1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 都会で働くor 田舎で働く
2021-03-02 11:11

都会で働くor 田舎で働く

Which one?

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Great voice. Thank you.
Little gangsta type.
I'm thinking about doing like an additional radio-ish kind of opening.
Have you heard one of the American radios?
Is there a phrase that I can...
Number one...
Chattanooga number one hits! 94.7!
Right, right, right.
The little... copies.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Back when I was in Rome, Georgia, I listened to all those radios and I was like, "One day I want to do this."
It was so cool.
So now is the time to maybe get that dream come true.
Yeah, right, right.
But it's okay.
I'll be waiting for that phrase coming up.
Yeah, I'll get mine ready, okay?
Yeah, okay.
I've got a...
Madochan96, thank you!
Thank you. Send us a message.
Thank you.
Congrats! Party time!
Give yourself some pizzas!
We have to buy a little...
Calpas and slice and put it on.
Yes, yes, yes.
What did you say you...
Did you even say how you received that?
No, actually.
Okay, then how did you receive it?
Because it was kind of a little special, so I wanted to talk later.
Okay, got it. Yeah, I respect.
But I'm going to tell you now.
Oh, now? Okay, sure.
I'm sorry if I kind of messed up the mood.
No, no, no. No problem, no problem.
No, it's not something that I haven't thought about.
But no, it's not bad.
I'm going to say that.
You know, I love cooking, you know?
Every day I cook.
I know, you love cooking.
Breakfast and lunch and dinner.
I know.
And today, this morning, I was making an egg breakfast.
You know, a little medamayaki.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Classic, right?
And I...
What do you say?
Fresh my egg.
Scrambles? I mean...
Crack my egg?
Crack, yeah, yeah.
Crack my egg, and there was a little paper inside.
And I was a little surprised.
Like a little fortune cookie message.
A little rolled little paper was inside of that egg.
That's crazy.
That was the message from Maruchan96.
It was in a raw egg.
That's crazy. That's some crazy shit, man.
I don't know how.
How does she do that?
Like, you don't...
She couldn't predict which egg you were gonna put into your cart at the supermarket.
She doesn't even know where you live.
And she doesn't even know which supermarket you use.
That's some miracle shit, man.
That's fucking amazing.
I think that's like raw talent, you know?
All right.
Well, thank you, Maruchan96.
Yeah, right.
So, uh...
I'm from the countryside, so I like to live a relaxed life surrounded by nature.
But I want to get a job that uses English, so I'm wondering if I should prioritize my private life
and live in the countryside, or prioritize my job and live in the city, or go on a job-sharing
Which would you prioritize?
I live in Tokyo, so it might be hard to sympathize with you, but I'd be happy if you could answer
me someday.
Thank you.
So, she said every time she tries to change jobs.
But she just got her first job, right?
Did I not get any context right?
I mean, uh...
She says that she returned from Ryugaku.
So maybe she was...
She was working at a company, then quit, went to Ryugaku, and came back.
We never know, but, uh...
But she says...
But she says she's worried about her return trip.
I mean, for me, they're both the right answer, right?
There is no right answer for the choice of your life.
Just go with...
Like, you don't know, you can't really check if your choice was the correct answer.
There is no, like, "Okay, let's check the answers time!"
No one you choose is your life, and that's...
And, um...
You just gotta go with what's right, what you feel is right in your heart.
I think that's the ultimate answer, you know?
You're gonna have ups and downs either way.
And she says that...
That means she still loves living in nature.
I can go for the nature!
You can go for the nature, and then three years, or like, one year in, you might be like, "Oh, I miss the Tokai!"
Well, then go for the Tokai!
But maybe she only...
She's only able to work in Tokai...
If she wants to use her inner skills.
That's what she says.
You think so?
Yeah, because she wants to prioritize her job...
I mean...
She wants to prioritize her job...
She wants to get a job that uses English, so she prioritizes her job and lives in Tokai.
So it's...
I mean, not impossible, but...
It's better for her job career.
Living in Tokai.
Well, I mean...
First of all, I do think that there's...
Even if you live in the countryside, I think there is still possibilities of you being able to use your English skills as your main job.
That's one.
But like...
If you think that, in your head, you think that living in Tokai is the only way to use your English skill as your profession,
then you...
And if you value that so much, then go with the Tokai, you know?
Like, you just gotta go with the one you feel is the most good for yourself.
And at the same time, knowing that there is no right answer, so...
What you choose is the answer.
It's not a right or wrong, it's the one you chose.
So, like, you chose it, and that's your life.
And that's...
That's your life.
Right, get the most out of it.
You know?
Well, I'm completely agree with you.
There's no answer.
I always...
The motto for my life was like...
"Yaranai koukai yori yarukoukai."
"Yaranai koukai yori yarukoukai."
So I want...
I would...
I suggest that you take the move.
Go for the "inaka."
Okay, okay.
If she wants to, if she's leaning towards the "inaka."
Like, look deep into your heart and be like, "What do you really want to do?"
Like, "Am I..."
Okay, okay.
So there's another fact that I want to talk about.
Like, is it...
Like, if it's like, okay, do you want to...
Do you, inside, truly inside, you feel like you are more happy to live in the countryside?
And that the reason why you want to stay in Tokai is because you get the looks.
Like, you get the status of like...
Or like, does your friend think that you're cool, that you're in the Tokai?
If that's in play, well then I think you should definitely go for the countryside.
Yeah, like...
Go for the options that make sense only for you.
Like, don't be...
Don't be like...
Don't have your decisions be affected by other people's opinions.
So, yeah, if that's in play, I think that's bullshit.
Yeah, that's... all right.
Well, that was great advice.
Hope that helps.
I mean, I know it's tough to make big decisions, but...
You know.
Well, recently we can walk through the internet and...
Right, COVID, right?
Really set us up for...
From working from home, kind of.
Maybe we don't have to live in Tokyo.
We are actually going through the phase of like, okay, let's why not work from the inaka and connect online.
So that situation is a little better for...
Exactly right.
Or maybe you could choose like the... like maybe go for like the Saitama area where it's like you're close.
You can go... you can use the train like an hour and a half train ride to get to Tokai, but you're living kind of in the inaka, kind of.
I mean, yeah.
You can get the best of both worlds.
Right, right.
There is the middle option still.
You don't have to go completely...
That's a great one.
Yeah, yeah.
A realistic answer, I guess.
Maybe go for Chiba.
Kanagawa is a little bit expensive and like too much crowded, I feel like.
Maybe go for the Saitama or like the Chiba option.
Yeah, I mean, you're not saying that Saitama and Chiba are countryside enough.
Yeah, that is not what I'm saying.
I am not...
This is not a diss.
This is not a diss.
I didn't want to make sure.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
Thank you for setting the straight.
This is not a diss.
Yeah, right.
You're talking about just the, you know, the place, the distance.
Right, right.
I'm talking about the amount of nature.
I'm not saying it's good or bad to have nature or not.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Before I say anything that would really detriment to my...
All right.
