future’s True Intentions

Episode 35: Five for the Future’s True Intentions

Jul 11, 2022 12:44

On this week's episode of the WordPress Briefing, Josepha answers questions about the intentions behind the Five for the Future initiative.

Episode 34: WordPress 6.1 is Coming!

Episode 34: WordPress 6.1 is Coming!

Jun 28, 2022 07:14

Join WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy as she covers planning for major releases and how you can get involved in the 6.1 release cycle!

Episode 33: Some Important Questions from WCEU

Episode 33: Some Important Questions from WCEU

Jun 13, 2022 09:46

WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy covers some important questions from WordCamp Europe on this special episode of the WordPress Briefing podcast.

Episode 32: An Open Source Reading List

Episode 32: An Open Source Reading List

May 31, 2022 09:57

In the thirty-second episode of the WordPress Briefing, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy shares her open source reading list for that post-WordCamp Europe downtime. Have a question you’d like answered? You can submit them to wpbriefing@wordpress.org, either written or as a voice recording. Credits Editor: Dustin Hartzler Logo: Beatriz Fialho Production: Santana Inniss and Chloé Bringmann Song: […]

Episode 31: Open Source & Accessibility– Celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day With Guest Joe Devon

Episode 31: Open Source & Accessibility– Celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day With Guest Joe Devon

May 16, 2022 30:58

In the thirty-first episode of the WordPress Briefing, GAAD Co-Founder Joe Devon joins WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy to discuss Global Accessibility Awareness Day and the role of open source in accessibility. Have a question you’d like answered? You can submit them to wpbriefing@wordpress.org, either written or as a voice recording. Credits Guest: Joe […]

Episode 30: A Sneak Peek at WordPress 6.0

Episode 30: A Sneak Peek at WordPress 6.0

May 2, 2022 29:01

Get a behind the scenes sneak peek at the WordPress 6.0 release on this episode of the WordPress Briefing featuring a special guest!

Episode 29: How to Make a WordPress Blog

Episode 29: How to Make a WordPress Blog

Apr 18, 2022 14:45

Join our host Josepha Haden Chomphosy as she takes us back to WordPress basics. Learn everything you need to know about how to make a WordPress blog!

Episode 28: Coming to a WordCamp Near You: A Return to In-Person WP Events

Episode 28: Coming to a WordCamp Near You: A Return to In-Person WP Events

Apr 4, 2022 10:36

Curious about returning to WordPress events safely? Tune in as WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy discusses guidelines for returning to in-person events.

Episode 27: Is WordPress Made for Me?

Episode 27: Is WordPress Made for Me?

Mar 21, 2022 06:58

Who is WordPress actually made for? Join our host, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy, as she explores this controversial question and three things that can help find the answer. Have a question you’d like answered? You can submit them to wpbriefing@wordpress.org, either written or as a voice recording. Hosts: Josepha Haden Chomphosy Editor: Dustin HartzlerLogo: Beatriz […]









夜の帳がおりる頃、 しじまにまたたく星のささやき。 光年の孤独の叫びを、夜風が柔らかく溶かす。 今宵 ひっそりと夜ふかし。 「群読のある夜」






この発信は、 読書習慣をつけたい自分の英語学習継続のためです。 途中から自由気ままに台本なしに話しています🤭 今は思春期の娘と二人暮らし 看護師の私に、脳血管の難病(もやもや病)がわかり 開頭術を経て、臨床に復帰。 でも、ここ何年かのワーキングメモリ、短期記憶低下を自覚していたのが、実は後遺症で、 軽度の高次脳機能障害の可能性も指摘され、 急性期の臨床で働くことが怖くなり、 何においても自信喪失、気づいたら一年休職。 さらに、 コントロールできない感情の起伏などをあり、 摂食障害とも付き合いながら、 これからの生活どうしようと 看護師としての復職が絶望的で どん底だったときに、心救われた語学学習やコミュニティの仲間の存在。 そして、発病から1年経過し、身体は順調、脳はそのまま。職場での環境やシフト勤務の配慮を条件に、 主治医から復職許可がでて、勇気を出して復職して今また臨床で働いています。 外国人対応やマイノリティの対応など、 今まで学んだ知識や経験が、 院内で今後求められた時に、発揮できるように、 楽しくをモットーに自己学習中です。 国内では、 外国人患者は英語を母語としない人も多いです。 英語を学ぶことで、幅広い文化背景や海外の事情を知り、視野を広がるきっかけになります。 今は、英語を身近な医療英語から楽しく、 発音練習しながら学んでいます。 この音声発信は 復職によって日々の忙しさに忙殺されて 学習習慣をまた中断したくないためです。 過去の私が仕事中心で、 仕事のストレスはお酒と睡眠で解消してたので、 そんな不摂生の生活をもう繰り返したくないし、疾患のこともあるので、できないです😅 でこぼこな脳で、自信を失い、 落ち着きのない私がとりあえずやってみた試みがこの音声発信。 今後どうなるかわからないなか、 今できることに取り組み 今は身体の不自由がないことに感謝しつつ、 誰かの役に立てたらと思って生きています。 まとまりなく長い説明文のところ、 ここまで読んでくださり、 大変ありがとうございます。 "Click here for LISTEN, a podcast transcription service" https://listen.style/p/skpqfjig?tODwV5LP


