Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hello, guys.
So how was your week, by the way?
Oh, my week.
Yeah. Has been.
Let me see my calendar.
Yeah, I've been doing this week.
Oh, I did that thing that you told me about, you know,
taking a sample of your urine, turning it in, see if you have any signs of cancer.
Oh, really?
A nose, was it?
Yeah, I did it.
I bought it.
I peed on the little container.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I turned it in.
Oh, I got done.
Great. Wow.
And I tried to reserve my first time Ningen Dogu.
But I after doing some research,
you know how normal companies do the Ningen Dogu from 30?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And so I was like, OK, I'm not 30 yet, so I'll just do the Kenko Shindan.
I see.
So I tried to reserve the Kenko Shindan,
but turns out Kenko Shindan isn't for self-employeds.
Oh, yeah. You can't.
Really? You can't do it.
You can't? Yeah.
There are no ways of non-employed workers,
non-corporate people to really take the Kenko Shindan.
Yeah, that's yeah.
That's my 30 minutes of research.
So maybe I haven't found out.
Maybe I haven't discovered it yet.
But like, yeah, it could be.
But but I I don't know.
Wow. I couldn't find it.
So I kind of got lost there.
That's. Yeah.
The only thing you can do is the Ningen Doku.
Oh, still Ningen Doku is something you can do.
Ningen Doku is possible. You can do it.
Anyone can do it.
It's just the Kenko Shindans aren't there for self-employeds.
Yeah, but I had a true, I have an image towards Kenko Shindan,
like it's for, like, kaisha-ins, or like, gakkou no seito.
Oh, so we got to do the Ningen Doku.
Yeah, if we were to do something, it's going to be the Ningen Doku.
Oh, wow.
And it's expensive and it takes time.
And it's scary.
Well, it's not dangerous.
No, it's not dangerous.
It's not dangerous?
No, it's not, no.
Conducted by professionals, man.
Yeah, it's true.
We should do it.
Right, right, right.
I mean, it's already out there of us saying
when we're going to take the Ningen Doku.
Do you remember when it was for you?
November, October, I guess.
Yeah, I guess November.
Yeah, like somewhere around that.
Yeah, I said, I said shichi-gatsu.
Which is just coming, right?
It's like, wow, like a week.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, wow.
Well, I mean, I, yeah.
I did a research on it.
I did a research on it.
You tried it.
Yeah, you tried it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right, right, right.
If I were, if, if, if the reservation button
for the kenko shindan was available,
I would have clicked it.
Like a week before.
Yeah, right.
I would have done it.
You know, I was surprised that we,
like there's no way for self-employed people
to get kenko shindan for themselves.
I know, right?
As in the government, like.
I know, right?
Yeah, because they, I mean,
we pay the hokenryo, right, kenko hokenryo,
which isn't for those like health,
like safety net thing.
And it also said that for some self-employed people,
you can't have the ningen doku,
you can't have that as keihi.
Oh, really?
You can't.
So it's jibara.
That's, okay.
So it's too bad, right?
Kind of sucks.
And health is very, the most important thing for.
It's vital.
Self-employed people.
Very vital.
I know, right?
Didn't know that.
I tried.
You tried.
Yeah, I.
I tried.
Yeah, now it's your turn.
I mean, it's coming, right?
Yeah, it's coming, but yeah.
It's, yeah, like four months from now, but.
Still, it's still coming.
Yeah, yeah, still coming.
Yeah, of course, it's coming.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So you're gonna do the ningen doku?
In the next month?
Because that's the only way, right?
I'd rather not answer that question.
My answers aren't ready to be out there in public.
Okay, okay.
If I answer it now, it'll be finalized.
Yeah, I mean.
I can't, I can't, I can't be so irresponsible
for my words.
All right.
So that doesn't mean no.
That doesn't mean no.
Nor does it mean yes, right?
I mean, I didn't, I just didn't give an answer.
Of course.
If you say yes, that means you definitely have to
do the ningen doku.
But there's still slight possibility of like,
you will be able to get kenko shindan, right?
So that's why, right?
Absolutely, yes.
That was exactly what I had in mind.
So, so either one, either of them,
so either one, either of them, either of them.
Either one of them?
Either one of them.
Wow, that's a difficult one.
Or either of them is okay.
I guess that's either of them.
You're gonna, you're gonna,
you're gonna do either of them for sure.
Well, I, I didn't say that.
Oh, you didn't say that?
Did I say, did you, did you hear me say yeah?
Did I just say yeah in front of you?
After your question?
No, right?
Okay, okay, that's good.
Because I didn't.
For any of you, anyone else that thought I said yeah,
I didn't say yeah.
I didn't.
You're not sure which one you're gonna do
in the next month.
I'm not sure which one I'm gonna do, yeah.
But you know either one you're gonna do.
Well, I can't answer that question, no.
I can't, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna lie here on the podcast.
No, I mean, of course, of course.
You're a very honest guy.
Yeah, I'm not gonna stand here.
Yeah, true, you are, you are.
And lie in front of the camera,
that would be a very bad thing to do.
But you're a very honest man and you said
you're gonna do those things in July, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did say that.
I did say that.
Right, so you do something in July.
I'll probably do something in July, of course.
We'll stick it over to you.
Yeah, I mean.
Are you gonna do something in October or November?
Yeah, it's November, yeah.
After knowing that, after what I told you,
knowing that you can't really take the Kenko Shindan
and the only option you have is the Ningen Doku,
are you gonna take the Ningen Doku?
Yeah, I mean, I can't answer that question.
Oh, right, right, right.
On the same boat here, on the same boat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Welcome aboard.
All right.
Yeah, I wanna know the answer,
like if we truly have no possibility to.
Right, right, right, right, right.
Because that's gonna be difficult.
What if you don't have the money for it, right?
Like if you're self-employed,
but you wanna stay healthy,
which is a great thing to have, right?
It's a great mindset to have,
very healthy mindset to have, right?
How's, what are they supposed to do?
And also that's very important for the government.
Right, for people to be healthy.
So they can work.
And they can get taxed.
Right, right, right, exactly.
Which made me think there has to be some sort of a way.
Yeah, I guess.
It has to be something.
Like I thought like even like free for those.
I know.
Like I thought it should be more like lower, like.
You know, harder.
Right, I mean, I thought we would get points
for taking the Genghis Khan, right?
Like minor points or something.
20,000, yeah.
More than that, 20,000, right?
What can you use the minor points for anyway?
I don't know.
Can you go to Lawson and use minor points?
Is that possible?
I'm not sure.
No idea?
No idea.
I've never seen anywhere.
I've seen IDs, quick pays, pay pays, line pays.
Never seen minor points though.
Minor points in the convenience store.
Minor points.
That's what the sound.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Minor points.
Is that, that's funny.
It's like quick pay, like.
Yeah, quick pay.
Yeah, yeah.
Minor points.
So that's no cute.
No one's going to use that, that's so embarrassing.
What's the worst payment method audio out there?
As in sound?
Yeah, sound.
So quick pay has like, quick pay.
Yes, yes.
I think it's my, okay, I'm going to do my memory of quick pay.
Quick pay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's my memory.
Right, right, right.
It's like double of like.
Exactly, yeah.
The higher one is like that beautiful one,
but the lower one is like.
So it's like, every time I hear that like,
what, are you, your throat okay?
Right, right.
That is fun.
I would say, you know,
I think I'm going to go with quick pay as well.
Quick pay is one of the worst sounds out there, I think.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I get it, I get it.
The voices don't really harmonize together.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's very random.
Yeah, I don't know where they got that melody from.
I don't know where they got those two keys from.
Right, I have no idea how they record that voice.
Right, right.
I know.
Like pay pays or line pays, they're fine.
They're just clean.
Right, right.
A little bit loud though, but in my opinion, you know.
Is that necessary, first of all?
Yeah, you can't turn it off.
You can't.
You know, sometimes when you use pay pay or line pay,
so they scan your barcode,
and then immediately after they scan it,
you turn your phone off, right?
And then 10 minutes later, you're in the cafe,
sitting down trying to study,
and you turn your phone back on,
and immediately the first thing you hear is line pay!
Like everyone around you looks at you like,
where the fuck are you paying?
Do you know this?
No, no.
You know that this happens?
I haven't experienced that.
Well, maybe it's only for iPhones.
It happens.
It's fucking terrible.
Yeah, that sounds terrible.
Loud as fuck.
So you need to keep it on.
Right, you gotta remember to wait.
For the melody to go on.
Yeah, or you're gonna embarrass yourself in public.
It's very embarrassing.
Very embarrassing, yeah.
My most favorite sound is the Apple Pay, I would say.
Oh, how?
Apple Pay.
What is that?
It's like a...
Ah, I see.
You get it.
Just like a ring a bell.
Yeah, yeah.
It's a really simple,
but it's got like a,
it's got like a stretch to it before the release.
Yeah, there's a stretch to it right before.
It's really satisfying.
Oh, I wanna hear that.
To hear that release.
I wanna hear that.
It's a great noise.
I think I've heard like one or twice in my life.
Yeah, I should.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I need to hear that.
Right, yeah.
Be on the lookout.
Can you do that again, please?
All right.
It went higher than I wanted to.
That was higher than I wanted it.
Oh, okay, okay.
It was a little lower.
Ah, I see.
Oh, you have like sound before that.
There's a before, there's a stretch before.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, and then a release.
I think I can play it.
Oh, really?
Yeah, yeah.
I think there's a way to actually get it.
So like if you download something from an app store,
I think that'll work.
Okay, let's try to, all right, ready?
Yeah, yeah.
Right there.
Was that the one you tried?
That was exactly the one I did.
You're not gonna judge me.
I mean, I mean.
You're not gonna judge me of my vocal instrument, right?
No, I mean.
You're not gonna judge me
on whether or not I did a good job or not, right?
I mean, I prefer to do it.
I prefer to do it.
I prefer to do it.
I prefer to do it.
I prefer to do it.
I prefer yours.
I prefer yours.
Thank you, thank you.
So you're complimenting me.
Yeah, I would rather want to have that one in my phone.
Thank you.
When I pay.
Thank you.
Love that, like the momentum.
I'm glad, I'm glad that you loved it.
Glad that you loved it.
Better than the Apple one.
Yeah, better than that one, yeah.
That's good.
That was a bit too solid and, yeah, less energy.
I now love mine more than the Apple one now.
Yeah, yeah.
Because of your compliment.
Thank you.
I have built the confidence.
Yes, you should.
To perform this in front of other people now.
And I will.
Yeah, of course.
I will proudly present my transaction noise.
All right.
Of course.
Thank you.
When you pay, pay anything at a convenience,
so you should do it.
I will vocalize that.
I will sing that every time.
To everybody.
Thank you for building my confidence.
Yeah, of course.
Why not?
Thank you.
I just said the fact, you know.
Thank you.
That's how I feel.
That's kind of compliment.
Thank you, man.
Thank you.
All right.
Back to the guys.