ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

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Theft at junior high school.

Theft at junior high school.

May 15, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Water faucets and water supply pipes were stolen from an old junior high school currently being demolished.Maebashi City announced on the 14th that 91 water faucets and 40 water supply pipes were stolen from the old Hirose Junior High School, which is currently being demolished.The faucets are often made of alloys containing copper, and it is believed that they may have been stolen for the purpose of reselling them due to the rise in copper prices.According to Maebashi City, workers who entered the school for demolition work discovered the windows had been broken at around 8 am on the 13th. Faucets installed in the hallways, toilets, and outdoor water supply, as well as the water supply pipes that carried the water, were missing.

Village chief election announced.

Village chief election announced.

May 15, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The election for the mayor of Showa Village was announced on the 14th, and it has become a three-way race between three newcomers.The election for the mayor of Showa Village, which is being held due to the expiration of the term of office, was announced on the 14th, and all three candidates, former village council chairman Takahashi Koichirō, 70 years old, former village council member Hayashi Yuji, 69 years old, and former village council chairman Fujii Tomio, 73 years old, have filed their names and the election campaign has begun.It is expected that a debate will unfold over the form of the integrated elementary and junior high school scheduled to open in 2027 and measures to deal with the declining population.Voting will take place on the 19th.

The number of doctors is decreasing.

The number of doctors is decreasing.

May 15, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.The number of doctors in Gunma Prefecture is 4,657, a decrease of 1.6% from the previous time.Statistics released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare have revealed that the total number of doctors in Gunma Prefecture is 4,657, a decrease of 1.6% from the last time at the end of 2020.The number of doctors in Gunma Prefecture exceeded 4,000 at the end of 2002 and has been on the rise.The prefecture is taking measures to secure doctors, such as providing scholarships that are exempt from repayment if they work within the prefecture, and has commented that it is "currently analyzing the results in detail."

Female President of Staffing Company Arrested in ISESAKI

Female President of Staffing Company Arrested in ISESAKI

May 14, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.The female president of a staffing company has been arrested for having Vietnamese women engage in activities outside of their visa status at a factory in Gunma Prefecture.Those arrested are Matsuzawa Kyoko, 28, president of a staffing company in Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture, and Katayama, 65, of Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.For the past four years, Matsuzawa and her accomplices are suspected of having Vietnamese women in their 30s with advanced visa status such as international work engage in simple work such as laying tiles at a building materials factory in Gunma Prefecture that they were not permitted to engage in.During questioning, the two have partially denied the charges.

It has been reported that Gunma Prefecture's three railway lines will be greatly affected by population decline.

It has been reported that Gunma Prefecture's three railway lines will be greatly affected by population decline.

May 14, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".It has been reported that Gunma Prefecture's three railway lines will be greatly affected by population decline.As part of discussions on the three railway lines in the prefecture, the prefecture has prepared an interim report summarizing the business situation and resident surveys. According to the report, the population along the lines is expected to decrease by more than 70,000 people by 2045, and the business environment is harsh. However, it also revealed that more than 50% of users are in agreement with the fare increase.The three lines in question are Jomo Electric Railway, Joshin Dentetsu, and Watarase Keikoku Railway.

In Isesaki city, there have been 33 cases of motorcycle theft in the four months from January, more than six times the number of last year.

In Isesaki city, there have been 33 cases of motorcycle theft in the four months from January, more than six times the number of last year.

May 14, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.In Isesaki city, there have been 33 cases of motorcycle theft in the four months from January, more than six times the number of last year.According to the Isesaki Police Station, there were 33 cases of motorcycle theft in the four months from January to the end of April this year, 6.6 times more than the same period last year.In particular, there were 30 cases in March and April alone, about 15 times more than the same period last year.In addition, 31 of the 33 cases were mopeds, and in 13 cases, nearly 40% of the total, the bikes were still locked when they were stolen.The most common place for thefts is within the grounds of detached houses and apartment buildings.

Last year, the prefecture's temporary shelter for women had a record 91 users.

Last year, the prefecture's temporary shelter for women had a record 91 users.

May 14, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".Last year, the prefecture's temporary shelter for women had a record 91 users.According to a summary by the prefecture, the number of users of the prefecture's temporary shelter for women, which supports women suffering from domestic violence and poverty, was 91 last year, the highest number in the past five years.They say that this is due to the fact that the relevant institutions have already cooperated and the entire process from receiving a consultation to providing protection has been coordinated.

Celebrated the 1st anniversary.

Celebrated the 1st anniversary.

May 13, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".A private gymnasium celebrates its first anniversary.Cross Park Ichigoichie, the prefecture's first private gymnasium for hourly rental, located in Kamida-cho, Isesaki City,held an event to celebrate its first anniversary on the 11th.Toru Hotta, president of Infinity Company, which operates the gymnasium, gave a speech and thanked the facility for its regular use.Children performed cheer dances, and Kendama and basketball performances livened up the venue.Sponsors also sold snacks and a fill-your-own gift shop also drew crowds.

A training session will be held.

A training session will be held.

May 13, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".A training session was held to create a disaster prevention map.A training session was held on the 11th on disaster prevention maps created primarily by local residents.Thirty people participated and learned the steps and methods for creating their own disaster prevention maps.Last year, the residents of Suehiro-cho, Isesaki City, took the lead in creating the "Our Town Disaster Prevention Map".With the aim of spreading the map, specific learning and planning methods were also explained.Based on a survey of residents, the map shows the direction of rainwater flowing down the road during heavy rain,directions for evacuation during earthquakes, and places where disaster prevention resources such as drinking water and medicine can be obtained.

Achieved a complete victory with 9 wins.

Achieved a complete victory with 9 wins.

May 13, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Jobu University has won the league championship.The final round of the Kanto New Year League Division 1 was held on the 11th,where Jobu University defeated Yamanashi Gakuin University 8-2 to win all nine games.The holes left by the main players from last fall, such as Shindo who joined the Nippon-Ham Fighters,have been filled by new and promising players.Jobu University will be participating in the All-Japan University Championship, which is scheduled to start on June 10th for the first time in two years.They will play against the winner of the match between Bukkyo University and the Shikoku representative at the Tokyo Dome on June 12th.

 Only cash was taken.

Only cash was taken.

May 13, 2024 01:08 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.It has been revealed that only cash was stolen in a robbery in Annaka City.In a robbery and assault that occurred on the 8th at a house in Annaka City, it has been revealed that approximately 80,000 yen in cash was taken from the stolen wallet,but cards were left behind.Since April 30th, robberies using a similar method have occurred in Tochigi Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture,and it has also been revealed that three prefectural police forces, including Gunma Prefecture, have launched a joint investigation.The victim, a 70-year-old male resident, is thought to have locked the doors and windows,so the culprit may have broken the glass of the back door to gain entry.

57.9% of students have English proficiency.

57.9% of students have English proficiency.

May 13, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

By "Isesaki FM" AI.The percentage of students with English proficiency equivalent to Eiken Grade 3 or above is 57.9%.It has been revealed that the percentage of students in the third year of public junior high schools in Gunma Prefecture who have English proficiency equivalent to Eiken Grade 3 or above is 57.9%,ranked third among all prefectures.A survey of public elementary, junior high, and high schools nationwide.In Gunma Prefecture, 40.2% of third-year junior high school students have obtained Eiken Grade 3 or above,and 17.7% are judged by teachers to have "equivalent ability."Meanwhile, 50.1% of third-year high school students have ability equivalent to Eiken Grade Pre-2 or above.

Gasoline prices are rising.

Gasoline prices are rising.

May 10, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.The average retail price of regular gasoline rises for the first time in five weeks.The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced on the 9th that the average retail price of regular gasoline per liter in Gunma Prefecture was 175.90 yen, 40 sen higher than the previous week, marking the first increase in five weeks.Next week, the rise in crude oil prices is expected to calm down due to the easing of concerns over the situation in the Middle East, leading to a slight price drop.High-octane gasoline in the prefecture was 187 yen, and diesel was 154.90 yen.The retail price of kerosene was 2,076 yen per 18 liters.

Power outages occur one after another.

Power outages occur one after another.

May 10, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Power outages caused by crow nesting are occurring one after another.During the breeding season of crows, from early spring to early summer, the number of nests built on utility poles increases,causing power outages to occur one after another in the prefecture.A total of three cases occurred in Ota City and Oura Town between April 1st and 22nd, temporarily affecting a total of approximately 1,300 homes.According to TEPCO Power Grid Gunma General Branch, power outages caused by nesting have been more noticeable from March to May in recent years,and a representative said, "To prevent power outages, it is necessary to take action after discovering the nests.If you see one, please take a photo and contact TEPCO Power Grid."

Gunma desk will be opened.

Gunma desk will be opened.

May 10, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The French Chamber of Commerce in Japan announces the opening of a Gunma Desk.The French Chamber of Commerce in Japan, which has approximately 650 member companies from Japan and France, announced on the 9th that it will open its Gunma Desk, its fifth base in Japan, in "Netsugen," a public-private co-creation space on the 32nd floor of the prefectural office in Maebashi City.The chambers are located in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Nagoya, and this is the first time they have a base outside of major cities.This is also the first time that a foreign chamber of commerce in Japan has established a base in the prefecture.

A former employee admits to the charges.

A former employee admits to the charges.

May 10, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".Former staff member admits to charges in case of death of facility resident.The first hearing of former staff member Imai Hiroyuki, 61, who is accused of causing death by injury for pushing resident Nakayama Naoki, 59, with both hands, causing him to fall and hit his head on the floor, resulting in his death, was held and he admitted to the charges.In his opening statement, the prosecution argued, "When the victim was touching the intercom, I pushed him with both hands because I thought he was trying to break it. My actions were violent and dangerous, and the damage was serious."On the other hand, the defense argued, "I was trying to pull him away from the intercom, and did not intend for him to fall."The verdict is scheduled to be handed down on the 24th of this month.

The president apologizes.

The president apologizes.

May 10, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".President of Towa Bank apologizes for employee suicide.It was revealed on the 7th of this month that seven years ago, a male employee of Towa Bank, then 25 years old, was transferred to a branch in Saitama Prefecture,and about two months later, committed suicide due to power harassment by his superiors,and the death was recognized as an industrial accident.President Ebara apologized for this issue,saying, "We deeply apologize for causing such a terrible and irreparable incident."He then stated that the bank will continue to provide harassment training to all employees.He also revealed that the bank is working to prevent recurrences,such as by changing the way it trains young employees from focusing on results to focusing on process.

A house in Ota burned down, and one body was found in the ruins.

A house in Ota burned down, and one body was found in the ruins.

May 9, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A house in Ota burned down, and one body was found in the ruins.At around 4:50 AM on the 8th, a 119 call was made from the home of Kurihara Hisao, 76, a farmer in Ota City, reporting that his house was on fire.The two-story wooden house burned down, and one body of an unknown gender was found in the ruins.According to Ota Police Station, Kurihara lived with his wife and second son, and while working in the fields adjacent to his home, he heard a popping sound and discovered black smoke coming from the second floor. He pulled his wife out, who was on the first floor of the house.He has not been able to contact his second son, and is currently investigating the identity of the body and how the fire started.

Two men flee after robbery at a private home in Annaka.

Two men flee after robbery at a private home in Annaka.

May 9, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Two men flee after robbery at a private home in Annaka.At around 2:20 AM on the 8th, two men broke into a home in Annaka city, pointed what appeared to be a kitchen knife at a sleeping 70-year-old man, tied his hands, stole his valuables including cash and fled.The man suffered minor injuries to his arm.Bondage robberies targeting private homes have also occurred in Nikko city, Tochii prefecture, and Matsumoto city, Nagano prefecture since late April, and police are investigating whether there is a connection.

Three people died in a collision on a road in Isesaki; the truck was speeding.

Three people died in a collision on a road in Isesaki; the truck was speeding.

May 9, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Three people died in a collision on a road in Isesaki; the truck was speeding.On the 6th, a truck crashed into oncoming traffic on National Route 17 in Isesaki City, killing three people in a station wagon. The transportation company to which the truck belonged revealed on the 4th that it was traveling at nearly 90 km/h at the time of the accident, possibly exceeding the legal speed limit of 60 km/h. The truck's driving recorder showed a speed of nearly 90 km/h.The dashcam footage also showed the truck swerving for some reason, becoming unable to control the steering wheel and crashing into oncoming traffic.

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) últimas notícias  GUNMA

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) últimas notícias GUNMA

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