

Logical Elegance 532 Episodes

I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

32: Woo Woo Woo

32: Woo Woo Woo

Dec 25, 2013 41:33

Patrick Kane (@PSoC_Nation) is the director of the Cypress University Alliance, working with colleges to provide development kits and information to college (and high school) students. Happily, Patrick brought Elecia a new dev kit: CY8CKIT-042.

31: If You See a Dongle Run Away

31: If You See a Dongle Run Away

Dec 19, 2013 1:15:27

Producer Christopher (@stoneymonster) joins Elecia to look through their mailbag and talk about gift ideas. Podcasts we like: The Amp Hour 99% Invisible  Radiolab 5x5 network’s Back to Work Accidental tech Splendid Table (food) Some listener suggestions on where to get small run boards made: http://www.cadsoftusa.com http://www.seeedstudio.com/service/index.php?r=site/pcbService http://www.pcbcart.com/ http://oshpark.com/ Gift ideas (specifics): Dropcam and Dropcam Pro Nest thermostat and smoke alarm  Online automatic backup services: Crashplan and Backblaze Books: Thinking Fast and Slow, Quiet, and Kraken The BUS Pirate serial bus logger and injector Sennheiser HD 280 Pro headphones for noisy offices Gift ideas (stores): Shapeways 3D Printing on demand Think Geek Find a kit or component for someone: Sparkfun, Adafruit, or Maker Shed

30: Eventually Lightning Strikes

30: Eventually Lightning Strikes

Dec 12, 2013 56:17

James Grenning (@jwgrenning) joined Elecia to talk about how to be a good programmer using Test Driven Development (TDD). James' excellent book on how to use TDD: Test Driven Development for Embedded Systems  Take a class from Renaissance Software Manual test is not sustainable blog post, from James' blog Legacy code challenge from Github SOLID design principles Iterative and Incremental Development article by Craig Larman Untapped: the beer drinker's twitter To get the signed copy of James' book, email (show@embedded.fm), tweet (@logicalelegance), or hit the contact link on embedded.fm with your number between 0-99. First one with the correct number wins the book (if no one is correct, the closest number will be selected 12/25/13).

29: Ducking the Quadcopter

29: Ducking the Quadcopter

Dec 5, 2013 45:33

Kathleen Vaeth of MicroGen Systems (@MicroGenSystems) spoke with Elecia (@LogicalElegance) about energy harvesting using MEMS devices. Some introductory videos: BOLT™ Micro Power Generator An energy harvester enables TI eZ430 with Linear LTC3588 While we missed it on the show, Kathleen also wanted to mention MicroGen Systems' finite element modeling partners: SoftMEMS and Open Engineering.

28: A Lot of Wish Fulfillment

28: A Lot of Wish Fulfillment

Nov 21, 2013 48:09

Author Laura Lemay (@lemay) spoke with Elecia (@logicalelegance) about writing books, APIs, code, and science fiction.  Laura wrote many of the Teach Yourself ... in 21 Days books: her bibliography on Amazon. Laura's blog includes short stories.  November is National Novel Writing Month, see the NaNoWriMo site Edward Tufte wrote the amazing Envisioning Information (among many other beautiful and informative books) Neal Stephenson wrote Diamond Age Laura suggests Patrick Ness' The Knife of Never Letting Go

27: You Are Blowing My Mind

27: You Are Blowing My Mind

Nov 14, 2013 00:00

From the MEMS Industry Group Executive Congress: Ivo Stivoric, co-founder of the Body Media which was purchased by Jawbone CEO Sam Guilaume and Dave Rothenberg of Movea Stephen Walsh, ISKN – iSketchnote, one of the pitches in the MEMS Elevator Pitch Session From the 2013 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference: David Peter works with New Life International. His paper was “A Simple Algorithm for Chlorine Concentration Control”

26: The Tofu Problem

26: The Tofu Problem

Nov 7, 2013 1:00:31

In this in-depth technical discussion, Dr. Ken Lunde helps Elecia understand how to internationalize her (memory constrained) device. CJVK Information Processing, Ken’s excellent O’Reilly book on internationalization [Note: there is a 40% off print and 50% off ebook coupon in the last few minutes of the show.] Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) Images of the bone ideograph that is different between Chinese and Japanese (U+9AA8) can be found on Wikipedia. Other sources of information:  Ken’s CJK Type Blog at Adobe Unicode specification, surprisingly readable though large  An introductory tutorial  Elecia found helpful Open source type faces Source Sans Pro OpenType font family (for UIs) Source Code Pro OpenType font family (for programming environments) Adobe’s open source projects and Ken’s contribution to those: Adobe Blank is a special-purpose OpenType font, making webpages wait to load fonts until they have the correct one AGL and AGLFN (Adobe Glyph List) maps glyph names to Unicode values CMap Resources are used to unidirectionally map character codes CSS Orientation Test are lightweight and special-purpose OpenType fonts that map all Unicode code points to glyphs that indicate their orientation based on the writing direction. Kenten Generic OpenType Font  provides glyphs suitable for typesetting emphasis marks in Japanese. Mapping Resources for PDF are used to derive content from PDF files that include CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) information.  You can also reach Ken via lunde "at" adobe.com  

25: Thunderdome for Antennas

25: Thunderdome for Antennas

Oct 31, 2013 51:29

 Jen Costillo surfaced briefly from her startup-induced blackout to share her wisdom about manufacturing consumer products. They discussed new product development and working from (and making modifications to) Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA. Jen and Elecia pined for this (probably not really a two pack) microscope.

24: I'm a Total Fraud

24: I'm a Total Fraud

Oct 24, 2013 53:49

Listener Jim Gf posed an interesting question about how to tell if you are a good embedded software engineer. Producer Christopher White joins Elecia to fail to give an answer. While they mention the embedded C test, they devolve into "why would you ask that question?", impostor syndrome, and methods for dealing with it.  (Normally our podcasts are recorded during the day but this one was after a long, fairly grueling day for the co-hosts. You may hear the clink of glass as we drank a nice Pinot Noir from Hahn Winery.)

23: Go For Everything I Want

23: Go For Everything I Want

Oct 17, 2013 1:07:55

 Jeri Ellsworth joins Elecia to talk about about co-founding Technical Illusions and their virtual and augmented reality product CastAR. Jeri gives an in-depth introduction to virtual reality, augmented reality and motion sickness. They also talk about hardware engineers working with software engineers, the CastAR's Kickstarter, children's toys, and tagging sharks for science.

22: Mincraft Is the New Apple II

22: Mincraft Is the New Apple II

Oct 10, 2013 49:19

 Jordan Hart from Digital Media Academy joined Elecia to discuss ways to make science, technology, and engineering fun for kids through Minecraft, Arduino robotics, and music.   DMA video: Robotics and Electrical Engineering with Arduino  TED talk: The child-driven education which describes the "method of the grandmother" teaching style. Georgia Tech online CS Master's degree Sincere apologies to fans of Gottfried Leibnitz, he had a truly amazing career that went well beyond calculus, read about it on Wikipedia. 

21: The Tent Is Flat and Everyone Is Wet

21: The Tent Is Flat and Everyone Is Wet

Oct 3, 2013 43:39

 Rob Mitchell and Elecia discuss management, what they like about project schedules, and lessons learned on the path from engineer to manager.

20: Soldered Together By Monkeys

20: Soldered Together By Monkeys

Sep 26, 2013 1:13:35

Phil King of Weekend Engineering returned to give Elecia advice on how to fabricate a board, both in a professional capacity and for garage projects.  EaglePCB is a commercial package which is also available as a free, noncommercial version for small 2-layer boards. Other open source packages mentioned include Kicad and gEDA. Some board fabricators provide free tools that work only with their fab houses (such asExpressPCB).  Digikey's SchemeIt  provides a way to get a PDF schematic (and a BOM), but falls down by not providing a way to generate a net list, a critical part of board fabrication. PCB West is this week at the Santa Clara convention center. How Printed Circuit Boards are Designed (1960 Edition)   Hildy  Licht electronic assembly and manufacturing

19: Bacon and Beer Event

19: Bacon and Beer Event

Sep 19, 2013 46:42

Karen Field (@karenfield) and Elecia talk about 2014 DesignWest, the embedded systems conference, and how to submit your idea for a session. 2014  DesignWest is March 31 - April 3, 2014. Call for abstracts is open, submit your idea! Speaker benefits include speaker room, speaker party, full conference pass, conversation starting badge for networking, plus resume fodder.

18: Brine Solids Building Up in Strange Places

18: Brine Solids Building Up in Strange Places

Sep 12, 2013 43:23

Elecia White and Amy Button discuss Amy's dream of going to Mars, her previous role in training astronauts to handle disasters, and her current work on a magic box of rocks that will keep Orion's air breathable.    Mars One  Amy’s applicant page (with video) Nixon's moon disaster speech Amy's favorite other applicant

17: Facebook Status: Maybe Not Dead

17: Facebook Status: Maybe Not Dead

Sep 5, 2013 53:45

Elecia White spoke with Elizabeth Brenner about devices that can be used to help families worry less about grandparents who live alone (and 87-year-old neighbor friends named Dolores).  Life Alert is the big name in senior push-button call systems. Life Call are the "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up" people. (See the commercial!) Life Call and Lileline have accelerometers to detect falls. Twilio allows programs to send and receive phone calls and text messages using its web service APIs.  If This Then That (ifttt.com) connects channels to allow an event to trigger other events (i.e. "failed to twitter today" -> text family) . Fibit API for connecting Fitbit data to other applications. We didn't talk about this but it is a similar idea: Goodnight lamp.

16: Democracy Is the Worst Form of Government

16: Democracy Is the Worst Form of Government

Aug 29, 2013 53:53

Elecia tries to get a handle on whether Agile works with embedded software.  Curtis Cole (@citizencurtis) argues in favor of user stories, scrums, and story points. Agile software development on Wikipedia Test Driven Development for Embedded C by James Grenning   "Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." Winston Churchill

15: Robot on the Front

15: Robot on the Front

Aug 21, 2013 48:21

Andreas Eieland (@AndreasMCUguy) from Atmel joined Elecia to talk about how the AVR processor line came to life, why there is an AVR in Arduino, and the spirit of making things. Arduino AVR Freaks Atmel’s AVR home OpenCores AVR FPGA implementation Elecia’s new dev kit is a SAM D20 Xplained Pro

14: Hot

14: Hot

Aug 16, 2013 41:55

Artist Kristin Anderson of Idle Creativity spoke with Elecia about the technology of working with slumped glass, getting started on Etsy (Elecia mentioned her craft electronic ideas), and moving from Silicon Valley technology to artistic pursuits. Kristin's Etsy store, blog, and Facebook page Elecia's intial craft electronics idea and some followup Great book for getting started: Contemporary Fused Glass Kristin suggests Marketing Creativity and  Handmadeology as blogs to help build a craft business Etsy is a great resource for learning to use Etsy: forums and video tutorials.  Bullseye Glass, see classes, especially "Set Your Kiln on Fire" [That does sound fun! -El] Monte Vista embedded Linux Kristin suggests Marketing Creativity and  Handmadeology as blogs to help build a craft business Etsy is a great resource for learning to use Etsy: forums and video tutorials. 

13: Introspective Nasal Gazing

13: Introspective Nasal Gazing

Aug 8, 2013 54:01

Christopher White ( @stoneymonster) emerges from his producer responsibilities to chat with Elecia about starting a podcast: the gadgetry, the software, the distribution, and, the big question, why we do it. Links from the show:  Libsyn, a dedicated podcast audio hosting service. SquareSpace, fast and easy website building and hosting. 5x5, Dan Benjamin's (@danbenjamin) phenomenal podcast network. Starting a podcast, Dan's guide to podcast equipment. 

@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

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