

Logical Elegance 532 Episodes

I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

131: Carve Me a Duck

131: Carve Me a Duck

Dec 25, 2015 1:14:09

Sarah and Abi Hodsdon speak with us about being a maker family.  Sarah's site and blog are Sarahndipitous Designs, her twitter handle is @sarahndipitous. The online K-12 school they use is Connections Academy. Making Makers by AnnMarie Thomas is a book about encouraging kids toward making.  Backyard Ballistics by William Gurstelle is an excellent addition to any library. Giwishes is a massive global scavenger hunt. Some learning sites the Hodsdon's recommend include: Code Academy Kahn Academy Instructables For e-textiles and wearables, they recommend: Lynne Bruning's eTextile Lounge Becky Stern Leah Buechley's Sew Electric book

130: Criminal Training Camp

130: Criminal Training Camp

Dec 17, 2015 1:02:39

Alvaro Prieto (@alvaroprieto) spoke with us about laser turrets, tearing down quadcopters, flux capacitors, the moon, and culture at work. Alvaro's blog Alvaro's github repositories including Proto-X quadcopter information, Silta bus monitoring, and Skype video message exporter for OSX. One of the inspirations for taking apart the Proto-X was watching Micah talk about herCoastermelt project. We talked to her about it on episode 101: Taking Apart the Toaster. One of his reasons for going to Planet Labs was knowing Shaun Meehan, check out his Amp Hour interview. Daemon by Daniel Suarez Video of Supercon talk on laser shooting robots Podcast Award nominations open in early 2016

129: Atoms Not Bits

129: Atoms Not Bits

Dec 10, 2015 1:30:05

    We ask Matt Berggren (@technolomaniac) to envision an ideal world of product creation.  Matt's Spartan 6 FPGA shield is on the Hackaday Store. Its build process is documented on Hackaday.io. You can see Matt's other projects on Hackaday.io/matt. Matt works for SupplyFrame. Wishbone is the open source bus system that Elecia likened to ARM's AHB/APB.

128: The American Pi

128: The American Pi

Dec 3, 2015 1:01:47

Simon Monk (@simonmonk2) talks with us about zombies and writing books.   Simon has 20+ books out, check out his Amazon author page or his web page for a full listing (simonmonk.org). Some you might want sooner rather than later include: The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse: Defend Your Base with Simple Circuits, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi Hacking Electronics 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius Kits for building some of the projects from Simon's books can be found at Monk Makes. (@monkmakes).

127: Chicken Equals Duck Plus One

127: Chicken Equals Duck Plus One

Nov 26, 2015 59:27

🐔=🦃+1 (or Why isn't there a duck emoji?) Christopher and Elecia talk about languages, twitter, listener emails, and Star Wars. Podcast Awards The Amp Hour talked about languages, they also referenced this compiler writing exercise C alternative tokens iso646.h and an up to date C reference (Harbison and Steele) $20 Linux board from vocore.io Real Strawberry DNA extraction technique (Elecia forgot the soap and the salt.) fromScientific American (with real science) or in easy-to-follow picture form on genome.gov.

125: I Like Cheat Codes

125: I Like Cheat Codes

Nov 13, 2015 1:09:07

Dan Shapiro (@danshapiro), CEO of Glowforge (@glowforge), speaks with us about laser cutters and his book, The Hot Seat. If you succumb to the wonder of 3D laser printers, consider using our Glowforge link so you get $100 (and we get $100). Dan's book, the one Elecia gushes about, is The Hot Seat: The Startup CEO Guidebook. Some of that information is also found in Dan's blog.  If you are in the Seattle area, Glowforge is hiring! Check out their jobs page. We didn't talk much about Robot Turtles, a game to teach programming principles to preschoolers.(Also on Amazon.) There is another interesting interview with Dan at Tested.com.

124: Please Don't Light Yourself On Fire

124: Please Don't Light Yourself On Fire

Nov 5, 2015 1:15:49

Windell Oskay (@Oskay) of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories (@EMSL) told us about co-authoring a book: The Annotated Build-It-Yourself Science Laboratory. Some great EMSL links: A signed copy of Windell's book Dis-integrated 555 timer kit Candle flicker LEDs Food in specimen jars EMSL blog post Spherical pen plotter (EggBot Pro!) The book Chris brought up was Thinking Physics. Windell is also on Google Plus. Contest to get Windell's signed book ends 11/13, send in your entry!

123: Banished from Running Linux

123: Banished from Running Linux

Oct 29, 2015 1:20:01

Bob Coggeshall (@BobCoggeshall) runs a boutique assembly house. And he co-wrote sudo. There are sandwich jokes.  Bob's business is Small Batch Assembly (@SmallBatchA). (There might be a discount on your first order near the end of the show. Maybe.) His pick and place machine is a Mancorp MC400.  Octopart's Common Parts Library We mentioned OSHPark a few times, Laen has been on Embedded.fm: 92: Everybody Behave, Please Boldport makes nonlinear traces (SEAHORSE!!) Relevant XKCD panel My Date with Drew How did we not know about Astromech.net? Bob's Wifi Nixie driver board (also: how Nixie tubes work)

122: Glue a Board to Your Resume

122: Glue a Board to Your Resume

Oct 22, 2015 58:23

Chris and Elecia try out their new recording location, give advice for getting a job in embedded software, and respond to listener emails. SparkFun's Pit of Despair is a blog post about how to create products from prototypes. Visual Studio has plug-ins that support microprocessors, see Visual Micro. The Guardian reports that 2016 VW models have a different defeat.

121: The Idea of Mojo

121: The Idea of Mojo

Oct 15, 2015 1:01:03

We spoke with Fran Blanche (@contourcorsets) of Frantone about guitar tone.  Fran has several articles and posts about space, electronics, and assorted whatnot at her design writings page. Her video blog is on YouTube. There are many different guitar pedals you can build for yourself as a way to get a better handle on analog electronics. Elecia found these at Mammoth Electronics. The song that was the first to have flanging was "The Big Hurt" by Toni Fisher in 1959.

120: Boll Weevil Eradication

120: Boll Weevil Eradication

Oct 2, 2015 1:03:57

Kathleen Sidenblad discusses her career through Silicon Valley, from engineer at Systems Control Inc in 1976 to VP of Engineering today. For more about Kathy, check out this Storehouse interview.   

119: Do Your Neighbors Have Any Idea?

119: Do Your Neighbors Have Any Idea?

Sep 24, 2015 1:16:35

Ben Krasnow of the Applied Science YouTube channel talks with us about scanning electron microscopes, generating liquid nitrogen, and cookies.  Hackaday Conference is Nov 14-15, 2015 in SF, CA! Call for proposals. (Ben and Elecia are Hackaday Prize Judges.) Contact Ben through twitter: @BenKrasnow Applied Science YouTube channel (and don't forget the associated Patreon). Some specific videos we talked about: Cookie machine Electron microscope scanning vinyl record Faraday effect (control light with magnets!) LED contact lens (not for the squeamish) Other people's videos and projects: Brady Haran's Periodic Videos Veritassium channel Build your own waterjet Amscope microscope and low cost hot air rework soldering station

118: Awesome and Frequently Useless

118: Awesome and Frequently Useless

Sep 17, 2015 57:09

Morgan Allen (@captain_morgan) spoke with us about Sphero and Node.JS. This is all not-so-secretly a discussion of the BB8 robot. Correction: Despite Elecia's repeated insistence that these are steppers, she's just wrong. The motors are DC which only makes sense in a consumer product. More details on this in a later episode. BB8s from Amazon (probably won't arrive until next year) More info on Elecia's teardown and talk: embedded.fm/hddg  The BB8 toy is based on Sphero (buy). They have an open SDK and a wonderful education program. Check out the clear SPRK (buy). It also has a teach-your-kids-to-program app that is pretty neat (but doesn't seem to work with BB8 yet). Morgan has been involved with NodeBots (@nodebotsSF). They use Node.js (wiki) to send Bluetooth serial commands to Spheros. Their issues list is where new meetups are posted. Johnny-Five is also a popular way to do computer based robotics with an Arduino (or other dev board) as a hardware intermediary. IPFS: Distributed file system ESPruino is a Javascript board. People's Open: Free Wireless Internet and Local Network in Oakland, California. Also in Oakland, check out Sudo Room hackerspace.

117: In as Much as Which

117: In as Much as Which

Sep 10, 2015 57:33

Chris and Elecia discuss listener emails and other assorted topics. Preprocessor fun BLE 4.2 writeup from EETimes and the FAQ from Bluetooth.org Drones should follow existing aviation keep out standards (Nick links us to some wiki pages) Automatic dependent surveillance NOTAM Federal Aviation Regulations: Temporary flight restrictions NYT Amazon culture article Cake under a microscope

116: You Have to Care

116: You Have to Care

Sep 3, 2015 1:21:55

Glenn Scott (@GlennCScott) spoke with us about API design and techniques for writing good software. Glenn glossed over his bio but it is quite impressive. You can reach him via his PARC page. PARC's Content Centric Networking home: ccnx.org which we talked about in 75: End Up in a Puppy Fight. Literate Programming by Knuth And the more recommended Bob Martin's books While latest source code requires licensing, the binary version of CCN includes the LongBow tools (in user/local/parc/bin). Description of tools and doxygen docs. The LongBow getting started guide should be part of the mid-September binary release. PARC's C Style Guide and C Function Naming Guide

115: Datasheeps

115: Datasheeps

Aug 27, 2015 1:21:00

Daniel Hienzsch (@rheingoldheavy) spoke with us about reverse engineering a board, bypass capacitors, and serial protocols. Rheingold Heavy is Dan's company for educational boards. The one he started with was the I2C and SPI education board (its fulfilled kickstarter page). He brought us the theGraphic Equalizer Kit and Bubble Display Experimentation Pack. Dan's Arduino from Scratch blog series looks at the Arduino hardware in great detail.  Contextual Electronics course for learning to build boards Chris wrote about his Photon based garage door opener on the Linker blog TinEye for searching schematic snippets

114: Wild While Loops

114: Wild While Loops

Aug 20, 2015 1:27:41

Andrei Chichak rejoins us to discuss error handling.  Andrei's website says how to reach him or email embedded 'at' chichak.ca Windows 10 "Something Happened" error Hitchbot Book Elecia mentioned: Kindness of Strangers by Mike McIntyre Elecia's book covers logging module in Creating a System Architecture (pp 21-25) Robots and children

113: A Noddy Little Program

113: A Noddy Little Program

Aug 14, 2015 1:27:07

Clive Turvey (Clive1), master of the ST Forums, talks with us about ARM cores and answering difficult technical questions for fun. Some answers: NVIC Interrupts on the same pin number STM32F4 PWM channel 3 ST's Cortex-M7 Books (though we talked more about these being good authors, these are the ones Chris and Elecia have or want): The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors, 3rd Edition (Joseph Yiu, 2013) The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors, 2nd Edition  (Joseph Yiu, 2015) Z80 Assembly Language Programming Paperback (Lance A Leventhal, 1979)  Programming the 6502 (Rodnay Zaks, 1979) A bare metal Scheme interpreter for ARM.

112: My Brain Is My Resource

112: My Brain Is My Resource

Aug 5, 2015 1:20:11

Chris (@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) chat with each other about drones, listener emails, conferences, fighting robots, and moonlighting. Elecia's Solid talk, an Introduction to Inertial Sensors is on youtube. Washington Post article about Amazon's good drone behavior  Apple's IOS security guide (Elecia's security checklist) Photon WiFi Module (Chris' Linker articles part one and part two) DAB+ FM Digital Radio Development Board Sad autonomous fighting robot video and lightning fast autonomous sumo bots video OpenSCAD- CAD tool suggested by a listener Elecia's conference apology Light painting pictures (500px)

111: Potty Train Your Tamagotchi

111: Potty Train Your Tamagotchi

Jul 30, 2015 50:19

Natalie Silvanovich (@natashenka) discussed reverse engineering hardware, working on security software, and the fantastic world of Tamagotchis. Natalie's site and blog Hardware Excuse Generator  Original CCC 2012 talk: Many Tamagotchis Were Harmed in the Making of this Presentation CCC 2013 talk: Even More Tamagotchis Were Harmed in the Making of this Presentation  Natalie's upcoming BlackHat talk: Attacking ECMAScript Engines with Redefinition  Flash exploit article for Project Zero: One Perfect Bug: Exploiting Type Confusion in Flash  Tamagotchis are still available as are the works of Shel Silverstein (Snowball is in Falling Up). 



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