1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 我々の知能をナメないでもらっ..
2023-09-21 11:44


Scientifically smart brains we have



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. Hello. Did you know that pouring in hot water and pouring in
cold water sounds different? Really? And it's distinguishable. Oh, I didn't know that. Well,
let's try it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it? It is. I saw this on Twitter and it was very interesting.
Wow. I'll let you hear the sound of pouring hot water first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't
drank this. I'm going to pour this back in. All right. This is boiling hot. Okay. So I'm going to
put the mic closer. This is the hot pouring water. Okay. All right. Right. You hear that, right? Yeah,
yeah. I know the sound. You know the sound because you drink a lot of coffee. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now,
let me pour cold water here. Okay. All right. It's very different and it's very interesting.
Well, you mentioned about Twitter. Yeah. They changed the name to X, right? They did change
that. Yeah. How do you... So before that, people say, did you see that tweet of blah, blah, blah.
Somebody was like, I tweeted something. Yeah. What do you say now? So no one knows. No one knows.
There are no... Right now, there are no correct answers. Okay. I Xed. Right. X could be it.
You're not going to say it like that? I don't know. It doesn't sound like... It doesn't sound
natural. Yeah, yeah. I posted on X. You posted on X. Yeah. Would be like a natural way you can say.
Okay. What about did you watch... Did you read the tweet from... Did you see the Xs? Xs is one way of
saying it. Xs. Xs. Yeah. Wow. Xs. Okay. All right. Now, this is the cold water. All right. Here we go.
Wow. It's different. Very different. It's higher. Yeah. And it's more like a clear. Correct. Yeah.
It's sharper. Yeah. Right. Sounds cold. It does. Yeah. It's interesting. Why is that?
I don't know, actually. I don't know the reason to it. Yeah. No explanation on it? Yeah. The
explanation wasn't there. It just said that it sounds different. Wow. And that was interesting.
Right. Wow. Very interesting. How come is that different? Well, the temperature is different.
Well, let's approach the scientific with our big brains here. Let's think about this. We're big
boys. Yeah. We come up with the... We graduate the university. University? A university in the Kanto
area? In Tokyo? I mean, we got this. Yes. We got this. Yes. All right. Go ahead. Give me your
approach. Of course. Then I'll reflect upon what I have in my brain. My statement. Go ahead. Give
it to me. That's obviously, scientifically, the temperature difference is significant.
Very different. Yeah. It's hot and cold. Yeah. It's hot and cold. It's close to 100 degrees.
Yes. Celsius degrees. Yes. Versus like 10 degrees Celsius. Yes. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So,
there are significant differences. Yes. On Celsius degrees. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's...
I agree. One thing I found. I agree. Instantly, I found. I agree. Yeah. Yeah. Without any... Me too.
Yeah. Without... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I found. Right. Right. Right. Right. And? And, basically,
for now... Yes. That's how I conclude this. Okay. Got it. Got it. Can I wrap this up? Can I
kind of summarize? Of course. Please. So, you noticed... Yes. That the first one was hot. Yes.
Close to 100 degrees. Doctor, by the way. Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry about that. Yes. Yes. Yeah. So,
sir, you have evaluated that the first water that was pouring into the cup was close to 100
degrees Celsius. Yes. Close to. Close to. Yes. And the second one was a lot lower. Yes. And was closer
to 10 degrees Celsius. Yes. Around 10. Around 10. Degrees Celsius. Degrees Celsius. Yes. So,
that was kind of your evaluation of the whole experiment. Yes, it is. I see. I see. I see.
That's what I reported in the Gakkai. Gakkai. I see. I see. I see. Valuable information. Thank
you. Thank you. No problem. May I... Of course. May I tell you... Please. My thesis. Please. I
want to know... Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. You know, how... Yes. How scientifically I will approach
this. Yes. Yes. Because we are in a different, you know, even if we are in the same scientific
world, we're in a kind of different area, right? Right. Different category. Yeah. Yeah. Different
field. Yes. Yes. I respect your approach there. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. And I respect your
approach there. Thank you. Yeah. I want to know. So, let me tell you how I viewed this experiment.
Please. Yes. So, I think that the first pour, very hot, right? The particles inside water
are moving very fast. Ah. Particle inside. Yes. Particles inside. Okay. Okay. The H2O. Yeah. Is
moving very fast. Yeah. Because it's hot. Okay. Okay. Right. Because the particles are moving
very fast. Right. Faster. Yeah. You would think that things moving faster make a higher sound.
Right. Right. Because... Energy. Right. The energy. Right. The energy. Yeah. Just like Einstein said.
Energy. The energy. Yeah. Yes. E equals mc squared. Right. Right. The energy. Yeah. Yeah.
True. Yes. Yeah. Faster. Yeah. The energy is higher. Yeah. The noise is higher. You would
think. Yeah. You would think that. Yeah. I would think like that. Yes. But the experiment showed
the opposite. Right. Right. The hotter, the lower. Yes. The noise, the sound was. Yes.
That was interesting. Oh yeah. That was what I found very interesting. Oh, that's very interesting.
Yeah. I didn't notice that. Yeah. Yeah. Inertia. Yeah. Right. Inertia. Yeah. Inertia. Wow. Particles
moving apart from each other. Oh yeah. Like the movie. Movie. The movie. Inverted movie
by Christopher Nolan. What's that? Christopher Nolan. Inverted bullet. Oh. The. Yeah. Tenet.
Yeah. Tenet. Tenet. Yeah. It's about the whole concept of the spread of the energy. I see.
So that's why sounds, the sound get lower. Exactly. Yeah. Did that make sense? Yeah. That
makes sense. That makes sense. Right. Yeah. True. Absolutely. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Very genius.
Thank you. Yeah. Wow. Inversion of energy. Inversion of energy. Yes. That's why usually
if the energy is high, then the sounds will be higher. That is what ordinary people would think.
But in this world. In this world. Right now. Yes. It's going like the opposite. It's the opposite
direction. Yeah. The energy is going in the opposite direction. I see. So that's why the
sound made itself lower. Yes. Absolutely. I would have to agree to that. Yeah. Let me just. Yeah.
Just want to know. Yeah. Let's Google. Yeah. Yeah. That's what we learned in university.
If you face a trouble, Google it. Is that what we learned? Is that what we learned?
Found it? All right. Okay. Found it. Okay. Cold water. Cold water's higher velocity
also causes it. Wait. Let me read from the beginning.
The two sounds different because hot and cold waters have different velocity or quote unquote
thickness. Really? Let me continue. Okay. Please. The velocity of water goes down when you heat it.
Okay. Again, very opposite of what I kind of theorized. Yeah. This is easier to see when a
liquid like honey, warm honey is more runny than cold honey. That's true. That is true. Yeah. With
water, this is less visually apparent. But when you pour water, the way it splashes into a cup
is affected by the velocity. I see. The slight changes in velocity between hot and cold water
changes the sound of the splashes when it poured. I see. I understand. I see. Yeah. I see. I agree.
I agree. I scientifically agree. Yes. Yes. Me too. It made sense scientifically. Yeah.
Psychologically, yes. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I would. I approve. Yeah. I approve of this. Yeah.
Me too. This logic. I can't deny this. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I see. But that's true. Makes
sense. Yeah. Makes sense. Makes sense. All right. I see. So. Wow. Yeah. I'm sorry if I left you guys
off. You know, too smart here. Sorry. We're just too involved. I'm sorry about that. Yeah. Yeah.
I guess we were too, you know. Yeah. Too intellectual. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Too next level. Too modern.
Absolutely. Yeah. So sorry about that, guys. Sorry about that. Truly apologize. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yes. All right. Okay. I have to pee now.
So I will end the show. Yes, please. Thanks for sending guys. I can't deny that. I can't
deny. You can't scientifically deny that I don't have to pee, right? Go ahead. Thank you. Bye.

