1. Ramen, gyoza and a bit of chaos
  2. #1 So what the hell is "Rame..
2021-09-13 08:04

#1 So what the hell is "Ramen, gyoza and a bit of chaos"?

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Who I am
Why I started this podcast
What this podcast will be about
Ramen, gyoza and half a serve of rice
A bit of chaos rather than "half chaos"?

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hachiban5 (mostly Japanese tweets)
Email: 8ban.hanchaos@gmail.com

[My Japanese podcast]
ラーメン、餃子、半カオス - 在豪ワーママによる生活・言語・育児・オーストラリア小話 By 8番(Hachiban) https://anchor.fm/ramengyozahanchaos 

Hi, my name is 8番 and this is my podcast Ramen, gyoza and a bit of chaos.
This is my first episode of this podcast so I want to talk about who I am and
what this podcast is about and why I started this podcast.
Okay, firstly who I am. I'm originally from Japan and moved to Adelaide, Australia when I was
18 years old. That was back in 2005 and now I'm 34 and now it's 2021
and so I've been here for 16 years so almost half of my life I've been in Adelaide, Australia.
I am a working mum married to an Australian guy here in Adelaide and
I love manga, anime and games. I am interested in language stuff too and lots of random things.
My name is 8番 but this is not my real name. This means number 8 in Japanese and I will
eventually talk about why I picked this name in one of the future episodes.
I have been doing a Japanese podcast for about half a year now and I started
partly because of my younger brother. He has been doing podcasts and he just recommended
I should do it and I started doing it and I quite enjoyed it. Then I found I liked listening to
podcasts done by people I know like my friends and relatives but at this stage only my brother
is one of those people and I just wanted other people I know, friends and relatives to start
podcasts too. I'm married to an Australian guy and half of my relatives and friends are
Australian people and they don't speak Japanese so they can't understand, well they can listen
to my Japanese podcast but they can't understand what I'm talking about so I thought it's probably
a good time to start my English podcast so at least they can listen to it too.
Then if they are interested in starting a podcast that would be heaps cool.
In my Japanese podcast I talk about mainly language stuff. It's really a mixture of
lots of things like language, anime, manga, a bit of game stuff,
parenting and whatever random things I think about in my everyday life so
I believe this English podcast would be similar in terms of what I talk about.
My Japanese podcast title is called Ramen Gyoza Hankaos. The direct translation of this
is Ramen Gyoza and Half Chaos. I probably should talk about why I picked this Japanese title.
In Japanese restaurants and stuff where they provide ramen noodles, I hope whoever listening
to this podcast is familiar enough with Japanese food culture and you know about ramen noodles.
It's sort of a traditional Japanese noodle dish. Anyway, in those restaurants providing ramen
they often provide gyoza dumplings. That's also another Japanese traditional dish
well adapted from Chinese dumplings I guess. Anyway yeah and so when people order food
they often say ramen gyoza hanraisu. This means ramen gyoza and half rice.
This is this half rice probably seems a bit odd to non-Japanese speaking people but this means
a small serve of rice. So they normally have a serve of rice but then half rice is
about half of half serve of the rice but apparently it's often more than half serve but anyway.
So in Japanese people often order ramen gyoza hanraisu. Then I just adapted this
into my podcast title and changed rice bit into chaos. In Japanese we
pronunciate chaos as kaosu. So rice and kaosu they both start with a I mean a sound and u sound.
I mean end with u sound. So it's sort of the word play but then I can't really
adapt that into English very well. So that's why I have to explain this
when I talk to non-Japanese speaking people. I will eventually talk about why I picked this
specific title in my future episode as well and for English version I modified it a bit.
So instead of calling it ramen gyoza and half chaos or a half serve of chaos whatever I changed
it to ramen gyoza and a bit of chaos because in Japanese version I do sort of swear sometimes
in like in a modest way I guess and I tend to pick really random topics but in English I
believe it will be less chaotic or random hopefully and also less swearing. So I just
changed it so instead of half chaos is less less chaotic therefore a bit of chaos.
Okay so to wrap up in this episode first episode I talked about who I am and why I started this
podcast why I picked this title sort of but I will talk about that more in details in the future.
Anyway thanks for listening see ya

