Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. Hello. Hello.
Well, hello. How was your week, by the way? My week was mostly dedicated to
making up my mind to do the ICL surgery. Oh. I'm gonna do it. You're gonna do it? I'm gonna do
it. You made it? You decided? Well, I contacted my ganka that I always go to. You ordered? Like,
you reserved? Well, I sent a form through the otoyase of like, I want to do the ICL. Do you
guys do it at your place? I'm waiting for the answer. So, the journey has begun. Wow. You
opened the door. I've opened the door. So, this means that I'm going to get a perfect eyesight
with Lagan. So, the glasses is not going to be necessary anymore. But my plan is like,
because I have this insho from like, the general audience, I think, that I wear glasses. I'm
going to continue wearing glasses with do-nashi or just like, no lens. I'm going to do something,
but I feel like I should keep the lens in just because of the impression. Yeah. Like, the insho.
Yeah. But for like, daily stuff, outside of the recording, glasses off. Oh, that's what you want
to do, right? That is exactly what I want to do. Yes, I want to get rid of the glasses.
They're just, why would you have a giant piece of metal attached to your face? Yeah. Right.
Okay. So, you're waiting their reply from that. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Let me check my email
if I got the response. Yeah. No, no, no. You sure they're doing that at their place? No,
I'm not sure if they're doing it. So, that's why I asked. Is that like a big place? I think it's
a big one. Yeah. I think it's a fairly big place. They do like, Hakuna Isho surgeries. So, it's
similar. I see all the Hakuna Isho surgeries fairly similar. Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, I feel like
they can do it, but yeah, we'll see. Are you going to do the both eyes? Yeah, I'm going to do both
eyes. Oh, on time? Yeah. Majority of it, like 99% of people do both. That's what you do? Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, man. I can't wait. It's a very funny feeling that I have. It's like I'm excited,
but nervous, but because of the risks, you know, you still have risks, right? It's a surgery. So,
but yeah, yeah, I'm excited. I'm more excited than I am nervous though. Right, right, right,
right. You're going to get the, like, how strong your eyes will be? Is it like 2.0 or like 1.0?
Yeah, 1. something. I don't think I'm going to go up to like 2 or something. 7.0 or something?
Oh, no, I don't think that even, wait, no, that doesn't even exist. Yeah, I mean, but
Masai people have, like, what do they have? Like, the strongest eyesight on the earth. Seven? Yeah,
like seven or something like that. No, I don't think it's going to go up to that. Yeah, I feel
like it's just going to go up just as much as when I wear glasses. Okay, okay. Yeah, just like
two or like one point something. Yeah. Just as usual good. Just, yeah, like livable. Yeah.
Livable eyesight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Do you have anything that you want to do,
like especially? When I, okay, after, yeah, that's a good question. I'm excited to take a
shower because I've never taken a shower with the glasses on. It's always blurry in there. Oh.
Yeah, I always take it off, so. I see. That's very exciting. I see, so you can see clearly.
Yeah, the shampoos and the bubbles and the, right. I can see my reflection in the mirror. Yeah.
Clearly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm also excited to, let's say I'm on a vacation. I'm excited to
pack. I'm excited to not pack my glasses and the contact lenses and. Wow. I'm excited for that.
That's deep. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. You don't have to bring everything. I don't have to bring
my contact lenses. It's true, you have like glasses, like contact lenses, like the liquid
things, right? Yeah, right. So. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And the moment you wake up too, right? That's
right. I have, that's what I hear from a lot of people that, that have done the ICLs, that the
moment they wake up, they have like a perfect vision. Yeah. And that's like really new. So
that must be exciting as well. Cool. Yeah. Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait. You don't have any like
kind of time that you have to rest? Yeah, you do. I think, yeah, I think several hours, I think.
Yeah, several hours. And then for several days, I think you have to sort of like be careful not to
like touch it with your bare hands because of, you know, contamination. Yeah. So you have to
really like be gentle with your eyes. If you do that, I think it'll be fine. Okay. Yeah. You
don't have to be in the hospital for like two days. No, I don't have to exactly be in the hospital.
Cool. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Big moment. Big moment. Yeah. I mean, I mean, it's a big moment. Yeah.
All right. So exciting. So yeah. Hopefully. Yeah. Hopefully I'll succeed. Yes. With the surgery.
I hope so. All right. Thanks for listening guys. Bye.