1. itazoh
  2. Phantom Family Episode 6
2023-08-03 00:26

Phantom Family Episode 6


Episode 6 : Scar

Akimune has a large scar on his neck where he was cut during the incident.

According to the documents at the time, the murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was handed by the young Akimune to the police officers who rushed to the scene, but no fingerprints other than those of Akimune were found when the fingerprints were examined.

It is assumed that the murderer was a familiar and cautious person.

Episode 6, Scar Akimuna has a large scar on his neck where
he was cut during the incident.
According to the documents at the time, the murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was handed
by the young Akimuna to the police officers who rushed to the scene, but no fingerprints
other than those of Akimuna were found when the fingerprints were examined.
It is assumed that the murderer was a familiar and cautious person.

