1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. DMで投稿ミスを教えてくれる方..
2023-10-02 09:51





英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcastです。
英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcastです。
英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcastです。
DMで、KAR Podcastプラスアテを投稿すればとても良いです。
DMで、KAR Podcastプラスアテを投稿すればとても良いです。
この動画の通常の話題では、このDMで、KAR Podcastプラスアテを投稿すればとても良いです。
このDMで、KAR Podcastプラスアテを投稿すればとても良いです。
Nice to meet you, my name is Naho.
I always enjoy listening to you.
I was wondering if I should tell you this, but I decided to listen to Natamame no Kai.
It's a sensitive topic.
It's about Kevin's near-infection.
It's sudden, but I have a question.
Kevin-san, right now...
Are your upper and lower teeth connected? Are they separated?
Right now?
Right now.
Unconsciously? That's difficult.
I want to be conscious.
If they are connected...
Are they connected?
It's not even like okubas?
If they are connected, I think it will be cured if you get a mouthpiece from the dentist.
The normal state of the mouth is that the lips are connected and the teeth are separated.
If the teeth are connected, it means that there is an extra pressure on the teeth, so the nerves come to the surface.
I think this is the cause.
I got a mouthpiece when I was sleeping and it was cured in half a year.
Please try it.
Wait, at night?
Yeah, at night.
Because I guess she's hagishiri at night.
Eh? Should I do it?
Do you hagishiri at night?
I hagishiri at night.
Like a fucking dinosaur.
Oh, wow.
Dinosaur? You sleep like a baby and hagishiri like a dinosaur? Wow.
Yeah, this might be a good one for you.
Yeah, now that I think about it, when I'm in a relaxed zone, my teeth are together.
When my lips are tied, my teeth are kind of like touching each other.
I guess that's true.
Yeah, yeah.
I guess I'm putting an additional pressure, unnecessary pressure on the teeth.
Right, yeah.
I mean, you know, I was thinking of treating my hagishiri, not for the chikakabi, but for the hagishiri itself, because I know it's bad.
Yeah, I was planning to, you know, kind of treat it in some way.
So, I guess I'll look into that.
True, true.
You know, I went to the dentist.
Oh, yeah.
The other day, right?
It was just teiki kenshin.
And, you know, the shikai shishi-san saw everything in person, which was very hot.
Yeah, hot.
Like, the person was hot?
Like, she was beautiful?
Oh, no.
That's what it sounded like, dude.
I know, sorry.
She was so hot.
That's what he said.
She checked out everything and she was hot.
That's what he said.
Yeah, my grammar wasn't, you know, correct.
Oh, okay.
That treatment was, you know, heartful.
Like, how do you say that?
What do you mean?
Like, aching.
Hard or hot?
She hurt me.
Oh, hurt.
Oh, H-U-R-T.
Oh, hurt.
She hurt me, like the treatment.
She hurt you?
Okay, got it, got it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, really?
It wasn't like cavity thing.
She just cleaned my teeth up.
Ah, right, okay.
But I don't know what tool she used, but like a kind of needle things and like a...
Stabbing your gum and everything?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and everything.
She hurt me.
She was the aggressive type?
She was the aggressive type?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But anyway, she recommended me to make the mouthpiece.
Oh, wow.
For what?
Even to me.
She told me that you might have pressure, too high pressure on your teeth.
Oh, from the haikishiri or something?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I don't think I do haikishiri, but even in like usual...
For example, like going to gym, you do a lot of pressure.
You make a lot of pressure to your, you know, like tongue.
Or like you just maybe focusing on the sagyo things.
The pressure is very high, and it seems your teeth are a bit like punching each other and, you know.
Yeah, yeah, a bit.
So maybe you should make your mouthpiece instead.
But only at night?
She said...
Whenever you can?
Whenever, yeah.
Oh, okay.
I see.
So I think that's a, you know, big good treatment.
Yeah, I guess.
Yeah, maybe I should do that.
Yeah, especially people like you do haikishiri like a dinosaur.
I do.
At night time.
How do you...
It's not ibiki, right?
It's not ibiki.
It's haikishiri.
Sounds like dinosaur?
Well, I don't know.
That was a joke, but I don't know.
But like...
Huge noise.
Yeah, I mean, I have...
My family have told me that I haikishiri on a regular basis.
Oh, okay.
Well, I don't know, recently.
But yeah, when I was with my family, it's just like, you're doing a fucking huge haikishiri, man.
Like my sister does too.
I've seen my sister...
I've heard my sister do a haikishiri.
That's huge.
I mean, yeah.
Brother of a rhinoceros?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And you're a dinosaur, man.
Dinosaurs are bigger than the rhinos.
Oh, they are?
I mean, there's all kinds of...
All different kinds of dinosaurs, right?
Yeah, right.
Smaller ones, of course.
I'd say a T-Rex.
Oh, that's huge.
Is that the big one?
Yeah, that's the big one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm a strong one.
Yeah, I'm a big brother.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Big little brother.
Big little brother, yes, you are.
But I was read through some, you know, other DMs, but some more DMs saying that you should buy mouthpiece.
Yeah, like two more.
Oh, shit.
So a lot of people are saying it.
Right, right, right.
I will look into that then.
All right.
Well, thanks for the advice, guys.
Thank you.
Truly appreciate it.
And another important message here about advice on DMs.
I want to thank everyone that tells me of the DMs that like, hey, Kevin, maybe you uploaded the same episode twice.
Or like maybe the title is kind of ikko zureteru and like it doesn't match the content.
Or like, oh, Kevin, you forgot to upload.
I think you forgot.
The episode aren't uploaded for two days.
I get like one or two of that.
Oh, really?
And that is so thankful.
That is like the way that I discover my mistakes.
Thank you.
I'm seeing it.
And I fucking appreciate it.
Thank you so much for all of you that told me that.
Oh, you do appreciate it.
I fucking do.
I fucking appreciate it.
And I can't thank you guys enough for telling me.
And if you see another mistake, don't hesitate to tell me.
True, true.
Please don't.
You won't.
You will never be mad at it.
I will never be mad at it.
I value the fuck out of that information.
Thank you guys.
Thank you so much.
All right.
Thanks for sending guys.
All right.
Thank you.
Bye bye.

