Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Okay, this one.
Okay, pick another one then.
This one maybe.
Nuts and Dry Fruits.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Kevin and Mr. Yama.
This is my first time messaging you.
I always enjoy your YouTube Podcasts.
I have one request.
I want you to translate the name of a character from a movie into Japanese.
The name is Cruella.
How do you spell it?
Cruella, yeah.
In the Disney live-action version, the real name of Cruella is Estella.
What is he talking about?
What do you mean?
I'm sorry.
I overreacted.
Can you tell me again briefly what this person meant?
So there's this character who was born and named Estella.
Yeah, see.
And then she grows up and became an adult.
And then she starts calling herself as Cruella.
I see.
I see.
Got it.
So somehow she changed her name.
Yeah, she changed her name to Cruella.
And then every time she said, my name is Cruella, and then the people around her, like,
I thought your name was Estella.
I think, you know, cruel.
Like, your name is cruel?
Such insane names.
I recognize the written message that she wrote.
Well, I mean, I can't see the point.
But, well, it has the word cruel in it.
So I can imagine it's some sort of a character name for a villain. Mm-hmm, you know
Cruella the
almighty cruel bitch
Like black long-sleeve
Yeah, right right right like a muddy fist Maleficent, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right. Yeah, it's something like that
Hmm Cruella, so yeah, I mean I call it a
Come on, I got it. I'm a
Cruella me cruella team
Emma Stone Emma Stone Emma Stone is the person from Lala. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Great. Yeah
So man, Cruella, well, I mean, yeah, it's a fictional character name. So
Character names fictional character names tend to have especially from like, you know cartoons and
animations and
They tend to have like those words in the name, you know
Make the make it easier to understand the position of the character. Yeah. Yeah, just like Dicky Sugikun. Oh, yeah
Absolutely, absolutely
Go that Takeshi. Yeah, you know like go in
In a mean. Yeah, like a bossy kind of right? Yeah, I get it. It's like that. It's like that. Yeah
So right it wouldn't make sense
If you if you translate it to Cruella, right, you would not know. Mm-hmm. You would not know. Yeah
Yeah, so I don't understand where that comes from. Right? Yeah, I'm just just like
Haruko-san into waruko-san. Mm. It's kind of like that. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely
You seen this movie no, no
This is a Arjuna. No, I don't know what I mean. Yeah, we peed on John. Oh, yeah, we have we Pino. I don't know you touch me
Sorry, no
Did this person like?
Transform into a like a villain or something
Dead happy people want you to have a villain
Check it John John. Yeah, is it what's the story of that? Is it? Yeah, but they have us
Did they have villain or is it just like a documentary?
They have a kind of villain. Oh, this is a good story. Yeah
so maybe sir
The villains were like I remember like a dumb man. Oh
And there was old lady in the story who feed who feeds like pigeons and everything in the park
Okay, yeah by as far as remember she was actually a really good lady
Oh, I see just looked scary though
You can watch a character
Cool, you know, I don't know
Cruella don't feel
Don't know if you just know Saka Dottie Smith Dottie Smith, no Dalmatian
Chakuto if you know you know, no monogatari need to know sir. Kakuna character. Mm-hmm
Hakuiki one chan de Monday ticket. Mm-hmm
Now there's no spinoff to get a congee. They must own sure in there. Not only yeah, they do that
They make the villain version of the story
So God
I want to see Hyakui Pekin Wanshin again, like I have this like I saw this during childhood
it brings me back have you seen this yeah when I was kid this is I think the
most famous scene is the the spaghetti kiss right they would oh yeah the dogs
yeah the dogs they would spaghetti it and then like wait did you see the animation
yeah I saw the animation I saw the real version there was a real version what
do you mean oh yeah how did they do the spaghetti but I they use real dogs yes
shit Wow that one I maybe that wasn't yeah they
move yeah I think that was happy Pekin one John hmm yeah so I don't remember I
mean the dis checker is more impression strongly you remember that more yeah
yeah what's with the 101 what's is there a was there once is there one
significant dog you remember no don't remember at all what would you guess was
it like happy happy to eat Pekin one John really happy Pekin one John right
yeah well there's there's a reason why I didn't go for a hundred right there was
one significant character that was like special yeah yeah some owner turned to
a dog I don't know it just sounded sounded nice no no one one yeah
Kate Kate dogs mm-hmm one day stolen by Cruella no okay yeah and then those
couple goes to Cruella's house and fight and get back 15 dogs oh got it and then
in that castle of Cruella there were 99 that emission no coin attach not only
so it's like a data mission collector yeah okay I see oh so 99 that emission
in the castle plus two parents dog mm-hmm so in total that's 101 no sure
okay yeah kind of make sense don't make kind of don't make sense but okay yeah
sure sure sure sure sure sure yeah you know those like those good old movies
that we saw when we were kid mm-hmm kind of remember the story and kind of
remember the scenes but yeah me too you know every time we talk about these
things make me feel like I have to watch that again I know like I know you know
to go back to actually be cultured and yeah yeah understand understand what was
done what happened to the Disney movies nowadays we don't ever talk like we
don't ever there aren't any like are we excited for a Disney movie nowadays now
what not really to me like era where like mr. Incredibles or like oh you know
like the era where monsters Inc uh-huh the era where toy stories true is there
that would I was actually so excited when a Disney Pixar movie came out okay
I have to go see you recently yeah I don't they're not I don't think there
are any Pixar Disney movies that are like actually like a hit really yeah hmm
I thought I was just away from that movie environment but what about like
I don't maybe I'm like that too but I don't know I don't think I've hmm what
was a Toy Story 3 or 4 or 5 or something yeah there's a Toy Story 5 coming out
recently I am kind of excited for that but that's like that's like a continuous
of a Toy Story right like there aren't any like new one I say I say what about
like Baymax or things like that Baymax yeah sure sure years ago that's still
kind of old okay okay right hmm yeah well I mean I'm kind of far from that movie
environment so mm-hmm you know Rapunzel's yeah that was like I got
that was those those hit yeah frozen Rapunzel frozen yes but there's a lot of
like there's a lot more non hits mm-hmm I think now mm-hmm
that's kind of sad mm-hmm yeah right right Shrek yeah I don't think it's
Pixar but I like I liked it yeah I don't think that's Pixar yeah yeah
Shrek is a good movie Shrek's really good I like Shrek yeah yeah I saw the
Japanese version of Shrek mm-hmm and it's how much time oh really he's doing
the Shrek oh it's perfectly really yeah he does brilliant job that's amazing
yeah that's amazing Wow
thanks for sending guys thank you bye bye