ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

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A board meeting was held.

A board meeting was held.

Apr 29, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By Isesaki FM's AI.Ahead of the opening of "Ostaka Ridge", the Memorial Garden held a board meeting.Ahead of the opening of "Ostaka Ridge" in Ueno Village, the site of the Japan Airlines Jumbo Jet crash, on the 29th, the Memorial Garden Public Interest Foundation held a board meeting at the village office on the 28th.Six bereaved families attended and discussed the format of this year's memorial ceremony.A formal decision on whether to restrict attendance at the memorial ceremony is expected to be made at the board meeting in June.

A forest fire broke out.

A forest fire broke out.

Apr 29, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A forest fire broke out in Ueno Village.Around 12:00 pm on the 28th, village firefighters discovered smoke coming from the forest in Ueno Village.The Tano-Fujioka Regional Fire Department and the village's fire brigade engaged in firefighting efforts from the ground,while disaster prevention helicopters from Nagano, Yamanashi, and Saitama prefectures repeatedly tried to extinguish the fire from the air,but the fire was not put out and firefighting efforts were called off due to sunset.Firefighting efforts will resume early the next morning on the 29th.According to Fujioka Police Station, no injuries have been found at this time, and the exact cause of the fire is currently being investigated.

First midsummer day of the year

First midsummer day of the year

Apr 29, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".It was the first midsummer day this year in the prefecture.On the 28th, the prefecture was covered by a high pressure system, and the temperature rose, with a maximum temperature of 31.4 degrees in Kiryu,and six locations in the south had a midsummer day of over 30 degrees. It was the first midsummer day this year in the prefecture.In the north, it was about 10 degrees higher than normal, exceeding the hottest period in some places,and three locations, including Numata and Minakami, recorded their highest temperatures for April.According to the fire department, by 6 pm on the 28th,two people were rushed to the hospital with suspected heat stroke: a 16-year-old male student in Tatebayashi City and a man in his 70s in Numata City.

 The cause of death was multiple organ failure.

The cause of death was multiple organ failure.

Apr 29, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By the AI of "Isesaki FM".In the case where a mother was strangled to death, the cause of death was announced to be multiple organ failure due to asphyxiation.In the case of 79-year-old Hagiwara Tamae who was strangled to death at a house in Mimoro-cho, Isesaki City,Isesaki Police Station announced on the 27th that the results of a judicial autopsy showed that the cause of death was multiple organ failure due to asphyxiation.On the 27th, the prefectural police changed the charge to murder against the son, 48-year-old Hagiwara Atsushi, who lived with the victim and was arrested red-handed on suspicion of attempted murder,and sent him to the Maebashi District Public Prosecutors Office.

The number of traffic accidents has decreased.

The number of traffic accidents has decreased.

Apr 26, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".Number of traffic accidents down by 44 compared to last year.During the Spring National Traffic Safety Campaign from April 6th to 15th, the number of traffic accidents in the prefecture was 251,44 fewer than last year.During the campaign, the focus was on ensuring a safe traffic environment for children, thoroughly encouraging pedestrian priority,wearing helmets when using bicycles and electric scooters, and following traffic rules.There were 17 accidents involving junior high school students or younger, 16 accidents involving pedestrians,and 56 bicycle accidents. There were no accidents involving electric scooters.

Arrested on suspicion of indecency

Arrested on suspicion of indecency

Apr 26, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A 37-year-old man arrested on suspicion of indecent assault without consent.By the 25th, Takasaki Police Station arrested 37-year-old Iizuka Tetsuya on suspicion of indecent assault without consent.He was arrested on suspicion of committing indecent acts against a woman in her 20s at around 2:55 pm on December 15th last year, inside a supermarket in Takasaki City,including touching her body over her clothes.Around 3 pm that day, a woman reported to Takasaki Police Station that "an unknown man touched me and said that there was tissue on me,"and the suspect was identified from security camera footage and other sources.

Fraud damage is rapidly increasing.

Fraud damage is rapidly increasing.

Apr 26, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".The number of victims of SNS investment scams and romance scams is increasing sharply.A total of 12 cases of "SNS investment scams" and "romance scams," in which false investment offers are made through SNS without meeting the victim face-to-face, occurred in the prefecture from January to March this year,and the total amount of damage was approximately 140 million yen. The number of cases has increased sharply since the beginning of this year, with two new cases in April, totaling 41 million yen.The age range of such scams is wider than that of special scams targeting the elderly, and the damage per person is greater.The prefectural police are warning people that "any offer that promises a profit is a scam."

Arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

Arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

Apr 26, 2024 01:07 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A 48-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.On the 25th, the Prefectural Police First Investigation Division and Isesaki Police Station arrested Hagiwara Atsushi, an unemployed man from Mimoro-cho, Isesaki City, on suspicion of attempted murder for attempting to strangle his mother. His mother, who lives with him, was taken to the hospital but remains unconscious and in critical condition.He was arrested on suspicion of attempting to kill his mother by strangling her with both hands at their home around 1:30 pm on the 25th.His older sister, who lives with him, called 110 and reported that "my younger brother strangled my mother to death."According to the police, he has admitted to the charges.

Scheduled to be completed by the end of 2029.

Scheduled to be completed by the end of 2029.

Apr 26, 2024 01:07 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Measures for "Type 4 crossings" to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2029.On the 25th, the prefecture announced a schedule for completing measures to eliminate the 74 Type 4 crossings in the prefecture by the end of fiscal year 2029.Railway operators and municipalities that manage roads have been asked to consider abolishing them or converting them to Type 1 crossings equipped with automatic barriers.Regarding Type 4 crossings, cities and towns along the railway lines in the prefecture have also announced their intention to abolish or convert them one after another.Of these, Takasaki City has decided to proceed with the abolition of 21 crossings in the city, including the accident site, and to convert them to Type 1 crossings from fiscal year 2025.

It has been discovered that a whale fossil on permanent display at the Gunma Prefectural Museum of Natural History is a new species.

It has been discovered that a whale fossil on permanent display at the Gunma Prefectural Museum of Natural History is a new species.

Apr 25, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".It has been discovered that a whale fossil on permanent display at the Gunma Prefectural Museum of Natural History is a new species.On the 24th, it was announced that a whale fossil from Peru on permanent display at the Gunma Prefectural Museum of Natural History was discovered to be a new species.It is characterized by its tailbone being positioned further forward than existing species and its skull being exposed, making it appear to be a more primitive whale.In 2004, a joint research project was started with a professor emeritus at the University of Otago in New Zealand, who is known as a world authority on cetacean research, which led to this discovery.群馬県立自然史博物館で常設展示されていたクジラの化石が新種だったことが分かりました。県立自然史博物館で常設展示をするペルー産のクジラの化石について、 24日、新種だったことが分かったと発表しました。既存の種よりも尾骨の位置が前方にあり、頭の骨が露出していることが特徴で、より原始的なクジラと見られるということです。2004年からクジラ類研究の世界的権威として知られるニュージーランド・オタゴ大学の名誉教授と共同研究を始め、今回の発見に至りました。

Gunma University will introduce two types of "comprehensive selection" to accept diverse students.

Gunma University will introduce two types of "comprehensive selection" to accept diverse students.

Apr 25, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".Gunma University will introduce two types of "comprehensive selection" to accept diverse students.In an effort to accept a diverse student body, Gunma University announced on the 24th that it will introduce two types of "comprehensive selection" for the 2025 admission selection to be implemented this year: one for high school students with advanced information skills such as programming, and one for foreign students studying at Japanese high schools.For high school students with information skills, the evaluation will be based on the participation and winning history of information and science and technology contests.In addition, a small number of applicants will be recruited for selection from foreign residents, and will be required to complete a document review, essay, interview, and English test.群馬大学が多様な学生を受け入れようと、2種類の「総合型選抜」を行います。多様な学生受け入れにつなげようと、群馬大学は24日、本年度実施する2025年度入学者選抜から、プログラミングなど高度な情報スキルを持つ高校生向けと、日本の高校で学ぶ外国籍生徒らを対象とする2種類の「総合型選抜」を導入すると発表しました。情報スキルを持つ高校生向けは、情報系・科学技術系コンテストの参加歴や入賞歴を評価対象とします。また、外国籍住民らを対象とする選抜も若干名を募集し、書類審査等、小論文、面接、英語を課すとしています。

A man from Maebashi falls victim to an investment scam on social media, costing him 47 million yen.

A man from Maebashi falls victim to an investment scam on social media, costing him 47 million yen.

Apr 25, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".A man from Maebashi falls victim to an investment scam on social media, costing him 47 million yen.Maebashi Police Station announced on the 24th that a 69-year-old man from Maebashi had been defrauded of 47 million yen in an investment scam in which the perpetrator approached him with an investment opportunity on social media and then scammed the cash out of him.In January last year, the man received a message on social media from an unknown person saying, "Nice to meet you. I live overseas. I made a profit of 3,800 dollars from investing in gold," and joined an investment group on social media.He went along with the members' investment ideas, followed their instructions, and was scammed out of 47 million yen in cash over 13 separate instances.SNSの投資詐欺で前橋の男性が4700万円の被害に遭いました。前橋署は24日、SNSで投資話を持ちかけられて現金を騙し取る投資詐欺の手口で、前橋の69歳男性が現金4700万円を騙し取られたと発表しました。男性は昨年1月、SNSを通じ、「初めまして。私は海外に住んでいます。 金の投資で3800ドルの利益を得た。」などと見知らぬ人物からメッセージを受け、SNSの投資グループに参加。メンバーの投資話に乗り、指示に従い、13回にわたって現金4700万円を騙し取られました。

20 municipalities in danger of disappearing due to fewer women

20 municipalities in danger of disappearing due to fewer women

Apr 25, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.An analysis has been published stating that the number of women in 20 cities and towns in Gunma Prefecture is declining and may disappear by 2050.Based on a survey by the National Institute of Population Problems, the private organization "Jinkousenryakukaigi" analyzed the number of women in their 20s and 30s and the rate of decline in the young female population.Across the country, there are 744 municipalities, or 40% of the total, where the young female population will be less than half by 2050.These municipalities will then experience a rapid decline in population and may eventually disappear.Of these, 20 municipalities in Gunma Prefecture, including Kiryu City, Numata City, Shibukawa City, and Tamamura Town, have been identified as municipalities at risk of disappearing.群馬県内の20の市町村で、女性が減り、2050年までに消滅する可能性があるとした分析が公表されました。民間組織「人口戦略会議」は、国立の人口問題研究所の調査をもとに、20代、30代女性の数、若い女性の人口減少率を分析しました。全国では、2050年までに若い女性人口が半数以下になる自治体は、全体の4割に当たる744あります。これらの自治体は、その後人口が急減し、最終的に消滅する可能性があるとしています。このうち群馬県内で、消滅可能性がある自治体として指摘されたのは、 桐生市、沼田市、渋川市、玉村町など、20の市町村となります。

A man was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

A man was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

Apr 24, 2024 01:07 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".A 32-year-old man believed to be the "receiver" of a fraud scheme has been arrested.On the 23rd, the prefectural police arrested Koike Ryuji, 32, an unemployed man from Kawasaki City, on suspicion of fraud.He is accused of conspiring with an associate to make a false phone call to a woman's house in Maebashi City around 4pm on the 2nd, posing as a police officer,and then defrauding the woman of three cash cards.Koike was identified from security camera footage and other sources. According to the prefectural police, he has admitted to the charges.

Man who embezzled money admits charges

Man who embezzled money admits charges

Apr 24, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A man who embezzled neighborhood association common expenses pleaded guilty to the charges.The first hearing of defendant Watanabe Sumio, an unemployed man from Ota City who was charged with embezzlement for embezzling neighborhood association common expenses, was held at Maebashi District Court on the 23rd, where he pleaded guilty to the charges.The prosecution demanded a prison sentence of one year and six months, stating that "the motive was selfish and there is no room for leniency. No compensation has been made for the damages," while the defense sought a lenient sentence and the trial concluded on the same day.

Hydroelectric power generation equipment is in operation

Hydroelectric power generation equipment is in operation

Apr 24, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".A micro-hydroelectric power generation facility installed in Isesaki City is now operational.The power generation company is "DK Power", which has signed an agreement with the city,and full-scale operation began at the Kakiage Water Purification Plant in April with the aim of promoting the spread of renewable energy.The expected power generation volume is approximately 415,000 kW/hour per year, which is enough for approximately 115 average households.As a part of the facility's usage and profits from selling electricity, Isesaki City is expected to earn an annual income of 1 million yen.

Redevelopment of hot spring facility

Redevelopment of hot spring facility

Apr 24, 2024 01:08 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".It has been revealed that they will develop Mizunuma Onsen to reopen.Hotland, which was founded in Kiryu City and runs the takoyaki specialty store "Tsukijigindako", announced on the 23rd that they will develop the hot spring facility attached to Mizunuma Station on the Watarase Keikoku Railway, which has been closed for a long time, to reopen.It opened in 1989 as "Mizunuma Station Onsen Center".It had been operated by Montedio Sogo Kikaku since 2009, but has been closed since the end of July last year when the company ceased operations.

Announcement of traffic jam forecast

Announcement of traffic jam forecast

Apr 24, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.NEXCO East Japan has announced its traffic congestion forecast for the long holiday period.It is expected that the number of traffic jams of 10km or more in the Tokyo metropolitan area will increase to 213.It is predicted that there will be frequent traffic jams on the outbound lanes on the 3rd and 4th, and on the inbound lanes on the 4th and 5th.On the outbound side, a 40km traffic jam is expected to start near Hanyu Parking Area,and a 30km traffic jam is expected to start near Fujioka Junction.40km traffic jams are expected to start near Takasaka Service Area,and a 30km traffic jam is expected to start near Kas Interchange.

Isesaki City has certified six people as promoters of multicultural coexistence.

Isesaki City has certified six people as promoters of multicultural coexistence.

Apr 23, 2024 01:01 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Isesaki City has certified six people as promoters of multicultural coexistence.On the 22nd, Isesaki City certified a total of six Japanese people, including those from Nepal, Peru, Myanmar, China, and Brazil, as key people to promote activities to realize a multicultural coexistence society, and the mayor handed them the certificates.For the first time, seven people were selected as multicultural coexistence key people in February 2021, and they have been working on activities such as creating educational videos for foreigners to prevent the spread of COVID-19.This is the second term, and all six are women.

For the first time, Maebashi City will process 90% of its designated waste.

For the first time, Maebashi City will process 90% of its designated waste.

Apr 23, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".For the first time, Maebashi City will process 90% of its designated waste.Regarding designated waste containing high concentrations of radioactive materials generated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011, Maebashi announced on the 22nd that it would begin processing 302 tons, equivalent to 88.1% of the amount stored in the city, as the concentration had fallen below the standard concentration of 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.Designated waste is believed to be stored in at least seven municipalities, but this is the first time that a processing policy has been announced.The city plans to apply to the Ministry of the Environment in May to have the waste removed from the list, and to outsource the processing to a processing company outside the prefecture within the fiscal year.



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@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

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