1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アラサーの体力を実感する瞬間
2023-12-07 10:03






Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Did you get enough sleep yesterday?
Yesterday, so this last night, this morning.
Talking about the time?
Well, I mean, both.
Both, yeah. Time, little bit shorter than the ideal time to me.
And I feel like, hmm, yeah, I feel like tired of it.
Me too.
I got plenty of sleep yesterday.
Oh, really?
I slept at 11.
Oh, wow.
Then woke up at 9.
Yeah, well, that's...
10 hours.
And I still feel a little bit drained. I don't know why.
Is that because of the football all day yesterday?
Probably because of the football.
Are we getting old?
I mean...
Is that the truth?
Are we getting old?
Yeah, could be.
I slept for 10 hours.
I mean, 10 hours, that's...
That's a lot of sleep.
More than enough.
More than enough.
But when you sleep too long, that also makes you tired, no?
This is true.
It's not that one.
Or like, you're just simply tired from the football.
I don't...
I don't know.
I don't remember the last time that I slept too much and I felt tired.
That was when I was like a student, you know?
That I felt that.
So I don't know if this is the one, but I don't know.
I don't know.
yeah okay um i remember when i slept too much i didn't feel tired that was more like
my brain is like fuzzy and like turning like it's it's like it's not physical tiredness but more
like to me like brain like inside like like my mind is tired kind of my side is tired but like
you know blurred a bit but like so if you're tired like physically yeah physically yeah like
yeah i am mentally tired mentioned yeah it might be because of too much sleep i guess
I guess usually around this time i you know it's it's 12 30 and it's i get used to the you know
the the the the the day life you know like i my my mind is already adjusted i feel like
but i don't know still kind of low yeah a little bit like if there was a bed i would sleep in it
yeah well yeah maybe tired because of the football
like physically tired of it like yeah like you know my voice still kind of uh yeah right and then
and then like kind of yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like but my mind is very healthy i feel good but
But my mind is very healthy i feel good but huh yeah
do you ever sometimes feel like you've gotten old
yeah i do
like what like what are some of your essential're the more like the things you try to like to you?
are some of the things that you feel um like this one when when you do something yesterday
something hard like physically like sport or like whatever like anything else live show
and then next day you're still kind of tired it's not like completely gone like remember when i was
high school student you know i had a練習 GIs for whole day okay but the next day you just
sleep and then wake up it's gone you just refresh yeah but now i don't feel like that it's still
kind of oh kind of yeah you know that's when i felt when i feel i became old oh that's so sad
that is so sad
what else do you um i i never actually kind of like old yeah like recognized it i'm sure i'm
feeling it yeah like i just realized that oh true me too i'm not as fresh like after a hard
yeah but i never actually like oh i don't recognize the difference like oh yeah
oh several years ago i was like this like i don't yeah yeah i i tend to forget a lot of things
so like i guess i don't see gradually becoming true true true true so oh um shopping shopping
okay so i was looking for this for a shoe okay yeah but like i got tired
i got tired looking for a shoe and i was like all right let's do this
let's just let's just go
no let me just get on the internet and just look for good shoes and then we'll and then we'll think
about it oh wow yeah i was you know i was yeah and and um you actually you know yeah they got a
lot of shopping shit right like several buildings all that shit and like you know going up and up
and down the escalator and find the stores and store like you know like go around it and like
you know you just you have this a lot of stuff to do and then you're like oh my god i'm gonna go
walk and yeah a lot of you know shoving a lot of you know and i got tired wow i got i simply got
tired i decided to go home that's sad wow it's really sad you know there are
when we were um when i was very young like elementary or junior high guy and we went to
like go on shopping and like depart or like those malls and everything
and we never get tired we never got tired so we just you know walk around and running around
and sometimes so some you know like grandparents sitting on the bench
having a shopping bag and like kind of why are they like what are you doing yeah yeah why are
you enjoying shopping like you're wasting your time yeah but maybe yeah yeah yeah
we can't judge them anymore true you know so true i i i would love to have a bench time
bench time is great you know sit there just watch people i agree yeah
yeah and also it's not a um sad thing compared to those but i feel like recently like after
uh university around university
i more it like i feel like i i more enjoy like tea time
like cafe time okay compared to what like rather than what compared to like when i was when we were
i'm not sure about when i was at least uh uh an elementary guy or junior high guy yeah
uh for example we went to go to my friend's house with my family okay you know like two family got
kind of kind of do some kind of home party yeah sure and eat lunch that's fun because i'm hungry
right and a good food i eat things and then they will have like some kind of tea time
like you know tea coffee time and i i didn't understand okay why why are they doing this
tea time kind of this and then just i want to go outside and play football or something yeah
just oh come on finish them uh-huh that's what i felt yeah but now i kind of really understand
the coffee time how it's good yeah yeah right it's it's it's soothing yeah it's fun it's it's
good to talk things it's the right amount of of energy right yeah i really it's not a sad thing
but i really didn't
understand i never understood the that time like why you know for example like family we went to
the shopping and then we did a shopping and then you know my parents said oh let's just have a tea
time then why tea time coming to the shopping mall yeah yeah i was very very bored sitting on
table and like oh
come on you know let me move yeah you know so much energy yeah why are you talking about things
and like why is that so important but yeah right man all right yeah thanks for sitting guys thank
you bye

