2024-06-07 26:58

【箸休めEp】コピペ Survey finds 40% of university students in Japan don’t know the copy-and-paste shortcut keys



👇Chapters 好きなところから聴けます

() - Intro

() - 【ENG】Survey finds 40% of university students in Japan don’t know the copy-and-paste shortcut keys

() - 【日本語】大学生の4割、“コピペ”のショートカットキーを知らない

() -Did we know this when we were students? 我々も学生の頃は知らなかったかも

() - Colleagues helped us to learn 会社の先輩のアドバイス大事

() - Japanese are belated to learn how to use digital tool? 外国に比べると日本は遅れてるのか?

() - we need to care how to teach not to embarrass them 大人になったら教え方も大事

() - using a pad can be tiring トラックパッドは疲れる話

() - 40% of the students are confident using PC パソコンスキルに自信のある人は4割

() - Ending 感想&まとめ


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最近の大学生の40%はコピー&ペーストのショートカットキーを知らないという調査結果が明らかになっています。調査はDigital Skills and Training Outfit Mentorによって行われ、回答者の中でCtrl-Zが最も認知されていることも分かりました。

せーの What's up amazing people, this is IYASASA
RADIO by Akane and Minami. In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in
Okinawan Japanese and English. はいたい A recent survey of university students in
Japan appears to make it clear that unaware of basic keyboard shortcuts is lacking. Keyboard
shortcuts for copying Ctrl-C and pasting Ctrl-V data are decades old and work across
every modern desktop OS that we know of. However, around 40% of the well-educated sample of
young adults surveyed were unaware of them. The survey was conducted by Digital Skills
and Training Outfit Mentor, part of White Inc. Japan.
IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami. In this survey, we found that 62.6% of students in Japan
were unaware of Ctrl-C and pasting Ctrl-V data. 59.2% of students were unaware of copy-and-paste
shortcut keys. 40% of respondents were unaware of copy-and-paste shortcut keys. Ctrl-Z
was the third most recognized. It was 30.6% of respondents were aware of Ctrl-Z.
Companies do not think that young people can use computers.
Investing in basic computer skills that can last for 10 or 30 years is a highly educational investment.
In addition, university students can increase their employment rate by training students
and I could Google it, how to do a shortcut, but maybe I was too dumb.
There is existing of shortcut. You know what I mean?
Because we've been using the mouse at the junior high or high school.
And no, not, teachers didn't teach us like, OK, let's learn how to do shortcut key
and make it more productive.
They taught us how to, how the function works on the right click of the mouse.
I remember I learned that a lot. It's like anything comes out with a right click.
True. But when we were in college, we didn't have like our own laptop.
It takes time to get used to using that computer at school, right?
Because we don't use it every day, every single day.
But once we have our own laptop, we use it a lot and then it's getting easier to use it.
When I work at a company, I use a computer or laptop every day.
In university, like I don't know the modern university students right now.
Maybe they, you know, maybe all of them has their own laptop and doing like,
not only writing more, maybe they making a website or doing like social media posting.
The modern university students are obviously doing more than the South.
But when it comes to iPhone, I don't know about the laptop though.
A lot of people use iPhone and smartphones, but not everyone use computer or laptop.
But universities shouldn't nowadays use it.
In the South, only the people who had a laptop had a computer.
And there are more classes that don't use it.
Like making a PowerPoint presentation or writing a paper.
And other than research, people don't use computers that much.
I think it depends on the person.
So I don't remember if there was such a copy pedant.
When it comes to typing, when we start working, we have deadline to do every single thing.
So it's getting faster to type.
But when it comes to shortcuts, we don't know how to use it until we know it.
In my case, my boss was watching my computer when I was typing and doing some work.
Because she was telling me how to do it.
And then she told me about, why are you using clicking all the time?
Because that's the only I know how to do it.
And then she told me it's easier to use CTRL plus C and B.
Especially if it's a large copy and paste.
That's the time I knew how to do it.
I understand.
When you join a company as a new graduate, nobody told me how to use a PC.
Because none of them were really professional PC users at the time.
So they didn't have a duty to teach me.
But one of my co-workers, like Akanez, told me how to use CTRL and B.
At that time, I already knew how to use copy and paste.
But there were a lot of shortcuts beyond that.
When I heard that, I thought I would be ridiculed.
But the first company I was working at, the advertisement agency,
didn't really require using laptop skills.
After that, I joined an IT company and other startups.
It's not a conversation.
They know it.
Everyone knows it.
It's just a matter of copying and pasting.
Some of them are really good at making Excel sheets.
That level I never saw.
Not just making the list.
They make really excellent Excel.
Then I know what Excel means.
There are people who are better than me.
And if you change the industry,
there are more people who are more productive and more efficient.
I still think I can't use a PC at all.
I use Excel every day when I make a list.
I only know the addition and subtraction.
You only use it for specific purposes.
Just to fill in the application form.
Just to fill in the form once and put the rest in.
So I made a list of all the projects.
I made it easy for everyone to see.
I think it's amazing.
I still don't know how to put a day in my spreadsheet.
I already forgot.
I know I can do it if I click here.
But it's more troublesome to remember.
If I google it, it comes up right away.
So I don't have to know it.
It's faster to look it up and put it in by hand.
Yes, it takes time.
I should look it up and use it in the future.
According to the article at the last,
the company doesn't think that young people can use a PC.
Young people are good at using social media and smartphones,
but not PC.
I think that's the premise.
If it's wrong, I want you to say it like a young person.
But it depends on what major you graduated to.
What you're into at uni.
It doesn't have to be a PC.
It depends on the country.
But there is a survey in Japan.
American people have a high level of details, regardless of gender and generation.
About equipment and gadgets.
That's why I like to make it quick.
It's not about being polite.
It might be expensive in the U.S., but in Japan...
But I think it's faster to give tablets to everyone.
If you buy a keyboard,
but when it comes to doing only the screen tapping,
if it's just a button on the screen,
you don't need a shortcut key.
You can do it with your fingers.
It's similar to using iPhone, too.
I think younger people using digital gadgets are more intuitive.
I think people in their 40s and 50s are more familiar with computers.
People in their 40s and 50s are more familiar with computers.
I think people who were in the typical typing era
are more familiar with computers.
Young people don't use buttons anymore.
I don't think it's a Mac.
I don't think it's a Mac.
A lot of companies use Windows.
That's right. Windows is cheap.
But you know, the PC geek,
they tend to use more Windows, not Mac.
Why is that?
Mac is like all the branding.
It's just branding shit.
There are a lot of geeks who don't like the mainstream.
There are Apple geeks, too.
They are so geeky that they know both.
They have two iPhones.
They know both.
That's amazing.
I feel so good when I type really fast.
I totally understand.
Especially when you type without a stopwatch.
I think I'm getting faster and faster.
You're getting used to it.
But using a control key is still...
You don't have to look at the basics, but
the more you dig into it, the more it's there.
That's right.
So at first...
It's annoying at first.
So we don't...
We don't, you know...
We get used to it.
That's how I feel.
I think I'm going to forget.
But, you know, regardless of what kind of tool or office you use,
copying and paste is for everyone.
Who doesn't use copy and paste?
Even with a control key,
it's definitely...
It's copy and paste.
Other than that,
I'd be happy if I could do it.
Control S is cut?
No, it's saved.
It's saved on Minami's computer.
But that's...
It depends on...
Control and X is cutting.
It depends on the tool.
If it's PowerPoint, it's this control key.
If it's Notion, it's a different control key.
It depends on the app.
There are apps that launch shortcuts for each app at once.
So you don't have to remember.
But the PowerPoint skill, I got improved when I was in college.
Because we do presentations all the time.
Didn't you only do PowerPoint in college?
I used PowerPoint a lot.
I didn't use Excel at all.
I know a lot about PowerPoint.
I use Google Drive all the time
to share information with customers.
So that's also very effective.
That's right.
There are a lot of good cloud tools.
There's no end to how you use your computer.
But first...
It's better to be able to copy and paste.
The people who know...
Akane's senpai and Minami's senpai...
If you think about it now, they're grateful.
At that time, it's a bit frustrating.
Even if you have a feeling that it's going to be bad.
So there are people who say that.
There are people who make fun of it.
Like, I don't get this either.
Yes, yes, yes.
The basic level of that person is different.
Like, here too?
There are people like that.
For example...
With Mac, you can set up four or five virtual desktops.
You can do it with four fingers.
Like that.
With Mac, there are a lot of people who do it with their fingers.
But you can do all of that with a keyboard.
Windows people know how to do it better with a keyboard.
If you press Ctrl and arrow keys, you can go sideways.
It's more tiring to spread your fingers.
It's like, this is better.
The way you say it...
The way you say it is important.
So you don't hurt yourself.
But I think people who teach you how to use a computer while doing something are kind.
I understand.
You don't usually have that much time.
I understand.
When you're working.
I understand. I understand a lot.
Minami is a junior high school student.
The basic way to use a computer.
There was a class on how to make a PowerPoint presentation.
That's what I was doing at first.
I didn't know what it meant.
Then I launched Yahoo! Nomad.
If you type in a keyword here, you can do research.
I remember that.
At that time...
At that time...
At that time...
I think it's okay to teach more typing.
Just type.
Just type.
So, including the technology of copying and pasting.
If you teach that from the beginning.
You don't have to investigate such a college student.
But there was a typing class.
It was like a game.
I forgot.
It was a game where you had to type this in three seconds.
But it's only typing though.
It doesn't require a shortcut key.
It doesn't require it.
You just have to put that in.
Like, please copy.
That's true.
Like, please return it.
I use a computer.
I've never moved fast.
I said earlier that I'm grateful for the people who said it.
But I think there are more people who don't say it because they know it.
But I think it's hard to say.
You know...
This is...
You can make it a more easier way.
It depends on the person.
It's not like that.
It's possible to make people feel embarrassed.
It depends on the person.
Yes, yes, yes.
I don't know.
I think the company should tell me.
I don't think they'll tell me.
This survey is...
Other than the shortcut key...
When I asked about the student's PC, 80% of them had a PC.
You have it.
60% of them used a mouse.
It's because they're using a mouse.
That's true.
What do you think about the mouse?
What do you think?
The mouse is good.
But you don't use it.
You don't use it.
I don't use it either, though.
I'm lazy to connect all the things.
There was a time when I used a mouse.
But now...
I'm calm with this trackpad.
Should I go back to the mouse again?
I think it's faster to use both.
I'm looking at the mouse now.
I think I'm used to it.
This trackpad...
There's a plate mouse.
This is a genius design.
You can use the number of fingers.
You can do this and that.
I think it's the coolest.
If it's a test,
It's the angle.
It hurts.
The finger.
The movement of the finger.
It's a waste.
It's better not to move your wrist for a moment.
If you're a heavy user like Minami,
Sometimes your wrist hurts.
I think the mouse is better.
But if you look more,
There's a lot of use for both.
I don't work outside.
You don't.
If you're going to do it outside, you'd better not have a mouse.
I know.
Sometimes you can't move the mouse on a wooden table.
I know.
There are mice that can move without moving the mouse on the floor.
The mouse...
It's deep.
The mouse...
Web meeting system.
Is there anything you can or can't do?
You can't do it if you don't use it.
Sometimes there are customers.
I can't log in.
It's not computer technology.
It's a hassle to log in.
I don't know how many login accounts I have.
It's a hassle.
I know.
And I've been using Gmail since I was in college.
I get hundreds of emails.
It's like a million-dollar mailbox.
I know.
About 40% are not confident in their computer skills.
It's their own way.
It's their own way, isn't it?
I think so.
If that's the case, it might be.
Ordinary people can just search and log in.
Eventually, we might not need to use keyboards anymore.
Just saying.
Saying might be there someday.
If you use an iPhone, copy and paste is not shortcut key.
It's just hand gesture.
There are more people who respond to it.
You can edit videos on your smartphone.
You can do it on your iPad with your fingers.
If there are more people who rely on it,
it will be easier for them to use it.
The thing is, smartphones are too small sometimes.
I know.
Laptops are faster sometimes to do some work.
I agree.
It's hard to use Excel.
You can't use a smartphone.
You can just look at it.
It's also hard to enlarge and paste.
It's also hard to make a PDF.
I see.
Anyway, it's like that.
I don't feel like I'm working.
I can do it while sleeping or in the car.
I feel like I need to do work in a short time.
I just want to concentrate on my laptop.
That's how I feel.
I see.
From a student's point of view,
it might be a bad news.
From a company's point of view,
I think it would be nice if people who have just graduated from high school
could teach their students how to use a laptop.
I think Minami would be happy if she had just graduated from high school.
I think it would be nice if she could do that.
I think it's too late for people who don't know how to use a laptop.
I think it's time to stop.
It's not a must-item for modern people.
It's a must-item only for people who use it.
I think my handwriting is getting worse.
I don't know.
I can't write kanji.
I can't write kanji when I hold a pencil.
Like I used to.
Using a laptop too much.
I used to write with more power.
I couldn't control it.
That's why my handwriting is getting worse.
I think so.
I only write kanji when I go to the city hall.
I know.
It's like a receptionist.
That's it.
That's all for today.

