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  2. Phantom Family Episode 7
2023-08-04 00:30

Phantom Family Episode 7


Episode 7 : Enumika

One day, when the investigation reaches a dead end, an e-mail arrives from "Enumika".

In the e-mail, Enumika wrote that if Akimune wanted to know the truth about the murders of his family, he should come to the house where the murders took place.

It had been 27 years since Akimune had been to the house.

The house was dark inside with the electricity turned off.

Akimune entered the room and traced his memories in the darkness.

Episode 7, Anumika
One day, when the investigation reaches a dead end, an email arrives from Anumika.
In the email, Anumika wrote that if Akimuna wanted to know the truth about the murders of his family, he should come to the house where the murders took place.
It had been 27 years since Akimuna had been to the house. The house was dark inside with the electricity turned off.
Akimuna entered the room and traced his memories in the darkness.

