

Logical Elegance 532 Episodes

I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

242: The Cilantro of Robots

242: The Cilantro of Robots

Apr 20, 2018 57:05

Christine Sunu (@christinesunu) spoke with us about the feelings we get from robots. For more information about emotive design, check out Christine’s website: christinesunu.com. From there you can find hackpretty.com, some of her talks (including the TED talk with the Fur Worm), and links to her projects (such as Starfish Catand a Cartoon Guide to the Internet of Things). You can find more of her writing and videos on BuzzFeedand The Verge. You can also hire her product development company Flash Bang. Embedded 142: New and Improved Appendages is where Sarah Petkus offers to let her robot lick us. Keepon Robot (or on Wikipedia) Books we talked about: Accelerandoby Charles Stross Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Lessby Sherry Turkle (MIT site) Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Ageby Sherry Turkle (MIT site) Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousnessby Peter Godfrey-Smith (Note: Elecia also wrote a whole octopus annotated bibliography in a recent post)

241: One Two Blah Blah Blah Ten

241: One Two Blah Blah Blah Ten

Apr 13, 2018 1:14:33

Andrei Chichak and Alvaro Prieto (@alvaroprieto) join us to talk about bits and how to manipulate them. Alvaro is host of the Unnamed Reverse Engineeringpodcast. His other Embedded appearances are 130, 200, and 215. Andrei (“Andrei from the Great White North”) works at CBF Systems. His other Embedded appearances are 99, 114, 139, and 200. Andrei wrote about bit manipulation as part of Embedded Wednesdayson Embedded.fm: Logic in C, part II. Andrei recommends using ISO646.hto reduce confusion around bit manipulation. Also, his suggested calculator is the SwissMicros DM16L Elecia wrote an introduction to binary and hex. For more information about programming and binary, see How to Count by Steven Frank For advanced bit twiddling, check out: Bit Twiddling Hackswebsite Hacker's Delightbook by Henry S. Warren Jr (1st Edis also available)

240: Belgian Waffles

240: Belgian Waffles

Apr 6, 2018 59:17

Jasmine Brackett (@asiwatch) spoke with us about @Tindie’s electronics marketplace, this year’s Hackaday Prize, and tips for wearable electronics. If you want to buy on Tindie, check out their homepage tindie.com. If you want to sell, that is straightforward too: tindie.com/about/sell.   There is an Embedded contest for the Tindie Blinky LED badge, a nifty little learn to solder kit. Contest ends April 20, 2018 (midnight UTC). You are to send a number to us using the contact link. Closest one wins. One number per person. You can also get these badges at the Dublin Hackaday Unconference (April 7, 2018, Dublin, Ireland) and at meetups where Jasmine is a presenter. Thank you to Ben Hencke for some good questions. He talked about his Tindie store with us on 220: Cascading Waterfall of Lights. Jasmine mentioned the RC2014, homebrew z80 computer kit. Both Tindie and Hackaday are owned by Supplyframe. Finally, we talked to Emile Petrone when Tindie was a fairly new thing on 72: This is My NASA Phone.

239: Tweet My Boots

239: Tweet My Boots

Mar 30, 2018 1:00:01

What do you do after space debris, hacking dinosaurs, and judging robots? If you are Dr. Lucy Rogers (@DrLucyRogers), you build an organization devoted to promoting the Making industry: Guild of Makers (@GuildOfMakers) Lucy’s personal site is lucyrogers.com. She wrote the book It’s ONLY Rocket Science: An Introduction in Plain English. Guild of Maker’s Twitter hack chats are weekly on Tuesdays at 8pm UTC. They use the tag #MakersHour. Lucy programs in Node-RED, a visual language.

137: Pausing to Think (Repeat)

137: Pausing to Think (Repeat)

Mar 23, 2018 1:19:45

Dan Saks answers many questions about C++ in embedded systems: where it works, where it doesn't, and a path to getting started.  Dan Saks is the founder and president of Saks & Associates. He was a columnist for The C/C++ Users Journal, Embedded Systems Design and several other publications. He also served as secretary of the ANSI and ISO C++ standards committee in its early years.  We touched on some of his articles: Poor reasons for rejecting C++ Preventing dynamic allocation Calling constructors with placement new Andrei suggested Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day, Seventh Edition by Siddhartha Rao as a good primer for experienced C programmers reluctantly learning C++. NOTE: The contest already ended.

238: My Brain Is My Toolbelt

238: My Brain Is My Toolbelt

Mar 16, 2018 54:30

Chris and Elecia answered some listener questions about dynamic memory and shared code. Then Elecia gave a presentation about ShotSpotter, the gunshot location system she worked on. Elecia enjoyed The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love, Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's Enemies by Jason Fagone. Ben is the editor of HackSpace, a new magazine about making (and hacking). It's produced by Raspberry Pi, but it's technologically agnostic. The first issue is free online. The ShotSpotter presentation was originally given with Sarah Newman at the 2008 Grace Hopper Celebration of women in computing.

237: Break All the Laws of Physics

237: Break All the Laws of Physics

Mar 10, 2018 48:27

Jan Jongboom (@janjongboom) of Mbed (@ArmMbed) joined us to talk about compilers, online hardware simulators, and inference on embedded devices. Find out more about Mbed on mbed.com. The board simulator is at labs.mbed.com(Mbed OS Simulator). The code for the simulator is on Jan’s Github. Mbed Labs also has the uTensor inference framework for using TensorFlow models on devices. You can see some of Jan’s talks and his blog on janjongboom.com. Jan will be running a workshop at SxSW called Changing the World with Open, Long-Range IoT on March 10 in Austin, TX. Additionally, he will be hosting an IoT Deep Dive Workshop on LoRA on March 14 (also in Austin, TX). For background on LoRA, check out the recent Amp Hour episode with Richard Ginus.

236: The Concept of Delayed Gratification

236: The Concept of Delayed Gratification

Mar 2, 2018 1:10:05

Roger Linn (@roger_linn) gave us new ideas about musical instruments, detailing how wonderful expressive control, 3D buttons, and keyscanning can be. Roger’s company is Roger Linn Design. We talked extensively about the LinnStrument, some about the AdrenaLinn for guitar, and only a little bit about the analog drum machine Tempest. A key matrix circuit is a popular way to handle a large number of buttons but it falls prey to n-key rollover. Roger adds force sense resistors to this (FSR example at Sparkfun). If you have an idea for an instrument, Roger has already written his response to your request for a prototype. Roger gave a keynote address at ADC '16 about the LinnStrument, including showing the sounds it can make. OHMI Trust is the one handed musical instrument society enabling music making for everyone.   Roger mentioned some other expressive instruments including: Roli Seaboard Haken Continuum Madrona Labs Soundplane Eigenharp

235: Imagine That, Suckers!

235: Imagine That, Suckers!

Feb 22, 2018 1:08:41

We spoke to author Robin Sloan (@robinsloan) about his books and near-future science fiction. Robin wrote Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore and Sourdough. Robin’s website is robinsloan.com. Go there for some short stories, sign up for his newsletter and check out his new ‘zine (also at wizard.limo). Oh! Don’t forget his blog, including a description of his neural net for audio generation and for writing. Some books Robin suggested: Home: A Short History of an Idea by Witold Rybczynshi Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie Hild by Nicola Griffith

234: The Good Word About AI

234: The Good Word About AI

Feb 15, 2018 50:55

Dustin Franklin of NVIDIA (@NVIDIAEmbedded) spoke with us about the Jetson TX2, a board designed to bring AI into embedded systems. Dusty wrote Two Days to a Demo, both the original supervised learning version and the newer reinforcement learning version. In general, check out Dusty’s github repo to see what’s new. Also, The Redtail project is an autonomous navigation system for drones and land vehicles based on the TX2. The NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference is in San Jose, CA, March 26-29, 2018. Your coupon for 25% off: NVCYATO The Jetson TX1/TX2 ChallengeRocket contest ends February 18th. You can find Dusty on on the NVIDIA forums.

233: Always the Wrong Way

233: Always the Wrong Way

Feb 9, 2018 44:07

Chris and Elecia chatted about listener emails, and other stuff and things. Elecia wrote a book called Making Embedded Systems, if you want to see the chapter about interrupts and timers, hit the contact link on embedded.fm. We also recommend our blog, Chris Svec wrote about the MSP430 from a microprocessor point of view (ESE101) and Andrei Chichak wrote about an ST processor with a more pragmatic and C focused view (Embedded Wednesdays). You can support the podcast through Patreon. Kalman filter explanation video with Pokemon Ben Krasnow's Applied Science YouTube channel Usbourne's books for teaching kids electronics and programming (the free '80s ones are near the bottom) Formally verified microkernel: seL4 Microkernel The first Pokemon games used every programming trick there is for optimization STM bought Atollic and released TrueStudio Pro for free for STM parts

232: Blob Is a Good Word

232: Blob Is a Good Word

Feb 2, 2018 1:10:40

We spoke with Jackson Keating (@jacksonakeating) about Bluetooth Low Energy, going over GATTs layouts and the general BLE usage. While Jackson prefers the Bluetooth spec as the best reading explanation, Elecia liked the Adafruit BLE introduction. She wrote about some of her initial experiences with different chips and Chris Svec wrote about BLE roles. We all agreed that the examples and tutorials from your chip vendor is a good place to get experience. A random UUID generator is uuidgen on Mac or online on uuidgenerator.net. Elecia mentioned 108: Nebarious, an Embedded episode where we talked about how BLE lacks security. Jackson suggested looking at the Core Bluetooth API for IOS development as well as the Nordic and LightBlue apps for debugging.

231: Single Origin Coffee

231: Single Origin Coffee

Jan 25, 2018 1:09:35

Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly) talks about economics, books, and the future. Check out Tim’s new book, WTF: What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us. And yes, this is Tim O’Reilly of  O’Reilly books. Elecia’s Making Embedded Systems has a great-eared nightjar, but she’s finally adjusted to a modern dinosaur on her cover.

230: What the Hell Is Wrong with Unicorns?

230: What the Hell Is Wrong with Unicorns?

Jan 18, 2018 1:20:39

Sunshine Jones (@Sunshine_Jones) spoke with us about synthesizers, electronics, and philosophy. Sunshine’s music is most easily found at TheUrgencyOfChange.com. His writing is at Sunshine-Jones.com. We talked about Sunshine’s User’s Guide to the Roland SE-02. That includes Ahmed, a track produced using only the SE-02. Sunshine also wrote about building a polysynth. The intro music is an excerpt from LELEK, released on Air Texture Vol. V. The exit music is Fall In Love Not In Line, released this year on vinyl only, TUOC01. See TheUrgencyOfChange.com for more. Sunshine was the host of SundaySoul.com, a live podcast about music and life.

229: Slinky with a Lot of Math

229: Slinky with a Lot of Math

Jan 12, 2018 1:21:13

Nick Kartsioukas (@ExplodingLemur) spoke with us about information security, melting down spectres, lemurs, and sensible resolutions. Nick recommends Aumasson’s Serious Cryptography (also available from NoStarch) as a good orientation. (Offline, he also recommended Shneier’s Secrets and Lies.)   When thinking about security, you need to develop your threat model (EFF) and not panic (Mickens). As a user of the internet, there are some getting started guides (Motherboard, EFF, Smart Girl’s Guide to Privacy) along with Nick’s advice of using an antivirus program (comparison), an Adblocker (uBlock), a password manager, and 2-factor authentication. Data backups are also very useful (3-2-1 rule: 3 copies, 2 separate media, 1 offsite). For a professional infosec perspective, the CIS 20 are best practice guidelines for computer security. For Spectre and Meltdown, the best high-level explanation is in Twitter from @gsuberland though XKCD does its usual good job as well. For more detail, about speculative execution bugs, check out this github readme. For the history of the Stuxnet, check out Zetter’s Countdown to Zero Day and the Security Now podcast episode 291. Ham radio Field Days for 2018 are June 23-24 Last but not least: Depression lies so get help and if you want to know how to help someone else, look at MakeItOk.org

228: Pedantic or Andrantic

228: Pedantic or Andrantic

Jan 3, 2018 1:44:55

The Amp Hour and Embedded join up to send a holiday letter to listeners. Chris G is ever improving Contextual Electronics. Chris W has a new band: 12AX7. Elecia still has a book: Making Embedded Systems. Amp Hour episodes mentioned in this one: 372: Where Chris and Dave talk about 2017 304: Alexa jokes 281: The first Amp Hour / Embedded show, with call ins 256: The first time Chris W was on the Amp Hour 187: Elecia joined the Amp Hour for the first time Embedded episodes mentioned: 223: Where Chris talks about his new synth habit 227: Talking about Udacity and learning 203: EE Charlie talks about good design We talked about teaching which led to: Short mention of Dreyfus model of skill acquisition of which Chris G’s friend Mel did a great explanatory comic Daniel Spalding’s How to Teach Adults (pdf) Dan Luu’s Learning To Program post Udacity’s Self Driving Car courses Computer vision with Python OpenCV Article on how the difficulty is the point of teaching literature The new art and engineering Function Podcast Hilarious World of Depression podcast Books we are reading! Build Your Own Transistor Radio by Ron Quan The Hobbyist’s Guide to RTL-SDR by Carl Laufer Spineless by Juli Berwald about Jellyfish Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs by Tristan Gooley Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant (terrifying mermaids) Catseye by Andre Norton Teach Beyond Your Reach by Robin Neidorf Mastery by Robert Greene Understanding By Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Making Learning Whole by David Perkins Elecia got a JTrace Pro Cortex-M for herself for Christmas. Chris W got a Moog Werkstatt and an assortment of Teenage Engineering small synths. Chris G mostly got sweaters because Chicago is very cold. BMW now sends YouTube ads via snail mail

227: Half of Everything Is Wrong

227: Half of Everything Is Wrong

Dec 22, 2017 1:08:25

Anthony Navarro (@avnavarro42) of Udacity (@udacity) spoke with us about learning. We talked about the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition (an education-oriented technical readiness level) and a little about on trunk skills vs. leaf skills. Elecia took Udacity’s term 1 of Self-Driving Car Nanodegree and is planning to take the free AI for Robotics course next. Anthony is enjoying soldering lessons via Boldport (hear #171: Perfectly Good Being Square and Green). Anthony noted there is a free Embedded course on Udacity.

226: Camp AVR Vs. Camp Microchip

226: Camp AVR Vs. Camp Microchip

Dec 15, 2017 1:20:49

Jay Carlson (@jaydcarlson), author of The Amazing $1 Microcontroller, joined us to talk about comparing microcontrollers and determining our biases. This was an in-depth comparison of different micro features. Jay is an electrical engineer specializing in electronics design and embedded programming (contact). His blog is new and interesting. We talked to SEGGER’s Dirk Akeman about JLink on #218: Neutron Star of Dev Boards. Please note that our Patreon model has shifted to monthly instead of per-episode.

225: When Toasters Attack

225: When Toasters Attack

Dec 8, 2017 1:03:27

Maria Gorlatova spoke with us about how the combination of devices and cloud computing will change the world as we know it. Maria’s bio, blog, and LinkedIn page. Other topics: Federated Learning from Google AWS Greengrass from Amazon Black Mirror from Netflix Note: we really should have talked about Amazon and FreeRTOS. I heard another podcastmight have mentioned it. We’ll try to get more info soon.

124: Please Don't Light Yourself on Fire (Repeat)

124: Please Don't Light Yourself on Fire (Repeat)

Nov 30, 2017 1:15:49

Windell Oskay (@Oskay) of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories (@EMSL) told us about co-authoring a book: The Annotated Build-It-Yourself Science Laboratory. Some great EMSL links: A signed copy of Windell's book Dis-integrated 555 timer kit Candle flicker LEDs Food in specimen jars EMSL blog post Spherical pen plotter (EggBot Pro!) The book Chris brought up was Thinking Physics. Windell is also on Google Plus. Contest to get Windell's signed book has already ended! 


















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