

Logical Elegance 532 Episodes

I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

207: I Love My Robot Monkey Head

207: I Love My Robot Monkey Head

Jul 6, 2017 1:00:59

Professor Ayanna Howard of Georgia Tech joins us to talk about robotics including how androids interact with humans.  Some of her favorite robot include the Darwin, the Nao, and, for home-hacking, the Darwin Mini. Ayanna has a profile on EngineerGirl.org, a site that lets young women ask questions of women in the engineering profession. Elecia has been working on a typing robot named Ty, documented on the Embedded.fm blog. It uses a MeArm, on sale in July 2017 at Hackaday.com, with coupon noted in show. (don't use PayPal to check out or you can't apply the coupon).  Other robots for trying out robots: Lego Mindstorms (lots of books, project ideas, and incredible online tutorials!), Cozmobot, Dash and Dot. Some robotics competition leagues include Vex, Botball, and FIRST.   

206: Crushing Amounts of Snow

206: Crushing Amounts of Snow

Jun 29, 2017 1:01:55

This week, we mix things up a bit. This joint show with the Don't Panic Geocast.  This episode explores what happens when electrical engineering meets geoscience in cold places. We’re joined by guest Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan of Penn State to talk about geopebbles, ice, climate, and more! Asimov Robot Series Anthropornis (giant penguins) Ice crystal structure Ice streams GeoPebble Propeller Programming (Book) Fun Paper Friday: The Boring Company

205: Questions about Dumplings

205: Questions about Dumplings

Jun 22, 2017 1:10:09

This week we talked to Addie (@atdiy) and Whisker (@whixr), the Toymakers (@Tymkrs). They make electronics kits, videos, and conference badges. Toymakers site (tymkrs.com) has a link to their IRC channel, videos, and Tindie store(including those amazing heart simulators, the easy to make Amplify Me, and Protosynth Midi). Their reddit community is r/Tymkrs. It has a lot more information about the CypherCon 2017 badges. More about CypherCon at cyphercon.com. Some of their ZombieTech podcast is available on YouTube (along with First Spin and Patch Bay, see the playlists to find grouped series). Note that Rabbithole is the name of their hackspace as well as the video series documenting project creation. Episode 200 has the violin we discussed. We seem to have talked about a lot of other people on the show, especially shared friends and past Embedded.fm guests (some of whom were on ZombieTech). Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories with their online and Sunnyvale store. This is run by Lenore (40: Mwahaha Session) and Wendell (124: Please Don’t Light Yourself On Fire)  Joe Grand (58: Use These Powers For Good) John Schuch (74: All Of Us Came In Sixth) Alvaro Prieto (130: Criminal Training Camp and 200: Oops) Some fiction for you: Black Mirror (Netflix) Feed by Mira Grant [Everything by Mira Grant / Seanan McGuire is on my “devour immediately” list! -El] MiTel SX Technician’s Handbook 

204: Abuse Electricity

204: Abuse Electricity

Jun 15, 2017 55:11

Phoenix Perry (@phoenixperry) spoke with us about physical games. Phoenix is CTO of DoItKits (@DoItKits) and   More about Phoenix: Bot Party Her site: PhoenixPerry.com Goldsmith’s page She enjoyed Obelisk Gate by NK Jemisin    Physical games are sometimes called Alt Ctrl such as at the Alt Ctrl Game Jam.  Phoenix co-founded Code Liberation with Nina Freeman (http://ninasays.so/) and Jane Friedhoff (http://janefriedhoff.com/). “Code Liberation catalyzes the creation of digital games and creative technologies by women, nonbinary, femme, and girl-identifying people to diversify STEAM fields.” There is an 8-part workshop in London in Summer 2017 (more info). Some other interesting people: Catt Small Lynne Bruning (http://etextilelounge.com/) Helen Steer (http://doitkits.com/) Perla Maiolino Rebecca Febrink  How to Get What You Want wearables site Yoga Pants AutoDesk Fusion360 I know you only read the show notes because you wanted this link: Velastat LessEMF has the supplies for ghost hunting!

203: Save My Board

203: Save My Board

Jun 8, 2017 59:43

Charlie Ladd (@csladd) joined us to give an overview of good hardware practices. The oil quality sensor is from VSI Oil. Recent fiction included Ready Player One, John Scalzi, and Matthew Mather. To stay current, Charlie reviews the trade magazines: EEWeb.com, EDN, ECN, and EETimes. A junior engineer's tale of woe.

202: Flush and Your Inner Fish

202: Flush and Your Inner Fish

Jun 1, 2017 1:08:13

Professor Alex Dean spoke with us about his ARM embedded systems books and @NCState courses. Alex’s page in North Carolina State University’s department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His book is Embedded Systems Fundamentals with Arm Cortex M Based Microcontrollers: A Practical Approach (ecopy available from the ARM Media site). It uses the FRDM-KL25Z as the example board throughout the text. Alex also co-authored Embedded Systems, An Introduction Using the Renesas RX62N His favorite RTOS is Keil RTX.   We also mentioned about Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin and Flush by Carl Hiaasen

201: Accidentally Incredibly Dangerous

201: Accidentally Incredibly Dangerous

May 25, 2017 1:20:17

Shaun Meehan (@logiclow) joined us to talk about robot arms and stealth rocket companies. Shaun’s rocket startup is hiring; information about the job openings are below.  Shaun’s robot arm is an ABB IRB-2000 (video of Fred). Elecia was reading How to Choose the Right Industrial Robot when Shaun emailed. He convinced her that the MeArm Pocket Size Robotic Arm is the likely best choice for her machine learning typer project (which needs a better name).  All this led to a discussion of inverse kinematics, robot operating system (ROS), and OpenAI. SparkFun has a nice guide to selecting the right motor if the DC, servo, stepper section went by a bit fast. Elecia mentioned the TI Piccolo line as good motor controllers, assuming you aren't building an FPGA controller from scratch on your own. Repair cafes are a thing. Shaun was on The Amp Hour 220: Doctiloquent Dove Deployer where he talked a lot more about his robot pets. For more about Fred, the robot arm, check out LogicLow.com. Also, see Shaun's github repo, Fun with Flip-Dots (on hackaday.io), his intended page for big servos (Not Your Hobby Servo, also hackaday,io)  His personal site detailing new projects, motors, and fire-breathing dodo birds is ShaunAndKelly.com.   Shaun recently enjoyed The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary.  Stealth Space Rocket Company Hiring Information We are a small, highly entrepreneurial team of rocket engineers with deep technical expertise who love to build things and relish the idea of a grand challenge.  Building on over a decade of technology development in rocket propulsion, structures, and avionics funded by NASA and DARPA, we are applying a fast-paced, hardware-focused, agile approach to space launch. Are you an engineer, hacker, maker, or physicist who has always dreamed of building rockets? Come help us build the hardware and launch the services that will open the frontier of space to the next generation of entrepreneurs. The company is in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. If you want to apply, email Shaun: space at logiclow dot com.

200: Oops

200: Oops

May 18, 2017 1:38:11

Episode 200! Let’s have a party (and a survey)! Former guests joined us in a panel-style celebration of working in embedded systems: Alvaro Prieto, Andrei Chichak, Elizabeth Brenner, Chris Svec, and Chris Gammell. Alvaro Prieto (@alvaroprieto) was a guest on 130: Criminal Training Camp. Andrei Chichak writes Embedded Wednesdays and was on 99: You Can Say a Boat, 114: Wild While Loops and 139: Easy to Add Blood Splatter. Elizabeth Brenner (@eabrenner) was a guest on 17: Facebook Status: Maybe Not Dead and 54: Oh, The Hugh Manatee, Chris Svec (@christophersvec) writes Embedded Software Engineering 101 was on 78: Happy Cows and 139: Easy to Add Blood Splatter. Chris Gammell (@Chris_Gammell) was a guest on 35: All These Different Reasons Why You Might Want to Do Something as well as a co-host on the holiday Embedded/Amp Hour crossover episode 181: Work on It for Ten Years. Fiction mentioned: Authors Harlan Coben and CJ Cherryh Robopocalype by Daniel Wilson The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu and Ken Liu (Translator) Trollhunters HTML5 in Easy Steps by Mike McGrath Episodes cited as favorites: 94: Don't Be Clever 53: Being a Grownup Engineer 111: Potty Train Your Tamagotchi 187: Self-Driving Arm 162: I Am a Boomerang Enthusiast 150: Sad Country Song Tools discussed: Software: Beyond Compare, Edit+, and Crossover Logic analyzers / small oscilloscopes: Saleae, Digilent Analog Discovery and Digital Discovery Other tools: JLink Pro debugger/programmer,  HP16C calculator (recommended  emulator is Nonpareil for Mac and for Windows and Linux) Notes: T-shirt sales are probably already over unless you hurry. March micro madness and Digilent Digital Discovery contests also end very soon.  

199: Petri Dishes of Doom

199: Petri Dishes of Doom

May 11, 2017 1:03:27

Chris and Elecia answer listener questions about contracting (and consulting). Reminders: T-shirts! Hat contest! Digilent contest announced in #197! It all ends around May 18th so get your entries in now! The original discussion was on episode 4: Are We Not Lawyers? Elecia's salary to rate conversion can be found as a Google spreadsheet. 

198: Unmanned Flying Thingy

198: Unmanned Flying Thingy

May 5, 2017 1:16:51

Walter Stockwell spoke with us about the legalization of drones, UAVs, UASs, and UFOs. Walter works at DJI which makes the Phantom. They have some jobs open. Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson Intel/Pepsi drone show at SuperBowl halftime AOPA Facebook page The amateur model aircraft organization discussed was the Academy of Model Aeronautics(AMA).  ASSURE UAS Ground Collision Severity Evaluation Final Report (also: press release) Elecia mentioned the Madgwick Filter. Embedded.fm t-shirts are available for a limited time! There are two distributors: one US based, one Europe based. Choose whichever is closest to you. Elecia’s TV appearance on The Jennylyn Show is on YouTube. Digilent Digital Discovery contest ends May 19.  

197: Smell the Transistor

197: Smell the Transistor

Apr 27, 2017 1:05:17

Chris and Elecia talk with each other about science fiction, advertising, ham radios, debugging tools, and programming languages. You can buy Embedded.fm t-shirts until May 18, 2017. You can always buy Elecia’s book: Making Embedded Systems. And don’t forget we have a Patreon if you’d like to support the show directly. Some science fiction we mentioned: Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, Nightfall and Last Question by Isaac Asimov, and the All This Time video from Jonathan Coulton. Digilent sent us goodies to review: one Analog Discovery 2 and two Digital Discovery units. So we did, though we didn't cover the high speed adapters and other nifty goodies. Check out Alvaro Prieto’s Troubleshooting tools HDDG talk for some additional information on the devices. For the giveaways, rules are in the show, hit the contact link to enter. Contest ends May 19th. Chris has been doing low-power ham radio contacts (WSPR) using an Ultimate 3S kit from QRP Labs. We talked about WSPR some with Ron Sparks in episode 76: Entropy Is For Wimps Make with Ada competition is back! It start May 15, 2017. We talked the 2016 competition with Fabien Chouteau in episode 158: Programming Is Too Difficult For Humans. Elecia is still fighting with Ubuntu before she can build her robot typist with her NVidia Jetson TX2 board. Philip Freidin sent in Stanford CS department’s reply to the lightning round question of “what language should you learn in the first college course?” Even better, he sent a link to a google spreadsheet showing how many schools answer the question. Elecia was on the Jennylyn Show. (I’ll update with a link to the specific episode on YouTube when it is available.) March Madness ended with PyBoard as the champion, more info on getting your winner’s hat soon.    

196: Software Server Thingybob

196: Software Server Thingybob

Apr 20, 2017 1:07:11

Aditi Hilbert (@HilbertAditi) spoke with us about MyNewt, an Apache-licensed RTOS and bootloader. MyNewt’s Apache page is mynewt.apache.org and the github repository is github.com/apache/incubator-mynewt-core. In the README.md, check out the section marked browsing which points to the file system, ble stack, and assorted other source code goodies you may want to read. The secure bootloader code is also in there but as it is also a cross-RTOS effort (with Linux’s Zephyr), you can find the MCUBoot repository at github.com/runtimeco/mcuboot Aditi works for Runtime.io (@runtime_io), a primary contributor to MyNewt. They work with companies who want to use MyNewt on their products. We talked about OIC (openconnectivity.org) and using UDP endpoints over BLE. Constrained http is actually called constrained application protocol: CoAP (coap.technology). We also mentioned MQTT, an older standard attempting to solve some of the same problems. The Apache license is one of the most permissive of open source licenses: choosealicense.com/licenses Assorted other links discussed in the show: Decoding the Heavens by Jo Marchant List of HTTP status codes (418 is the best) Last year’s tshirts, logo will be the same but the shirts will be slightly different for the tshirt campaign starting April 26, 2017.

195: A Bunch of Sputniks

195: A Bunch of Sputniks

Apr 13, 2017 1:04:59

We discussed CubeSats with their co-inventor, Professor Jordi Puig-Suari, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at CalPoly SLO and co-founder of Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems. The 2017 CubeSat conference is in San Luis Obispo, CA on April 26-28. More details at CubeSat.org. Information about CubeSats at CalPoly SLO can be found at PolySat.org. Tyvak is hiring for a number of different positions: tyvak.com/careers. For more satellite goodness, we spoke with Patrick Yeon of Planet about their CubeSat-based platform and deployment mechanism in Embedded episode 153: Space Nerf Gun. Thank you to Embedded Patreon supporters for Jordi’s microphone! 

194: Something For Something

194: Something For Something

Apr 6, 2017 1:07:49

Shulie Tornel (@helixpea) joined us to talk about the 2017 Hackaday Prize (@hackaday and @hackadayio). Hackaday World Create Day is April 22nd, let them know if you want do a meetup so they can add you to the calendar. Elecia gave away all of her potential ideas, trying to figure out which one would work best for entry. It was probably Maxwell except for its lack of novelty (Embedded shows #17 and #54and there is a SparkFun Tutorial). Are you entering? The first phase (until May) is community driven (popularity contest). Post your entry here or tweet to us (@embeddedfm) and we'll like it. Also, it was Shantam Raj's Self-sustained Ultralow-power Node that we discussed in the show. Neon Demons (trailer) Embedded blog contributor Chris Svec was on the CodeNewbie podcast talking about robots and chip design. The following week Saron invited Elecia to record an episode about getting into hardware and embedded software.

193: Axiomatically Did Not Happen

193: Axiomatically Did Not Happen

Mar 30, 2017 1:10:47

Owen Anderson (@OwenResistor) joined us to talk about how compilers are written. We discussed LLVM, intermediate representation, clang, and GPUs. As mentioned at the end of the show, Owen’s current employer is hiring. If you are interested and would like to get the brownie points that come with being a friend of a friend, contact us and we’ll connect you to Owen and he’ll submit your resume. Recent books Owen mentioned: Manager Path, Feminist Fight Club, The Laundry Files seriesby Charles Stross. LLVM Language Reference Teardown of what goes into rasterization What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior

192: Button Connected To Nothing

192: Button Connected To Nothing

Mar 23, 2017 1:13:07

Terry Dunlap, CEO of Tactical Network Solutions (@tacnetsol), spoke with us about security in the Internet of Things. The good: Top 10 Secure Coding Practices (from CERT.org) UL 2900 standard (consumer label for security) The bad and the ugly: FTC complain about TrendNet FDA alert about St Jude’s implantable defibrillator Mirai botnet

191: What, Yogurt!?!

191: What, Yogurt!?!

Mar 16, 2017 1:06:15

Chris (@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) answer listener emails. Get your entries in for March Micro Madness, the matches start very soon. The short story Elecia finds most memorable is All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury. We mentioned Procopio who teaches microcontrollers at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education ITESM (site, wiki) Hector sent up the IEEE Code of Ethics, a good high-level set of rules.

190: Trust Me, I'm Right

190: Trust Me, I'm Right

Mar 9, 2017 1:08:51

Matt Godbolt (@mattgodbolt) spoke with us about settling arguments with Compiler Explorer. Compiler Explorer comes different flavors: https://rust.godbolt.org/ https://d.godbolt.org/ https://go.godbolt.org/ https://gcc.godbolt.org/ You can see the beta version by putting a beta on the end:  https://gcc.godbolt.org/beta/ This a fully open source project. You can read the code and/or run your own version: https://github.com/mattgodbolt/compiler-explorer https://github.com/mattgodbolt/compiler-explorer-image Matt works at DRW working on low latency software. Note that DRW is hiring for software engineers. You can read about the evolution of Compiler Explorer on their blog. Matt’s personal blog is xania.org. You might like parts about 6502 Timings. He also has several conference talks on YouTube including x86 Internals for Fun & Profit and Emulating a 6502 in Javascript. Matt was previously at Argonaut Games. Jason Turner of C++ Weekly and his C++17 Commodore 64 Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor? paper (with a nod to Don’t Panic GeoCast’s Fun Paper Friday)

189: The Squishiness Factor

189: The Squishiness Factor

Mar 2, 2017 1:14:21

Kari Love (@ikyotochan) spoke with us about creating soft robotics. You can see her edible soft robots talk from 33c3. Kari works at Super-Releaser. Her personal site (and blog) is Kari Makes. Kari mentioned that the Super-Release intern Aidan had some picks for soft robotics on Instructables. Super-Releaser created the Glaucus soft robot and Adafruit has an in-depth tutorial for how to make it. Some videos of soft actuators and soft robots: Super-Releaser Playing with Heat-Sealed Actuators (including the spiral) Silicone gripper from a cardboard mold Voxel Soft Robotic Simulation Evolution Super Long Mylar Robot MIT Tangible Media Group AeroMorph Soft Exoskeletons http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2014/11/12/wearable-power-assist-device-goes-on-sale-in-japan/ http://biodesign.seas.harvard.edu/soft-exosuits http://www.roamrobotics.com/ Rat heart cell robot from Popular Mechanics First Autonomous Entirely Soft Robot (Harvard Octobot) VoxCad Tutorial for simulating soft robotics Also, if you haven’t seen Big Hero 6, you should. Consider it computer science homework. If you just want to see Baymax, here is a short video. Octopus: The Ocean's Intelligent Invertebrate (Elecia’s latest octopus related reading, the previous one was called Kraken)

188: Twitter Is a Cocktail Party

188: Twitter Is a Cocktail Party

Feb 23, 2017 1:04:39

Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) of the Hanselminutes Podcast talks about technology podcasting and philosophy. You can find Scott's blog on Hanselman.com/blog and his other podcasts on Hanselman.com/podcasts. We talked about Hansleminutes' WebVR episode with Ada Rose Edwards and Alcohol and Tech with Victor Yocco. We also mentioned Scott's blog post from 2014 about what technologies he would learn if he had to start over.

@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

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