1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 食べ始めたらやめられない物
2022-10-23 11:38


popcorn oh oh oh welcome to Kevin's English room podcast hello I'm gonna
eat some popcorn yeah of course okay right yeah caramel popcorn you want yeah
thanks mmm Chinese popcorn hmm yeah hmm yeah good good popcorn I like it mmm
mmm I can't stop mm-hmm oh my god I can't stop me I was tough no yeah you
can finish that I'll control myself what is something that you can't stop eating
when you start when you open the bag it continues until you finish it okay what
what is it for you no d why that no d no d mm-hmm like any types of naughty
like usual like basic like this shaped oh the one you cut yeah then no doors
like a maki sushi nori yeah like the big one or like as it's getting ready like
like in this rounded shape in sugar that no yeah that's key yeah that one or like
any types of those any types of naughty I can't stop hmm that's the one wait so
you just get one of those maki sushi style nori and what you just do you
don't just add anything to it you don't cook it no just rip it and just eat it
yeah doesn't that dry up your mouth no you're good yeah hmm
cookie welcome do you know have a avatar oh you said I think okay I think I know
what you're talking about it's like it's like one and a half inch long yeah and
it's thin yeah yeah and it's like dark green yeah and it's like chewy um okay
there are some several types of cookie wakamas there are some chewy one there
are some like hard one okay yeah I prefer that hard type one don't they have
any dagashi-asan yeah yeah not the one you like though um I don't like chewy
one okay I prefer that I like yeah yeah it's not dried up thing
hmm hmm yeah I get it it's it's it's a vin it's like vinegar taste yeah yeah
yeah that one wow you like that yeah I love that
hmm oh oh you oh you're finished oh still inside mom was not enough oh wow
hmm more like
Wow done amazing yeah thank you wow it's quick right yeah yeah what's yours
mine yeah um
potato chips yeah when you open a bag of potato chips mm-hmm you're always like
okay I'm just gonna eat half yeah and then I'll close it well that's never
never accomplished honest on all right mm-hmm um popcorn okay yeah no he's got
like a bag of pot with Mike pop yeah the big one yeah I always try to aim for
half yeah and you finish everything I finished everything bye bye bye myself
oh wow that's right I hope that was a compliment yeah of course um so
anything that I order at a restaurant yeah that I know that I should stop
eating because I'm not hungry I'm not I'm full already okay but there are still
portions left mm-hmm I can never end it so you you feel that you have to finish
it yes every yeah order yeah it's not because that's good yeah see I'm not
it's not because I'm trying to be nice to the restaurant or like not just I'm
not trying to be environmentally friendly or anything like that oh oh I
just you should but yeah I should right yeah but yeah but like the reason why
honestly why I'm doing this is because I can't stop myself from eating it wow
yeah it's just there's no reason you cannot stop yourself yeah I can't stop
myself Wow like if there's a portion if there's like like a fifth of the rice
left in there I would go for it wow even if I'm even if I'm full go for it
because it's just a little bit left right I was I just want to finish it the
satisfaction of if it's in front of me yeah I just go for it I'm an animal
Wow yeah well that's I mean but animals if they are full they stop eating okay
then I'm worse than animals no you're you're human being only human can eat
over okay over eat I got it got it yeah so well but I am on the process of
working on this problem as you know that I am on a diet okay oh you're still on
the diet yes oh of course I'm still on diet yes I mean yeah I bought carol
limit carol limit don't ya know what's not by funける oh it's like a really
like I'm care you know the supplement thing supplement right it it it stops
you from raising the cat oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that was recommended by to me
by Nara John oh I know he always takes that always yeah I went to like a Chuka
yeah with them I was like a store could it yeah no more is that what is that
always that's that here how many bit yeah yeah I deny you any me that yeah I'll
try that yeah yeah thanks to the supplement he avoid a voice being
sleepy yeah after eating things so that's so important yeah that happens to me all
the time right I get sleepy all the time yeah I don't know why I have especially
after eating especially after yeah only after eating yeah it must be that's the
problem of those cat doji up and downs yeah yeah right that's right I hope it
works yeah I've only I spent time with the pills for only like two days two
days okay only how do you oh okay yeah so far so good so far so far so far so
good okay but we can't really accurately yeah of course because it's too just two
meals yeah okay looking forward for yeah that's great to it yeah yeah great yeah
how's your diet process are you stepping forward or you just no I mean sorry if I
feel like no no no yeah I kind of feel like I took a half a step back oh only
half a step back why because I maybe so you know how I've been doing different
types of diets you know first that the 16-hour diets and like some other things
right yeah and I've recently I've I finished I I finished doing the the
16-hour diet and I'm kind of on a like a little bit of a break kind of thing like
I don't have my your score because all kind of next rules diet yeah so like I'm
kind of on this buffer time that and I feel like it's not good for me mm-hmm
it's it's giving me an excuse yeah to eat yeah so which is not good and then
and I and I'm understanding that which is a good thing right okay of course see
me understanding the problem yep is the first stop so I am I do feel like
honestly I'm taking a step back half a step back yeah okay okay and I'm gonna
go but I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna step forward yeah that will happen yeah
of course that will happen of course yes have you decided which one you will try
next oh no but um yeah
show shock not a big show shock me okay yeah
yeah like ultimately there's no like secret ways like you know highways too
much yeah right now I didn't too much no maybe popcorn was a good idea
yeah but uh I am enjoying the soccer and everything yeah that's great and I do
want to continue yeah exercising is important exercising right eat good food
yeah and we went to the gym together yeah right right yeah got your own
subscription yep thank you so yep yeah all righty yeah I want exercise yeah I
need some exercises let's do it yeah let's do it man yes yes okay all right
thanks for listening guys
[ Silence ]

