1. itazoh
  2. Phantom Family Episode 9
2023-08-06 00:44

Phantom Family Episode 9


Episode 9 : Second Personality

In such a family environment, a second personality, Enumika, was born in Akimune's mind.

Enumika harbored hostility toward his family and planned to kill them.

Unlike Akimune, Enumika was familiar with electronic devices and, using the latest AI technology at the time, created a video of a fictitious person and placed it on the intercom video.

Enumika made a picture of a happy family.

Enumica asked the AI how to make a large wound on the neck without killing the victim.

It was natural that there was only Akimune's fingerprints on the kitchen knife, which was considered to be the murder weapon at that time.

Episode 9, Second Personality
In such a family environment, a second personality, Anumika, was born in Akimuna's mind.
Anumika harbored hostility toward his family and planned to kill them.
Unlike Akimuna, Anumika was familiar with electronic devices and, using the latest AI technology at the time,
created a video of a fictitious person and placed it on the intercom video.
Anumika made a picture of a happy family.
Anumika asked the AI how to make a large wound on the neck without killing the victim.
It was natural that there was only Akimuna's fingerprints on the kitchen knife,
which was considered to be the murder weapon at that time.

