1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 表情筋のちゃんと使ってる?
2023-04-19 12:13



Conversation about the color of sweatshirt and studio guys
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hey guys.
I like the color of your
Thank you.
What color
is that?
How would you describe that color?
It's not blue.
It's not...
Isn't it like
It is blue-gray.
It makes so much sense.
That's like a perfect description.
I guess.
Thank you.
Is that new?
Not that new.
A year ago.
I bought at the
Mujiru Shibuya.
Before the podcast.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, there's a Shibuya.
A big one.
The day was very, very cold.
I was just
wearing a T-shirt.
And I was very like...
You're freezing.
I thought I need something.
I remember those days.
Going back to...
I wonder how they're
doing, you know, the studio.
I wonder if the macho guys
in front of the studio
Macho guys.
The Amazon Shibuya studio.
You remember how they had like the
buff guys?
The security guys that are like always
standing, never let you in.
Never smile.
Never smile.
They're just standing.
Even if you're in front of the gate,
just be standing there looking.
They never remember our faces.
Never do.
I was like, "Hi, it's me."
The guy always come
every week.
But they're like...
Not a single inch.
Never move.
I wonder if they're still there.
They're fine.
They're just doing good.
Going to the gym.
Discussion about the head of the studio and his dream
We met the studio guy
a few days ago, right?
The head of the studio.
He looked very healthy.
He looked like he was having fun.
He always looks
like he's having a great time.
He probably is.
Judging by his stories of his Instagram,
he probably is having a lot of fun.
His dream is
to create a film.
Be a director
or a producer of Spider-Man.
I didn't know that.
That's what he told me.
That's his biggest dream.
And he's working on it, right?
He's taking action against it, right?
I didn't know that.
He's actually taking a step forward.
He wants to create his own Spider-Man.
Is that what he's trying to do?
No, it's just an example.
I guess.
Like a Marvel
and kind of Spider-Man movie.
Yeah, like a huge...
Like a superhero film?
I don't know.
But I think he's
talking about the
A worldwide,
movie, I guess.
That must be an exciting dream to have.
when you're taking action against it.
I didn't know he's already
started his own movie.
Adventurous guy.
Introduction and Personal Struggles
So anyways...
Oh, sorry.
I missed it.
Hello, Kevin Sayama.
My name is Pon.
I graduated from high school in March of this year.
Unfortunately, I failed my college entrance exam
and was forced to retire.
I had a high goal
so I was prepared to retire.
Of course, I'm grateful to my mom
for giving me another year.
But I really hate
studying in the first place.
So I feel depressed
when I think about the pressure
and the studying next year.
But I still have a strong desire
to go to college
so I decided to do it.
But I'm not sure if I'll be happy
to have this year.
Have you ever felt like
you've gone a little too far
but it was good in the end?
Or when you feel like
you can't live up to your expectations
and you feel frustrated,
how do you switch?
If you'd like to,
please let us know.
It's been a long time,
but thank you for reading this far.
And thank you for listening, Kevin.
I'll do my best to enjoy
the content of KER
so please stay tuned.
Thank you.
Regretting Decisions
I already know the answer to this question.
You are not going to regret it.
Because you don't know
what the other option
would have ended.
You don't know the outcome of the other option.
Say for example,
you chose
a second tier
and not ronin.
Because you didn't
choose that decision,
because you didn't go for that option,
you don't know what the outcome is.
And you never will.
So there's nothing you can compare
your current option with.
So there's no way you can regret it.
That's only imaginary.
There's an imaginary option
that you can never compare it to.
And my eyes are about to
bulge out.
You're so excited.
Your eyes are about to just pop out.
You've already made your decision
and you don't know what the other option...
You don't know what the outcome
of the other option is.
So no way.
No way you'll ever know.
Your eyes are just about to pop out.
But that's true.
So there's nothing you can do about it.
It's lucky this is audio program.
What are you going to do?
Go back one year?
Build a time machine?
Go back one year?
And then compare the outcome?
Are you going to go back one year
and not loan in
and enter a university
and compare yourself with that?
Well, good luck finding a time machine.
Good luck finding a time machine.
Because my eyes are about to
fucking pop.
Yeah, you scare people.
Oh yeah.
But that's true.
Your eyes are very...
Almost like full out.
Right, full out.
And I have thin eyes.
It's hard to do that when you have thin eyes.
So much energy.
So much energy.
My face is already tired.
Yeah, but that's right.
That's right, right?
Only thing you can do is
do your best
on your today.
Anything to add on here, Jan?
Yeah, for example like
There are some
students, like college students
of like somebody
experienced that
Like to me,
I was like a straight
in U2, right?
So to me, like when I entered the university
and I met those
Like to me, they were very like
very much more experienced
than me.
Like they know so many things
like even including that
and like
You know, including all those like
you know
that's simply just an experience.
So yeah,
I remember I was like
Even like [Japanese]
feeling was inside me.
I remember that.
Yeah, so important thing is
if you are like a
It's not that
If you enjoy your life,
try best
and like
tell your story.
It's important.
And like once you enter university, like it becomes
very blurry of like okay,
it really starts to not matter if you are
[Japanese] or not.
It's just
are we going to get along or not?
Is it the same circle, same doki or not?
It really doesn't matter what the age is.
Don't worry.
Are you okay?
My eyes?
I should do this more often.
I think it helps
my face become more muscular.
Your muscles are very tired?
You know your hyojokin and everything?
You know how it's important to move your hyojokin
constantly for your
it's healthier that way.
Yeah, then you should do some exercises.
I should do that.
Yeah, please do it
alone in your room.
Not in front of the cameras
because it scares people.
It scares kids.
Yeah, it scares kids.
Yeah, there are some kids watching this.
It would be like...
I see. That's not good.
That's not good. It scares kids.
I'll do it in the station.
When I'm waiting for my train.
That's the best place.
It's the best place to do it.
Like you see in the restaurant.
In the restaurant, that's great.
Waiting for your food.
In the gyudon shop, right?
I'll be in the corner seat.
Be alone.
Eyes out.
Waiting for my gyudon.
I'll do that.
Alright. Thanks for listening, guys.
- Thank you. - Bye-bye.

