1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 海辺でサンドイッチを食う高QO..
2023-10-21 23:02





Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Alright, we're by the beach, right here, look at that, very beautiful, lovely, lovely, it feels so nice under this shade, love the shade, and we got our sandwich, yes, oh yeah, finally, I am hungry, yes,
thank you, two for you, and two for you, and two for me, thank you, I love kawaii, you do, it's really good, oh, and we both got, what was that, clubhouse, clubhouse, right, clubhouse,
what about this, it has like open here, right, it's fancy, it's very fancy, you might want to lower your mic, you don't want to get a lot of that, the one you hate, sure, like this, sure, sure, is this catching, yeah, I guess it's catching,
yeah, we're here, why is that dark, what, the way you clip it, how about, kind of like right here, yeah, like, shoulder, oh, it's this way, this way, oh, because you're looking at me, sure, can you, yeah, I got it, thank you, perfect, yeah, that's great, that's great,
you look really weird, yeah, all right, let's go, having some like strange thing on my shoulder, right, oh, now, isn't that beautiful, oh, my God, look at that, guys, beautiful, oh, Jesus Christ, you guys will get to see how fast I eat,
I'm going to eat at a very normal speed, very normal speed, yeah, you don't have to try, I'm not going to try hard, the usual speed, the usual speed, right, yeah, wow, so, it's split in two, so it's really difficult, right, right, like this here, yeah, this part fast,
you double it, well, it's just buried under here, you can have a boat storage, you can sail boats anytime, you know, like boats and, yeah, surfing boards and, surfing here, yeah, I know there's no wind and wave,
but I guess it's possible, wow, really, I can't imagine with that calmness, oh, that's Joypolisu, yeah, Joypolisu, never been there, I don't think so, but I kind of heard the name, I kind of, so maybe came here once when I was very kid, what is it like?
It's an indoor theme park, so it's, you can enjoy it when it's raining and they have like roller coasters and, yeah, they got roller coasters in there, like a mini roller coaster, I love it, perfect temperature right now, yeah, love the day like this, right, you know how there are so many hamburger shops, I wonder why there aren't many, so many sandwich shops, you know, right,
this is a good sandwich, but like, you don't really come across these authentic handmade sandwiches like this, you know, true, right, I love this, it's sandwich popular in the United States, oh, yeah, very, as popular as hamburgers,
I'd say hamburgers are more popular, but, yeah, hamburgers are a lot more popular, but the sandwiches are more popular in the US than in Japan, you know, Japan's so dominant in hamburgers, they have like sandwich shops, yeah, more than Japan,
I mean, Japan has Subway, which is a sandwich shop, but like, it's not as popular as the United States, yeah, the US got more Subways, Japan only has like, it's a little bit rare to find a Subway, right, in town,
yeah, not every like station, right, let me fix your mic, do you go to Subway in Japan, yes, a lot, I love Subway, I love it, wow, I don't understand how Subway isn't a big deal here, it should be just as popular as Burger King, in my opinion,
I even thought about opening up a sandwich shop, like an Italian sandwich shop, Italian, yeah, what do you mean Italian, so like, nama ham, basil, and cheese, cheese, yeah, yeah, those are good, salmon could be, lovely,
it's good, actually, it's really good, after being in Tokyo for quite a long time, right now, what's your most favorite town in Tokyo, good question, right now, Sotaiba, wow, I mean, right now, yeah, right now, I'm loving it, yeah,
I love, wow, that's a difficult question, do you have any, like, certain city, if I were to live in one city, I would say, Toyosu area, why is that, they have a shopping mall, it's close to Odaiba, it's close to the ocean-ish side, the night view's great,
my favorite, Koen, Gururi Koen, with the beautiful night view, is nearby, and it's close to, like, the main cities as well, like the Shibuyas, and the, you know, the main places, like Ginza, Ginza, and stuff like that, Tokyo, yeah, so I would say, Toyosu.
It's hard, it's so hard, you know, it's something I can't, you know, I can't, you know, I can't, you know, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I
can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can
can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can
want to eat ants do you? no. Okay I understand why they got so many ants in
the air. I got none on mine cuz I've been screwing with this. Yeah, I see they
can smell shit. yeah, They self shit how do they find fruit?
anyways my theory was that one ant accidentally mm-hmm runs into a food
accidentally right and then goes back gets all the other fuckers and then the
gang would come possibly you got a lot of ants in here man they're very clever they're very clever
yeah well look at this i may i may just put this on their house i guess oh shit oh it's on top of
the house that's why we're lucky for them guys yeah we just bought all the families i guess
you're not planning to move to yosu i would if if we didn't have the studio
because we have the studio like there are some merits of being close to the studio
right if i moved to toyosu then i have to you know take several
to the studio so it's not much of a good deal for me anymore i think right i mean if the studio
was somewhere closer then i might move yeah but you know now we're settled to one place so
what about moving the studio so i'm okay with that yeah if y'all three are cool with that i'm
completely okay like i sometimes think about wouldn't it be better if we just moved to a
more inaka place right because our studio is in tokyo but like for example like kanagawa or like
you know chiba or saitama or something like that it's still when we do when we have jobs
still we can go there we have a lot of friends in tokyo right it's like we can still go to tokyo
but like it's not like we it's not like it has to be in tokyo every day right so if we move our
studio to kanagawa we lower our kotehi right we just have to spend a lot more time when we have
to go to tokyo which is like once a week or something well it's for me so how often do you
have to go to tokyo including a satsuei? no not including the satsuei yeah if the satsuei was
outside of tokyo like how many times how how often are you expected to go to tokyo
usually two or three a week okay i guess tokyo makes sense for you then
but um yeah yeah but you know i kind of i can yeah like a prioritize prioritize yeah living
environment more than those right things that we can actually adjust right right right right right
somehow manage it yeah are you gonna live in tokyo forever well that's my plan you know
it's not like i'm gonna it's not like i want to go back to the united states you know i realized
that i loved japan right when i was uh in new york so it kind of really you know got me
realizing even more i love japan so yeah it has to be tokyo to you not necessarily tokyo i guess
like i don't mind going for like fukuoka or kansai area something like that like i still find the
similar values of loving japan and all those places as well so i don't mind going
elsewhere in japan where there's lower rent like fukuoka you know but i guess you have to
balance out how many times you go you have to go to tokyo right that's right yeah
you know by doing all these things i thought that may makes me having completely free of
where to live what to do kind of yeah completely freedom but yeah actually no
it's not it's kind of it's it's like a more well i mean relatively i say it's free we can we can
come to this bye-bye and have sandwich and right together but still kind of
and i kind of stuck yeah yeah there are parts of us where you can't really do the way you want to
right it is a teamwork right so right i guess if it's like a one-man show i guess it'll be more
yeah a lot more you get to do whatever you want live in wherever you want kind of thing right yeah
that tree has like all this whole tie wrapped around it to protect why to protect shit yeah
one is by animals like birds or something like or like cats or or a sea
sea salt we say but i guess that one's particularly weak then that was that's the
only one that's the only one that has the whole tie wrapped around
i'm trying my best oh no don't worry man no no it's not like i'm looking at you because
i want you to finish early no man well by the way that crust is so good oh really try just
the crust that that one yeah just try only the crust bite into it it's heaven really it's heavenly
good this yeah only the crust yeah right and that's still after i finish it i'm gonna
uh because i can judge it right you you want to clear out the palate right you want to clear out
what's in your mouth yes to get a clear sense of how it would taste right right and you're chewing
it just amazes me how different our eating speeds are this is very amazing
um butter i felt the very milky wait well did you feel butter
no i so what i felt was the nigami of the crust true like the koubashisa of the crust
but that's not i guess that wasn't the deal for you well yeah um i prefer that side
fruit you're making the sandwich store on your computer right yeah that's very deep yeah
design the ishokan layout yeah yeah there's a sandwich store oh yeah i haven't it the first
one i made with a hamburger shop and um it's done it's not done it's a little bit still adjusting
so i've not i haven't put my hands on the sandwich shop yeah if i were to do a sandwich
shop i would have like a huge glass display with like with like sandwiches stacked on top of each
other okay and it looks beautiful i want it to look beautiful yeah i want people to look at it and
have the desire to go in you see you've seen ham you've seen sandwich shops like bread shops
bakeries with glass displays with stacked up breads you've seen that right yeah it's
really similar to that i like that yeah i mean have you been to italy um no okay i have and it's
like um they they have sandwich shops like that glass display stacked up to the top and like you
can see the inside of the sandwich like they show it to you how they display and it's just it's
beautiful beauty that's what you want to do to make yeah nice i would love to
to come to your store please do yeah like three times a week oh that would be lovely yeah i would
give you a discount i would give you like a friend's discount yeah okay yeah that's another
thing i want to do like i want to be able to give my friends like a good discount like 50%
on any any meal really yeah it's like if i were to do like a restaurant
nice right without me knowing like i don't want my friends to know that that i knew that they got a
discount like i don't want my friends so the system will be like like i'd say i'm gonna give
you like a 50 off coupon code and you say that coupon code on the cashier but on my end i'm not
gonna be able to notice who came in or when they used the thing like if you look into each records
i'm so i'm sure i will know but like like your name's gonna be not gonna be attached to it like
i don't want to give my friends the pressure of like oh i feel bad like yeah like i want them to
have like the full benefit of having that 50% off without no strings attached you know so i don't
i so i know that you don't know yeah every time i every time people came to the the dessert shop
that i did right i would give them a discount but they're like no no no no but i really wanted to
give them a discount so yeah you know i want them to come in because it's a good deal for them
yeah not like a win yeah yeah that's that's that's really that's really helpful but i want
them to come because they want to come just for the food and that's right are you going to be in
the shop sometimes yeah sometimes but i i don't want to operate in a way that i would always have
to be there in order for the shop to work out yeah yeah i don't want it to take over my whole life
like i would want the freedom to do taste all these other things right as well yeah sure well
sounds lovely yeah you're having your own restaurant yeah but the thing is having a
restaurant like in this age right now isn't as efficient like there's a lot of businesses that
uses the internet right that can reach customers all over the world whereas if you open a location
sure like that's only it's very limited right to people that live close to you or people whoever
that came there to visit you so there's going to be customers that wants to go but can't right
because of geographic reasons so i understand that it's a bad deal but i am interested in
yeah that area so there is kind of like a push and pull for me of like should i go for the
restaurant or should i go for an online yeah online sort of business starting something new
there i always get that push and pull yeah have you got anything in your mind about those online
business terms starting a new youtube channel oh that doesn't include my face oh yeah yeah
like hire somebody to be the producer right or hire somebody to be on camera right first that's
unlimited and i thought you can duplicate as many as possible right right right right so like
right youtube channel if you get it out anyone in the world can see right i guess so much potential
right like once you get the video out like it runs itself right but if you have a location
every transaction needs a person like needs needs hand-to-hand work yeah yeah and i'm really
all up for technologies like i'm a let's go technology yeah yeah like i love utilizing
ai and stuff like that so like that's so i don't use any of those it's very polar opposite uh i
see i see true that's true yeah unless if i make a content about the shop yeah i get to do both
true true true not like advertisement of the shop yeah like content based on
using that geographical location of the shop that could be a new idea
you have a lot of ants in your box man yeah yeah no yours i got one one all right
and my sandwiches were more delicious than mine
all right you want to go to a groovy coin yeah let's go yeah let's go oh we filmed
yeah 30 minutes very long yeah wow all right well i mean i enjoyed meal oh yeah that was
a good sandwich yeah hog all right thanks for sending guys

