ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

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Ishita Yasunobu has been re-appointed as Secretary-General of the Gunma Prefectural LDP.

Ishita Yasunobu has been re-appointed as Secretary-General of the Gunma Prefectural LDP.

May 9, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By the AI of "Isesaki FM".Ishita Yasunobu has been re-appointed as Secretary-General of the Gunma Prefectural LDP.On the 8th, the LDP Prefectural LDP accepted applications for Secretary-General, and only the incumbent Ishita Yasunobu (60) submitted his candidacy. Inoshita has been selected to continue in the party. His term of office is one year.On the 17th, other officers will be selected and a new structure will be put in place.At a press conference after the decision was made, Ishita stated his determination, saying, "My biggest task in my second term is to restore trust in the LDP," and "I will do my best."

Soccer club "Thespa Gunma" has terminated the contract of its manager due to poor performance.

Soccer club "Thespa Gunma" has terminated the contract of its manager due to poor performance.

May 9, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Soccer club "Thespa Gunma" has terminated the contract of its manager due to poor performance.On the 8th, Thespa announced that they had terminated their contract with manager Otsuki by mutual consent.This season, the team is in last place with 1 win, 3 draws and 10 losses, and they cited poor performance as the main reason.Coach Muto head coach over as manager on the 7th.

Certified as power harassment.

Certified as power harassment.

May 8, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The suicide of a Towa Bank employee was recognized as power harassment by the Labor Standards Inspection Office.It has been revealed that a 25-year-old male employee of Towa Bank committed suicide in 2017,and that the Labor Standards Inspection Office recognized it as an industrial accident.The deceased man was transferred to Kawagoe Branch in April 2017 and was in charge of corporate sales for the first time.He was subjected to excessive scolding from his superior in front of other employees, such as "the numbers aren't going up" and "you're slow and bad at preparing requests".Around May, he received an unreasonable order from a customer that his predecessor was also struggling to deal with,and was unable to handle it, and he died on the 31st without coming to work.

He was hit by a car and seriously injured.

He was hit by a car and seriously injured.

May 8, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A man from Isesaki was hit by a car while walking and is seriously injured.At around 7pm on the 6th, Osawa Katsuhiro, 48, an organization staff member from Imai Town, was walking on a city road in Sannou-cho, Isesaki City, when he was hit by a car driven by Tran Anh Huy, 20, a Vietnamese man and company employee.As a result of the accident, Osawa suffered serious injuries, including a fractured pelvis.According to Isesaki Police Station, Tran called 110 and the cause of the accident is currently being investigated.

Former deputy mayor convicted.

Former deputy mayor convicted.

May 8, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Former deputy mayor of Maebashi found guilty in bid-rigging case.The sentencing hearing for former deputy mayor Totsuka Yoshiaki, who was charged with excessive bribery and other crimes in connection with a case of bid-rigging and bribery involving construction work ordered in Maebashi, was held at the Maebashi District Court on the 7th.The presiding judge acknowledged that Totsuka was aware of the nature of the bribery and sentenced him to two years and six months in prison, suspended for four years.In his reasons for the sentence, the presiding judge noted that the deputy mayor had accepted the goods after being told by a contractor who had been telling him the estimated price of the public works before he became deputy mayor that "we would like to ask for the amount" and "we have successfully won the bid," and that it would have been easy to recognize that they were bribes.

Police searched the shipping company.

Police searched the shipping company.

May 8, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Police are searching for the transportation company following an accident on National Route 17 in Isesaki City.On the 7th, police searched for the transportation company that owns the truck after a truck collided with two passenger cars in succession on a national highway in Isesaki City, killing three people.A little after 4pm on the 6th, a truck crossed the median strip on National Route 17 in Isesaki City and collided with two passenger cars in the oncoming lane, killing the three passengers in the passenger cars.The truck driver was seriously injured, suffering a broken leg.Investigations so far have revealed that the male truck driver told his family after the accident that he had no memory of the accident.The police plan to investigate the driver's working conditions and the cause of the accident in detail.

Two jet skis collide, two men seriously injured.

Two jet skis collide, two men seriously injured.

May 7, 2024 01:01 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Two jet skis collide, two men seriously injured.At around 2:25 pm on the 5th, a jet ski ridden by a 31-year-old man from Maebashi City collided with a jet ski ridden by a 51-year-old man from Tatebayashi City on the Tone River in Chiyoda-machi.As a result of the accident, the man riding with the Tatebayashi man was taken to hospital and both suffered serious injuries, including broken ribs.Police are currently investigating the exact cause of the accident.

A man from Isesaki was seriously injured after slipping on Mt. Tanigawa.

A man from Isesaki was seriously injured after slipping on Mt. Tanigawa.

May 7, 2024 01:01 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A man from Isesaki was seriously injured after slipping on Mt. Tanigawa.Around 4:30 pm on the 5th, a 41-year-old man from Isesaki city was seriously injured, breaking a bone in his right leg, while hiking on Mt. Tanigawa in Minakami town. The man was rescued by security personnel on the morning of the 6th and taken to a hospital in Numata city.The man slipped and was injured on his way down the mountain.

On the last day of the long May holiday, expressways and Shinkansen trains were congested.

On the last day of the long May holiday, expressways and Shinkansen trains were congested.

May 7, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.On the last day of the long May holiday, expressways and Shinkansen trains were congested.According to the Japan Road Traffic Information Center, a 22-kilometer traffic jam occurred on the Kan'etsu Expressway's northbound lanes, starting at Takasaka SA, at around 1:50 pm,and a 24-kilometer traffic jam occurred on the Tohoku Expressway's southbound lanes, starting at Kas IC, at around 3:45 pm.Additionally, according to JR, all Shinkansen trains heading north were crowded from morning until evening.The occupancy rate for unreserved seats reached 160% on the Joetsu Shinkansen at 2:27 pm, and exceeded 100% in some areas on the Hokuriku Shinkansen.

Accident involving three cars in Isesaki City. Three people died, including a 2-year-old boy.

Accident involving three cars in Isesaki City. Three people died, including a 2-year-old boy.

May 7, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".A truck collided with two cars in the oncoming lane on a national highway in Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture, killing three people: a 2-year-old boy, his 26-year-old father, and his 53-year-old grandfather.According to the police, at around 4:15 pm on the 6th, a truck collided with a car in the oncoming lane near the intersection of National Route 17 in Sakaikami Yajima, Isesaki City, and then struck another car.In the accident, three people from Maebashi City - a 26-year-old father, a 2-year-old boy, and a 53-year-old grandfather - died from severe head injuries.The three people who died were reportedly on their way home from a leisure facility in Saitama Prefecture.

Daruma exhibition is currently being held.

Daruma exhibition is currently being held.

May 6, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".An exhibition of daruma dolls from all over Japan is being held.The Prefectural Museum of History in Takasaki City is holding a special spring exhibition of collections, "A Great Gathering of Daruma Dolls".Approximately 130 daruma dolls from all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, including the local Takasaki daruma, are being collected.Among them, the "triangle daruma" from Niigata Prefecture is characterized by its cone-shaped pointed head and its mouth curved in the shape of a side,and is imbued with the wish that the person will get up even when faced with such a difficult situation.Other exhibits at the venue include a panda daruma doll and a parent-child daruma doll with a baby in its belly,and visitors enjoyed carefully looking at the daruma dolls' expressions.The exhibition is scheduled to run until June 16th.

A car collision occurred.

A car collision occurred.

May 6, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Four people, including a child, were killed in a car collision.Around 1pm on the 3rd, a 66-year-old man's light passenger car collided with an oncoming car driven by a 34-year-old woman on a prefectural road in Katashina Village.The man's 72-year-old wife, who was riding with him, sustained serious injuries, including broken ribs.The woman's eldest daughter, aged 6, who was in the car, also sustained serious injuries, including a broken right arm, but the woman only sustained minor injuries, including a bruised chest.According to Numata Police Station, the accident occurred on a gently curving one-lane road,and they believe the man ran into the oncoming lane, and are currently investigating the exact cause.

A woman who was seriously injured died.

A woman who was seriously injured died.

May 6, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.An 88-year-old woman has died after being thrown out of her car and sustaining serious injuries.Around 7am on the 4th, 88-year-old Komiyama Kazuko was parking her light passenger vehicle in the Annaka City Sports Park parking lot when she was thrown out of the vehicle and sustained serious injuries, including a broken skull.According to the police, when she tried to switch driving with her 91-year-old husband, who was in the passenger seat,the car reversed and Komiyama was thrown out of the driver's door.Her husband, who had gotten out of the passenger seat and was near the driver's door, was also injured.The following day, on the 5th, it was announced that 88-year-old Komiyama Kazuko had died at the hospital where she was taken.The Annaka Police Station is currently investigating the exact cause of the accident.

The number of children has decreased.

The number of children has decreased.

May 6, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".The number of children has decreased for 43 consecutive years.On the 4th, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced that the number of children under the age of 15 was 14.01 million, the 43rd consecutive year of decline.This is 330,000 fewer than the previous year, and the proportion of the total population is 11.3%, a new low.By gender, there were 7.18 million boys and 6.83 million girls.Meanwhile, by age group, there were 3.17 million 12-14 year olds and 2.35 million 0-2 year olds.According to a tally as of October 1 last year,the number of children in Gunma Prefecture was 210,000, a decrease of 6,000 from the previous year.

2nd consecutive year and 4th win.

2nd consecutive year and 4th win.

May 6, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Kendai Takasaki wins for the fourth time in two years.The final of the 76th Spring Kanto Regional Tournament Prefectural Preliminaries was held on the 4th at Takasaki Jonan Baseball Stadium in Takasaki City,where Kendai Takasaki defeated Maebashi Commercial 4-3 to win for the fourth time in two years.The third place match was also held, with Jutoku High School winning 6-1 to qualify for the Kanto Tournament.Kendai Takasaki will face Utsunomiya Commercial in their first match of the Kanto Tournament, while Maebashi Commercial will face Hakuoh University Ashikaga.

The prefectural honor award ceremony was held.

The prefectural honor award ceremony was held.

May 3, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The Prefectural Citizen's Honor Award ceremony was held for the Kendai Takasaki Baseball Team.The Prefectural Citizen's Honor Award ceremony for the Kendai Takasaki High School baseball team, which won its first championship at the 96th Senbatsu High School Baseball Tournament, was held on the 2nd.Governor Ichita Yamamoto handed over the award certificate and praised the team for "giving us big dreams and inspiration."Manager Aoyagi said, "We were able to win thanks to the support of everyone in Gunma. We will continue to build a refreshing baseball team that is worthy of this award."

Maebashi City, excessive taxation.

Maebashi City, excessive taxation.

May 3, 2024 01:07 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Maebashi City overtaxes 79 individuals and corporations.On the 2nd, Maebashi City announced that it had overtaxed 79 individuals and corporations by a total of approximately 3.09 million yen in fixed asset tax and city planning tax.This was due to an error in the previous year's tax base amount, which is necessary to determine the tax amount.Maebashi City Mayor Akira Ogawa commented,"We sincerely apologize for the great inconvenience caused to taxpayers."It was said that a letter of apology was sent by mail to the affected individuals on the 2nd.

Next year, we will change the level crossing.

Next year, we will change the level crossing.

May 3, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Four Joshin Dentetsu railway crossings will be converted to "Type 1 crossings" next year.Following the accident in Takasaki City where a 9-year-old girl was hit and killed by a train at a crossing without barriers or warning devices,Takasaki City has stated that the four crossings are highly dangerous and have announced a policy to convert them to "Type 1 crossings" with both barriers and warning devices as early as next year.Takasaki City has decided to abolish all 21 "Type 4 crossings" in the city,and has decided to secure the necessary budget over a five-year period starting next year.The conversion work will take place next year as well.

Get run over by a forklift.

Get run over by a forklift.

May 3, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A man was hit by a forklift in Tamamura-cho and seriously injured.At around 9:30 a.m. on the 2nd, at Tamamura Delica's second factory in Tamamura-cho,Tamamura Delica employee Yamazaki Akiharu, 37, was hit by a forklift and sustained serious injuries, including a broken left leg.Yamazaki was transporting a cart containing waste from the factory with a 56-year-old male Tamamura Delica employeeon the forklift and was hit by the forklift while trying to hold the cart down.Isesaki Police Station is investigating the cause of the accident.

A man was arrested again for burglary and theft.

A man was arrested again for burglary and theft.

May 3, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A 52-year-old man has been rearrested on suspicion of trespass and theft.Suspect Maeda Takayuki, 52, has been rearrested on suspicion of trespass and theft for breaking into a vacant house and stealing kimonos and other items.According to the police, between September 2nd last year and January 3rd,he is suspected of breaking into a vacant house in Isesaki City and stealing approximately 56 items, including kimonos, necklaces, and gift certificates.When questioned, he has partially denied the charges.The suspect was arrested on April 12th on suspicion of trespass for breaking into another vacant house.



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@narumi のつぶやき

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