1. Ramen, gyoza and a bit of chaos
  2. #5 We can't laugh and get an..
2021-12-15 05:06

#5 We can't laugh and get angry at the same time.

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We can't laugh and get angry at the same time
How to stay calm

[Japanese words mentioned in this episode]
ザ・ラジオショー (Za rajio sho-) The radio show
ラジオ (rajio) radio
ショー (sho-) a show
中川家 (Nakagawa ke) The Nakagawas / Nakagawa family
中川 (Nakagawa) A common Japanese family name
~家 (...ke) ...'s family

[Podcast mentioned in this episode]
中川家ザ・ラジオショー https://www.1242.com/nakagawake/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hachiban5 (mostly Japanese tweets)
Email: 8ban.hanchaos@gmail.com      

[My Japanese podcasts]
ラーメン、餃子、半カオス - 在豪ワーママによる生活・言語・育児・オーストラリア小話 By 8番(Hachiban) https://anchor.fm/ramengyozahanchaos
8番のうろ覚え昔話 By 8番(Hachiban) https://anchor.fm/urobana


Hi, my name is Hachiban and this is my podcast Ramen, gyoza and a bit of chaos.
In this episode, I would like to talk about a life hack I came up with recently.
Well, it's basically I can't laugh and get angry at the same time. Well, for many people,
it's pretty obvious we can't really do that. Well, we can't really do those things at the
same time, but using that because I'm a mom of two kids. One is a toddler and the other one is a
baby. And yeah, when we are dealing with kids, it can be quite annoying sometimes. So I can get
angry easily. I'm normally a quite calm person and I don't really get angry that easily. But
when we are dealing with kids especially, well, firstly, I don't get enough sleep. I have been
breastfeeding my baby like twice or three times a night. And each time often I have to stay up for
more than an hour. And when it's long, it can be like two more than two hours. So yeah, I haven't
been getting proper sleep. So it's hard to maintain my mind in a calm way. Anyway, as a parent, it's
better to stay calm all the time when we deal with kids or to deal with anyone pretty much.
But when we are tired, when we have sleep deprivation, I couldn't say this word if we
don't have enough sleep. And when, especially toddlers, when they ask things that don't make
sense to adults again and again, it can be hard. And then I came up with this solution of staying
calm. I have been using, what's that word, bone conducting headset all the time. And in my podcast
addict, I'm using in the playlist, I always have a few of episodes of my favourite comedian's
podcast. This is a Japanese one called the radio show or the radio show in Japanese accent
by my favourite comedian brothers called Nakagawa family in English.
Yeah, so yeah, when I think I might get angry or if I think I might get annoyed, I just start
listening to those podcasts. And then it's so funny. So I just start laughing. And then when,
as I said at the beginning, when I'm laughing, I can't get angry. So that's been working quite well.
Well, but then often my kids might be crying. That's when, you know, parents tend to lose their
temperament or lose their mind and then get annoyed because they're pressured, they're stressed
and they're tired. So often kids might be crying and then next to them, me, they're just laughing
like crazy and it's just looks weird. I look like a psych boss or something. So, yeah, it's not
really a good one to use in public when other people are looking at you. But at home, especially,
I think it's a good way to keep your mind calm. So if you're interested, maybe you can add some
of comedy podcasts, some of your favorite comedy podcasts in your playlist. Keep some episodes
in your playlist all the time. And when you think you're getting annoyed, just listen to them and
see whether it helps. I'm just recording this episode while my baby is on my lap and she's
making lots of noise. Anyway, that is today's episode. Thanks for listening. See ya!

