1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 金持ち=幸せ?Golden Handcuff..
2020-09-18 28:05

金持ち=幸せ?Golden Handcuffsって知ってる?

That's the same line.
I suck at this job.
Wow, you're so talented. How do you do this?
No, that was funny.
Today, Yama-chan did the bass and I'm the... what is this called?
Not the bass, but the melody.
Melody? I couldn't think of anything.
You were so talented.
I'm surprised you could do this on first sight.
Okay, that was nice melody.
Thank you.
A little bit similar to the bass line, but...
I want to talk about money versus happiness.
Okay, money versus happiness.
Just like what we talked about in the last episode.
What's your take on this?
Do you think having more money leads to more happiness?
Yes? Okay.
And do you think...
There's research shown that around 700k...
[speaking Japanese]
When you go over the 700k level,
your happiness and your nenshu level does not match.
The curve is going to go slower.
Do you agree?
Yeah, I agree with that.
That's simple.
I can imagine that I have one cup of water when you are thirsty.
That will be so... appreciate the water.
But after that, like drink too little of the water.
It will not make me happy.
That's why you think it happens.
What do you think about...
Have you heard of golden handcuffs?
Golden handcuffs?
What was that?
It's a very interesting topic that I ran into the other day.
Golden handcuffs are...
When you are in...
Let's say you have a job that pays...
8 million yen.
And your lifestyle starts adjusting to that.
So you start buying houses.
You start buying Mercedes.
You start buying all these fancy things.
And you start drinking out every night.
You start going to a Kabakura.
You start spending a lot of money.
And now your lifestyle has adjusted to the 8 million yen.
Now there's no way for you to downgrade them.
You've got yourself into a loan.
You have to pay monthly fees every month.
You're so used to the lifestyle with the 800 million yen.
That you can't adjust to a lower lifestyle.
That's golden handcuffs.
Golden handcuffs.
You're stuck in the lifestyle of what you have now.
That you can't go back.
You can't downgrade them any lower.
Yeah, that's golden handcuffs.
I thought that was pretty interesting to me.
I've lived my life...
I've had days where I lived pretty poorly.
When I started opening my restaurant, I lived very poorly.
I had zero income.
And I had to not spend at all for the first few months.
You had to pay rent.
Right, I had to pay rent.
I wasn't in debt, so that was a saver for me.
But I did not have the income that I needed to live the life that I had before.
Where I was being protected by a corporate job.
Was I happier?
Yes, I was happier.
Because I wasn't caught up in the stress life of a corporate job.
But financially, I wasn't happy at all.
When I first quit my corporate job, I thought that the only thing that mattered was being non-stressful.
Being stress-free was the biggest and the only factor of things that led to happiness.
But when I started working by myself, I was able to accomplish the stress-free lifestyle.
Which was a huge upside.
Which I wasn't wrong about it being the biggest factor of leading to happiness.
But I also felt that after about half a year of me being into the restaurant industry, working for myself.
I started feeling like me wanting money.
That was the honest self.
I was a little bit ashamed of myself for not recognizing that.
But that was me being honest.
I'm being very transparent here.
I wanted money.
I wanted to eat better.
I wanted to eat vegetables.
I wanted to go to the gym.
I wanted to sometimes drink with my friends.
I did not have the money for that.
So I started craving for them.
I started wanting more and more.
At that point of my life, I thought that was pretty interesting.
Yeah, you can drink a lot of water.
Because, you know...
For such a long time, I thought that money wasn't the driving factor of happiness.
That's why I decided to quit my high-paying corporate job.
Started working in the way I wanted to.
With the people who I wanted to.
I thought that was the ultimate answer.
But it wasn't.
It wasn't the ultimate answer.
There was a money factor involved in me being happy.
That was a big...
Aha moment.
Not an aha moment.
But big news.
Big news inside me.
Big news.
I understand you.
But do you think if you got...
Let's say...
300 million yen.
300 million yen a year.
And you will be happy.
And if you got 800 million yen, do you think you will be happier than that?
I mean, if you have 300 million yen a year,
I think that will be pretty much enough to go to the gym.
Eat vegetables daily.
Hanging out with friends a couple of times a month.
You know.
I think that's enough for me.
300 million yen.
Then if you have 800 million yen, do you think you will be happier than that?
Logically, no.
Logically, I would say no.
But deep down in my...
Deep down, I feel it.
Being very transparent again.
Deep down, I feel like...
There's a part of myself that's saying I could be happier with the 800.
Why is that?
I don't know.
I don't know why.
Maybe it's golden handcuffs.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm already trapped in the golden handcuffs.
Maybe I...
Me experiencing the first corporate job, which was like the highest paying job I've ever had.
That could have put handcuffs on me.
I don't know.
I'm not sure.
But maybe.
Like I once did a test for myself.
I got an Excel sheet.
I got a blank Excel sheet.
And I listed out...
The most...
Desirable lifestyle I wanted to have.
I wanted...
Like, okay.
How much do you want to drink out every day?
How much...
How much good quality house do you want to live in?
How much...
Where do you want to live in?
How much money do you want to spend on your hobbies or new businesses that I'm interested in?
How much do you want to put aside for that?
And I listed out everything.
And that was like...
400 million yen per year.
And that was enough.
That was enough.
I mean...
I could...
I could probably get to that point.
I'm confident I could get to that point.
But there's a part of me that's aiming for a much higher goal.
And I still haven't figured out why.
I still have not.
And I'm a bit worried that I am a money craver guy.
That's what I'm worried about.
Why are you worrying about that feeling?
I don't know why.
Because I have this huge blank idea that chasing for money will not lead to happiness.
I have a huge like...
You know...
Money is something to spend, right?
You know...
If you have 8 million yen or maybe 100 million yen or 100 million yen or 30 million yen or more...
You will...
You can spend that money...
To make you happy, right?
So unless you're using money in the right way...
That will never cause you problems.
You're right.
You think so?
I mean logically, I understand.
That's legit logic right there.
That's the...
100% I understand.
At the same level.
I probably can't...
I'm not swallowing it.
I'm just not...
I don't know why.
I don't know why.
Like thoroughly...
Went through it...
From 0 to 100.
Like I...
I tried to process it but I had no idea why.
Well, do you think your lifestyle will be changed if you have...
If you have 100 million yen?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Like I...
My best guess would be...
My best guess would be...
I would probably live in a...
Like a...
Like a...
Like a Minato Mirai or Toyosu where I've said in the past episode...
The places where I want to live in.
And probably eat more gourmets.
More desirable gourmets that I want to eat.
Like I want to eat more pizza.
I want to eat more fancier dessert.
Maybe something like that.
I think that would change.
Expensive chocolates maybe?
Things like that.
Kaygai chocolate.
Things like that.
Maybe that would change.
But I don't think...
I'm not sure.
I'm only guessing here.
But I don't think the others would change that much.
Like I'm not into like material things.
But I do like Kaden.
But like...
Not like I don't...
I don't want a Ferrari.
I don't want...
I'm not interested in that.
I'm not...
So I can't see myself completely going in the direction of like a...
Like a cliche millionaire kind of lifestyle.
I can't see myself into going there.
That's my best guess.
So what was the original question?
There wasn't an original question?
Okay, I have a question for you.
What is your desirable nenshu?
Well, I would appreciate if that would be as much as I can imagine.
Like tons of billion dollars.
Billion dollars per month.
That would be great.
How would you spend that money?
I think I don't spend.
But if I wish to have that like expensive electric guitar, you know, I can buy that.
And I can play that.
And I can make sound with that.
That makes me happy, you know.
Well, I'm saying this like I will appreciate if I have so many tons of dollars per year.
The reason I say this is I think, well kind of I'm a little bit sure that I think I don't change my lifestyle.
You don't want to change your lifestyle?
I think it won't be changed.
Wait, do you think it's not going to be changed or do you not want to change?
I don't want to change.
And that, that, it won't be changed.
By money.
So if I had so many money, that simply means I can, you know, do the things that I can do without money.
What do you mean?
Like me, now I want to have a guitar, one electric guitar, but actually want to make a little different sound.
And I need a little, like let's say a little electric piano maybe, and I can buy that.
And that makes me happy.
But if I don't have money, I won't buy that.
Just, you know, you know what I mean?
It would only go to things that would definitely make you happy, which is for you currently making music.
Like if...
I think I want to meet friends like every day and hang out every night.
I don't think I will do that, even if I will have money.
I think I don't buy fancy cars, seven Ferraris in a garage.
I don't think so.
You have a more clear vision than me or majority of the people.
I feel like you're...
Like I said before in the episode, you're very self-fulfilling.
Like I can...
Your amateur was 100% self-fulfilling.
For me, having money itself is not fun.
Like it means almost nothing to me.
What makes me happy is if I can play the better piano, the better singing, like learning new things.
That's the important thing.
God, you are fucking smart.
I think I'm not smart, but that's me.
So if I can buy several books a month, I think that will be...
I'll be happy enough.
You don't know the admiration I have for you.
Like you don't know.
Like it's...
One problem of mine, inside of mine, is now I'm start thinking that I want to help someone
and I want to be appreciated by someone.
That's my little wish.
Admired, right?
You want to have...
You know, I want to be helpful.
Got it. Got it. Gotcha. Gotcha.
I want to help somebody with my something because learning is for me.
Singing is for me.
Everything is just simply for me and I'm happy with that.
So it's quite closed.
If it was like you putting out a piece of content that teaches people how to play the guitar
and people view the channel and they get value from it, does that fulfill what you're looking for?
That will be happy.
That will be happy.
But before that, that's the second priority.
You yourself have to be happy.
That's the first priority.
That is a different question I want to have for you.
When will you fulfill yourself?
When will you be happy?
When do you think you can get to that next priority?
Like your first priority is to make yourself happy.
And how do you fulfill that?
Do you see a goal?
Like you don't...
Do you get the question I'm asking?
I don't have a certain goal but now I'm actually feeling that I should go to the next step a little bit.
Oh, your second priority?
So your first priority has already met?
No, no, no.
That's not going to change the priority.
Now I'm...
It's something like a huge bowl.
Like a little glass in a huge bowl.
And little glass is my first priority and we're pouring the water.
And if it will be full, then it will be the second priority.
So the priority won't be changed.
So your first priority has already filled?
It's not filled but it's...
It's being filled.
It's being filled?
I mean, oh, sorry for my poor English expression but it's...
You know, it's not something done today.
I have to keep that thought forever.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
So you have enough coming in?
You have enough coming in so that you're still filling your first priority which is to make yourself happy.
And there's also enough coming in to share what's coming in to your second priority which is to make other people happy.
Right, right.
The word you're using, coming in, is a little bit different from my way but basically that's right.
You have energy for it.
It's rather than coming out.
You have enough energy to pour your energy into your priorities.
Gotcha, gotcha.
So how do you not want to go all in on your first priority?
Do you not want to go all in?
All in on your energy.
You have 100% of energy and you're saying you can put 80% of the energy in the first priority.
Now you're thinking...
That's a good question.
I'm not taking it like this.
It's always 100% and only if it will be 120% that can go to that second priority.
So you have more energy than you can pour into.
Right, right, right.
It's not being 80% or something like that.
It's always 100%.
How does that happen?
Making music for yourself and you feeling fulfilled, how does that happen?
How can that reach to a maximum level?
Oh, I don't think there's an end to it.
You can make more music.
Right, it won't be an end.
And how can you not be able to pour more into making music?
How can you not...
How can you...
You're saying that your first priority, which is to make music, which is to make yourself happy.
Yeah, and learn new things.
Learn new things.
Has gotten enough.
Has gotten...
Now I'm full.
Filled with that.
You're fulfilled.
I mean today.
I mean now.
At the moment now.
At the moment you're fulfilled.
You were able to do music.
You were able to learn new things.
Don't you want to go for more?
You don't want to.
You don't have desires for it.
For what?
You can't...
For learning new things.
Yeah, I do that.
You can learn new...
That's not the amount.
What I'm talking about.
It's the...
You know.
It's hard to say that.
But it's not amount of something like I made 100 songs.
It's like...
Being able to put a check mark on it.
That you...
The speed I'm moving to that place.
But you can put more energy into it and make it faster.
I do that.
It will be faster.
So why not take the energy that you're pouring into your second priority, put it into the
first priority and make that go faster?
Well actually it's getting faster.
Oh it is getting faster.
So that means 100%.
You see that?
Shit man.
I mean...
It's like...
Like this curve.
Curve, right.
What's the curve?
The sign curve?
Sign curve, right?
Oh, right, right.
What was that?
Niji Kyokusen?
Niji Kyokusen?
Yeah, Niji Kyokusen curve.
If you know, it will be, you know, speeding up.
So that means my 100%.
I'm not talking about the things I have or the things I made.
But what is important to me is how much power I am adding every single day.
So do you...
That's the speed.
I'm talking about speed.
The gravity.
The gravity.
Speed, you know, power.
Is there unlimited amount of gravity you can put into it or is there a limit?
Is there a...
Yeah, it's limited, I think, because we have 24 hours a day and I have to sleep, of course.
So you're going at it to the maximum.
You're pouring the maximum amount of gravity you can...
As humanly as possible within 24 hours.
It's unlimited.
But physically, right, it's limited.
Because of the 24 hour time frame.
Right, right.
And if I'll be very, very good at making music, that will be, you know, it's not limited.
It's unlimited.
Right, right.
So you're spending all your free time making music, which is your first priority.
How do you have time for the second one?
Actually, not that...
I will make time.
I can make time.
Because you know, actually it's the same activity to me.
I'm making music for me, for myself, and using all free time.
Once it will be full, I think I can, you know, give this to someone.
You see what I mean?
It's not different activity.
That's the same thing I'm doing.
Give it to someone?
Yeah, like...
That's new.
Give my song to someone, maybe.
Or sell someone.
I don't know, but...
It's priority number two.
You giving it to somebody.
Like, it's not the different activity.
It's not like move on to the next thing.
I think I got it.
I think I got it.
So it's the same activity.
It's just, okay, it's your first priority moving into an advanced level.
Advanced level priority.
Would be right.
I think so.
I guess.
But then, but then next door, like...
Got it, got it, got it, got it.
So the activities that fulfills you involves creating music and then it could possibly
also giving away that music to somebody else for other people's value.
So you'd want to get that, you want to get it too.
I got it.
So I'm not change this part.
I understand.
So just because you're moving into a priority number two, the priority number one would
never be left out.
It would always have to come before priority two.
I got you.
I got you, man.
I fucking got you, man.
But you know, it was really hard to explain in English.
That was a very difficult idea.
Sorry about that.
No problem, man.
So, oh, wait a minute.
Hey, that was a pretty long episode.
Some deep episode right there, man.
I hope I can make myself understood by everybody, but.
You're still learning.
You're still learning English.
That's a good thing to me too.
I have to make, you know, you know, learning and being for someone.
Right there.
That's priority number one and two.
That's nice.
There's a lot of people that DMs us, you know, and then says that our content is, is,
is, you know.
Appreciate it.
I'm very happy.
I'm learning English.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate you guys again.
Can't thank you guys enough.
All right.
Goodbye guys.
Thank you.

