

Logical Elegance 532 Episodes

I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

110: Happiness Is a Warm Puppy

110: Happiness Is a Warm Puppy

Jul 23, 2015 1:24:47

BeagleBone's Jason Kridner (@Jadon) returns to tell us about his new book. Jason co-authored a new book: BeagleBone Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions (or at O'Reilly). His older book is Bad to the Bone: Crafting Electronics Systems with Beaglebone and BeagleBone Black. Previous Embedded.fm episode 60: Fun Things You Can Make out of Beagles BeagleBoard.org's Google Summer of Code page (including BeagleSat and underwater drones!) Some information about putting Xenomai on a BeagleBone Black for real time response. Chris mentioned Brillo, an alternative Google supported OS that isn't on the BBB. Project Ara: an open source smartphone Ardupilot: Autonomous drone piloting.  Dronecode: Drones in Linux OpenROV: Underwater vehicles Mars lander Beagle 2 (the Apollo 11 Lunar Module was the Eagle despite some comical confusion). [UPDATE: Listener Mark Stevens pointed out that the Apollo 10 Lunar Module was named Snoopy who was a beagle.] TI's E2E Forums BeagleBone Green

109: Resurrection of Extreme Programming

109: Resurrection of Extreme Programming

Jul 16, 2015 57:09

James Grenning (@jwgrenning) returns to discuss TDD, Agile, and web courses.  James was on Embedded.fm episode 30: Eventually Lighting Strikes. James' new company is Wingman Software. His excellent book is TDD for Embedded C.  James suggested Training From the Back of the Room! as resource to people looking to put together a class. He uses and recommends CyberDojo as a coding instruction tool. Before Agile was Agile-for-business, it was Extreme Programming. James recommends Extreme Programming Explained. James will be the keynote speaker at AgileDC in October.

108: Nebarious

108: Nebarious

Jul 9, 2015 1:30:01

Jen (@RebelbotJen) joined Chris and Elecia to discuss security, privacy, and ethics in wearable computing.  Elecia's Linker post is especially relevant this week: Device Security Checklist.. There is already a standard for privacy and security: HIPAA (Title II). While not easy to read, it is a reasonable starting place. Another good (but not quite on-point) resource is the EFF Secure Messaging Scorecard, especially if you consider your device as messaging your user (it's a metaphor, ok?). Also, read all the way to the methodology, not just the pretty checkboxes. Mike Ryan has great explanations for how to easily crack BLE security. Video to watch. His website has more resources, papers, videos, tools. The Embedded Systems Conference (Silicon Valley) will be held at the Santa Clara convention center July 20-22.  Wearables and IoT Growing Up: Talking To Your Products About Security And Ethics(Jen, Wed 11am) Teardown: Wearing Security on Your Sleeve (mostly Jen with Elecia telling jokes if/when things go wrong, Tue 1:30pm, on the show floor so free to attend with an Expo pass. We'll be taking apart a Nymi band.) Faker to Maker in 45 Minutes or Less (Elecia, Wed 1:30pm) Casino article: Breaking the House Chris and Elecia were guests on The Amp Hour.  Jen is interested in putting together a workshop/conference on the intersection of art, dance, and technology. Contact her on Twitter or email info at rebelbots dot com. 

107: Until They Are Spaghetti

107: Until They Are Spaghetti

Jul 2, 2015 58:33

We talked to Craig Cook about learning embedded systems. He recently attended an embedded edX course through University of Texas.   The microcontroller and boards used in the course Craig's next course will be Interactive Python through Coursera As we discussed Craig's alarm clock we mentioned many parts including: FM Module ESP8266 WiFi Module Electric Imp (Sparkfun or Digikey, don't forget the April breakout board) Chris has also been looking at Particle.io's Photon board for WiFi + cloud development. This will be mentioned on other shows (as well as on The Amp Hour).

106: I Am a Scientism

106: I Am a Scientism

Jun 25, 2015 1:02:13

Chris and Elecia talk about satellites, survey results, and entertainment. ESP8266 has an Arduino IDE (thanks, Karl!) Elecia will be speaking at Solid June 25th and ESC July 22nd. To celebrate the first 100 episodes, Elecia made a spreadsheet of all the guests and topics. Chris read and recommended Neal Stephenson's Seveneves. He was ambivalent about the latest incarnation of battlebots.

105: Some Paths Are More Suicidal

105: Some Paths Are More Suicidal

Jun 18, 2015 48:41

Manny Wright of Cortus spoke with us about developing processor IP and how it goes from RTL to silicon.  Cortus development platform with a Xilinx Spartan and Arduino Due compatibility. Planet Labs satellite contest winners are announced and Elecia has a cold.

104: Only the Paranoid Survive

104: Only the Paranoid Survive

Jun 11, 2015 1:04:53

Atmel’s Andreas Eieland (@AndreasMCUguy) spoke with us about low power chips and benchmarks, including tips for measuring and achieving the lowest power possible. EEMBC has a low power benchmark: ULPBench. EETimes wrote up a great introduction to the benchmark. Atmel’s SAM-L posted some excellent numbers for ULPBench. Chris wanted to look at processors between Cortex-M4 and phone chips. Andreas suggested the SAM7, SAM E, and Cortex-A5. Programmable logic blocks (Look Up Tables) Coding tips and tricks for AVR micros (most things apply for all embedded development) App Note: Ultra Low Power Techniques App Note: Performance Levels and Power Domains Andreas was also on Episode 15: Robot on the Front, speaking about how the AVR processor line came to life, why there is an AVR in Arduino, and the spirit of making things. The Planet contest ends Friday June 12 (at midnight your time). Check out their jobs and send in your contest entry. Also, check out Elecia’s BLE Intro.

103: Tentacles Of the Kraken

103: Tentacles Of the Kraken

Jun 4, 2015 1:09:53

Mark VanderVoord (@mvandervoord) spoke with us about leading open source projects and test driven development. His site is ThrowTheSwitch.org, a good place to get started with test driven development. Get more info (and a coupon) for his course. Mark's book is Embedded Testing with Unity and CMock.  Lengthy list of unit testing frameworks for C Why's Guide to Learning Ruby (free! with entertaining comics!) D Lang

102: The Deadly Fluffy Bunny (With WiFi)

102: The Deadly Fluffy Bunny (With WiFi)

May 28, 2015 1:06:13

Charles Lohr spoke with us about $5 WiFi (ESP8266), hacking as a hobby, arcade games, and music visualization. Updated 06/02/2015: A listener pointed out that the Arduino IDE can program the ESP8266, probably an easier setup than Charles' original article. Also, the Linker post for this show is about getting started with BLE. Follow Charles on YouTube (or say hello on Google+ and Hackaday.io). To get you started, here are Elecia's favorites: High Res Wifi Signal Mapping (ESP8266)  ColorChord 2 Wifi Cup (ESP8266) For more about the ESP8266: Charles' Hackaday write up (and github repository) Espressif site Electrodragon, Adafruit, and Sparkfun have modules ST 9 axis inertial measurement unit LSM9DSO

101: Taking Apart the Toaster

101: Taking Apart the Toaster

May 21, 2015 1:14:19

Micah Elizabeth Scott (@scanlime) spoke with us about Coastermelt, art installations, FadeCandy, teaching electronics to artists, and mental health.  Her Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) installation is mesmerizing, some videos.  In her Coastermelt project, Micah uses the IDA disassembler. FadeCandy is for sale at Adafruit. Zen Photon is online, demonstrating ray tracing. Micah's website shows her current projects.  Micah's previous Embedded.fm episode focused on FadeCandy: 41: Pink Universes Die Really Quickly. Robot Odyssey looks awesome. Captain Awkward is a site where you can get advice on how to say things and deal with difficult situations/people. Micah's shop has a TypeA 3D printer (note: Tuco's favorite bolts) as well as an OtherMill. 

100: Unintentional Radiator

100: Unintentional Radiator

May 7, 2015 1:08:09

Star Simpson (@starsandrobots) and Jen Costillo (@RebelbotJen) catch up with Elecia and Chris, discussing how hobby projects have changed over the last two years since the show started.  Jen's website: RebelBot Star's website and weekly drone newsletter The Buzzer. Star works at Orion (formerly OnBeep). Novena board and Star's project Balboa ODROID Open Cores Crowd supply and What it took to make the Octopart reference card

99: You Can Say a Boat

99: You Can Say a Boat

Apr 30, 2015 1:23:47

Andrei Chichak spoke with us about MISRA-C and ethics.  Linker post: It's dangerous to go alone! Take MISRA-C Embedded.fm listener survey (please!) Andrei's has personal website (we failed to talk about his kite aerial photography, it is really neat though) and his company is CBF Systems. Plum Hall C Compiler Validation PC Lint JPL Coding Standards for C (and the mentioned video discussing Mars Code) ISO 26262 Automobile software standard Cortex-R for high reliability systems (ARM's description) National Society of Professional Engineers code of ethics and Canadian EngineeringGuidelines on the Code of Ethics Offline, Andrei recommended two books and another podcast about MISRA: C Traps and Pitfalls Safer C MISRA with Johan Bezem (podcast)

98: Figments of My Imagination

98: Figments of My Imagination

Apr 23, 2015 1:09:17

Chris and Elecia talk about memetics, learning, and processors.  Elecia was coy about the Pasadena party May 9th and 10th, but Hackaday announced it so you can invite yourself. She will also be speaking at the Solid conference in June in SF (email for a coupon!). She'll also be at ESC-Silicon Valley in July.  Star Wars Teaser #2 and SpaceX almost-landing BLE fun: TI's CC2640 and Nordic nRF51822 (Elecia likes the BLE Nano with the free, online mbed compiler for getting started with the nRF5122). Everything seems to be a Cortex-M0 these days (including the aforementioned CC2640 and nRF51822). The new Atmel SAM-L series is Cortex-M0 and even more low power than usual. On the other hand, the MSP432 is low power and is a more powerful Cortex-M4 (and inexpensive dev kits!), Elecia has a book: Making Embedded Systems. It makes a great gift.

97: Bubblesort Yourself

97: Bubblesort Yourself

Apr 16, 2015 1:03:17

Professor Paul Fishwick joined us to talk about CS and STEM education, excellent analogies, and the crossover of art and technology.  The Linker post related to this episode managed to be reasonably topical for a change. Paul's work: UT Dallas homepage Creative Automata blog and Modeling For Everyone blog TEDx talk Aesthetic Computing, one of his books on art and CS. Online chapter.  Creative Automata course Videos   Radiolab Color Episode Forrester System Dynamics Max is a visual programming language for music and multimedia. CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.  There are many bubblesort dance videos (mindboggling) but this is the one Elecia knew about previously. The Computer History Museum is awesome. If you are in the area, you should definitely go.  Conference and contact notes: There is a party/hack event in Pasadena May 9th and 10th, email if you want more info (and an invite). Elecia will be speaking at SOLID in SF in June, giving an intro to inertial.  She's got a coupon to share if you ask. ESC Minneapolis' call for proposals is open but closing soon. Elecia will be at ESC Silicon Valley in July, speaking on being a Maker (or not). 

96: Yarn Is Serious Business

96: Yarn Is Serious Business

Apr 9, 2015 1:07:41

Carrie Sundra (@AlpenglowYarn) spoke with us about doing a Kickstarter on her own… and nearly failing. The SkeinMinder is an automation tool for small yarn businesses (and enthusiastic amateurs). When the successful Kickstarter nearly fell short, Carrie candidly wrote about it (includes a great description of the economies of scale). Carrie’s yarn company is Alpenglow Yarn. You can use the contact page there to ask for electrical engineering help as well. Carrie is active on Instagram and her blog is a blend of crafts and engineering. Ravelry is the social media site for knitters and crocheters (requires free account to see anything) The insanely popular Potato Salad Kickstarter. 

95: The Elon Musk of Earth

95: The Elon Musk of Earth

Apr 1, 2015 18:31

This week we discuss lasers, internet of things, and static electricity. Our extremely opinionated guest has a lot to say, including some scatological humor. The associated Linker post went up early for this one, please check it out. Scary robot litter box 

94: Don't Be Clever

94: Don't Be Clever

Mar 26, 2015 1:29:57

The linker post for this episode is Be Excellent to Each Other. Dennis Jackson spoke with us about drones (and Airware), simple code, and learning.  Hobbyist drones and UAVs on Amazon: tiny and cheap,  medium (Christopher's gift), andplease-I'm-drooling-right-now. Only the last one may be an Airware platform (Dennis could neither confirm nor deny). Airware's breakdown of proposed FAA rules Simple code: Cyclomatic complexity Chris Svec's episode on empathy driven design (he'll also be at ESC Boston!) Test Driven Development for Embedded C by James Grenning Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability Dennis has also worked on DEKA's iBOT and at Avinger's OCT system. Dennis had a list of suggested articles and blogs on safety critical software development: 30 Pitfalls for Real Time Systems (part 1 and part 2)  Rules for defensive C programming Joel Spolsky's blog (see top 10) Why are you still using C The Power of Ten -- 10 Rules for Writing  Safety Critical Code  Dennis' other suggested reading (ongoing blogs): Coding Horror Jason Sachs's Embedded Systems  The Old New Thing Rands in Repose (management and leadership)

93: Delicious Gumbo

93: Delicious Gumbo

Mar 19, 2015 56:45

The Linker post for this episode is RTOSs and Brownies. Joel Sherrill (@JoelSherrill) spoke with us about real time operating systems, free and open source software, interns, and space. RTEMS home page and wiki Google Summer of Code (the FAQ is the best part!) and ESA Summer of code (awesome tagline: In space no one can hear you code). The LEON is the ESA Sparc core with open source VHDL and extensive use by ESA. Some projects RTEMS is used on include the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission, theExPRESS Logistics Carrier, Mars Curiosity, and the Dawn spacecraft that is visiting the Ceres asteroid.

92: Everybody Behave, Please

92: Everybody Behave, Please

Mar 12, 2015 1:08:23

The Linker post for this episode: Make Anything James @Laen Neal from OSHPark spoke with us about starting a business, helping open source hardware, and throwing wild parties.  OSHPark got its start from DorkbotPDX. If you are in Portland, Oregon, check out their meetup (started out on Mondays, now first Tuesday of the month, look at the CymaSpace meetup calendar for the Maker Meetup). Open Source Hardware Association (OSHA) PCB Design School blog Bay Area Maker Faire 2015 is May 16-17, Bring a Hack dinner is usually Sunday.  This time we really did talk about the Maker Pro book.

91: Save Us From Astronauts

91: Save Us From Astronauts

Mar 5, 2015 56:31

The Linker post for this episode: How to Win the Hackaday Prize (and Other Design Challenges) Sophi Kravitz, electrical engineer and Hackaday Mythical Creature, came on to leak the new Hackaday Prize details!  On twitter, she's @SophiKravitz and often has the reins of @HackadayPrize. Sophi mentioned Matt Berggren's PCB workshop (oh! and a Solid talk too!). All three of us have been trying to make time for Contextual Electronics (now with fewer time constraints!). Hackaday Omnibus HardwareCon (startup conference in San Leandro, CA) Giant Flip-Dot Display at CES Soft Robotics Kit (and contest) The balloon project is going to FITC. You can hear the soothing sounds here. Sophi rejoins us after being on Episode 77: Goldfish, Fetch My Slippers. Also, we forgot to discuss it but Sophi was an author in the Maker Pro book, full of neat essays.










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