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  2. Phantom Family Episode 8
2023-08-05 00:40

Phantom Family Episode 8


Episode 8 : The Real Killer

Suddenly, a voice called out in the darkness.

"It's been a long time, Akimune.

Who am I?

It's Enumika.

He told Akimune that Enumika was the real culprit, and revealed the truth behind the incident.

In fact, his father, whom he had thought to be sincere, was a con artist who had no regard for his family, and his mother, whom he had thought to be kind, was an alcoholic who had abandoned her child-rearing duties.

And his sister, who he had thought was devoted to her brother, had been power-harassing Akimune under such stress.

Episode 8, The Real Killer
Suddenly, a voice called out in the darkness.
It's been a long time, Akimuna.
Who am I?
It's Inumika.
He told Akimuna that Inumika was the real culprit, and revealed the truth behind the incident.
In fact, his father, whom he had thought to be sincere, was a con artist who had no regard for his family, and his mother,
whom he had thought to be kind, was an alcoholic who had abandoned her child-rearing duties.
And his sister, who he had thought was devoted to her brother, had been power-harassing Akimuna under such stress.

