1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. みんな「The Office」見たこと..
2020-09-07 14:55

みんな「The Office」見たことある!?面白いよ!

・おすすめのNetflixはなんですか?・映画サブスクは登録してない・好き映画は?:Jason Bourn, Mr. Incredibles, Monster’s Inc., Toy Story, 千と千尋, About Time, Family Guy, The Office.・[Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitterでも活動してます!→ https://linktr.ee/kevinsenroom ]
Hey guys welcome back again. Oh, oh wait. Oh, okay. Go ahead. You were gonna do your little fucking jingle, right?
Most beautiful song ever in this whole world in history shit
Okay, can we do this in the next episode?
I can't it's gone. It's got you can't you can't bring it back anymore, dude
Just a bit like you do the opening. I know I couldn't you know, I miss it. I shouldn't went with the
Fuck back. I should have been with the original
Sorry guys, this is Yama-chan's best jingle
Alright, okay, so
Today, okay, let's talk about
Osu-sume no netflix ni tsuite. Okay, I don't know what the cast of my kid. I'm a
Thank you for the
Netflix do you I I not subscribed no, I'm not subscribed to me neither
You know Netflix or Amazon Prime or Hulu any of that? Mm-hmm
Yeah, you you go to the style shop. I do I do go to the style shop and rent movies, right?
I don't like the subscription fees. Yeah, I don't like to write. Yeah be handcuffed under the subscription fees
So I don't I don't do that. Okay. Yeah, well, but you love movies, right? I do love movies
I do love I love it a lot. I go there often. Mm-hmm
So basically the question would be what is my favorite movie? What right is you recommend right?
I must if you see that yeah dramas now, I don't watch them my guy like the for example like prison break war
Oh prison break 24, right like I
Know everybody's like hot on it, but I'm not
Like it I
Have to be like I have to pump myself up to start watching these long series
I'm talking about like yeah, it's hard to finish all the yeah, there's there's right, right. There's hundreds of
Seasons, right? Right. I don't know how many there are but yeah, there's a lot
Yeah, if I'm gonna start watching I'm gonna have to start watching from
Season one episode one and I have to finish them all the way through so that takes a lot of energy and a lot of
Commitment, you know, so I I have to like
Pop myself up and I committed to it. I understand that to happen. So I I don't usually put my hands on it. Mm-hmm
So two hours of movie is what you prefer. I do right one
It's not serious. Just right
Guess it would be my favorite movies. Well, I have several yeah within different genres
Jason Bourne, I like Jason Bourne. It's an action movie. It's Matt Damon. Is that drama? No, it's an action movie
Yeah, right. Jason Bourne. Hmm, or it's like it's it's an Asian movie Asian movie. I like Asian
You like that? Well, so you kind of like that. Yeah, I like that
Days born. I like
What else I like?
Like Disney Pixar movies. Oh
Mr. Incredibles is my
Pixar movie. Yeah, I like that too. I love mr. Incredible
I have the DVD right there. Look at that. Oh, yeah, I bought that in US. Oh, really?
Yeah, but I can't play it on Japanese TV player
Yeah, I thought I could but I couldn't oh
Really? That's it wasn't possible. So no disappointment right there, but yeah
Um other movies I like home alone - it's
No, it's just uh, someone gave it to me because the main character's name is Kevin
Yeah, it's so cute. That's a gift. I got I don't watch them
I've seen it before. Yeah, I've seen it. Um others would be
Monsters Inc. Oh toy stories. Yeah
Ghibli, I like them too. I like
Santa Giro. Oh, it's a great movie
If it's drama I would do about time about time you like that movie - right
What was the movie that you recommended earlier like?
Like several weeks ago. We were talking about about time and you said oh Kevin you gotta watch this and told me this film
Forgot it what it was
The letter I read for you, I don't know that the English title but
I'm reading a letter to you. I'm living the letter maybe the letter the letter
I'm what is the Japanese thing?
Okay, so you were committed that right? Okay later I write to you. Oh, is it is the front cover of a picture?
man and woman
Woman is being held by man and they're hugging and kissing in in the rain
No, oh in the rain, they're hugging in the rain kissing. Is that it? But that's not that one
Oh, you know what I'm talking about? That's not the one. Yeah, I
Think I saw that. Oh, you saw that shit - yeah, it's I've seen it everywhere. It's always
It's always featured I guess but if my memory is right
Kim you know that it is
the two
People man and woman on the board. Oh
Yeah, I think I've seen that front cover -
That's yeah that got it got it. So that's a good movie. Yeah, that's pretty old, right? I don't
think that's
Quite old. No, okay, but maybe 10 or 20 years ago. I don't know fair enough fair enough. So
Different movie would be
Never enjoyed any of the like the Marvel movies
Really? Yeah, like spider-man or what spider-man is complicated, you know, yeah
It's Disney version and Marvel version. Oh, there's that's there's both of them. Yeah, I didn't know that
But but I'm not right now I'm Iron Man you didn't like I've
No, oh that's not American. Yeah
Yeah, you know kind of simple sorry
Was fighting with evil one and beat that
Guy and was it really good? Yeah, like I I've seen
American movie so I
Guess spider-man and Iron Man was the only
the main
main Marvel
themes main Marvel characters
That I've that I've seen. Okay, um
I've never seen Hulk. I've never seen Captain America. I've never seen
Ant-man I've seen Ant-man. Really? Did you like it because I didn't like it. Oh, really?
You liked it. It was a little bit
Not the favorite Marvel film or like Deadpool
Is that Marvel film? I think so
Yeah, I think that's a Marvel film. Yeah
It's kind of like Iron Man things
Deadpool, uh-huh
Yeah, I think it's Marvel shall I check I mean, I think it's Marvel
No, never never even heard of it really Shazam Shazam, I've heard of app called Shazam
Yeah to find that fine music, right? No, that's not that
Look Marvel. Oh really? Yeah right there
You know Marvel is this is a little bit
like complicated because there they have
Like Marvel Universe
So it's not straight-up Marvel right it's more of a boys is not the
the straight line
It's made with different companies, right maybe but Iron Man Hulk
Doctor Strange never seen any of that. Hmm and
The Guardian of Galaxy never seen it. Yeah, I know what it is, but never seen and this kind of like this kind of
In the Marvel Universe, so okay. I've never seen him. I've never seen it. That's my answer. I
Well, I think you're gonna like that
You think so? I think so, but okay. I'll try. Yeah to me was fun. How about Batman? Is that Marvel?
Batman I don't
I don't know. Okay. I've never seen Batman. Okay, like Dark Knight
The Joker Joker is not Marvel. No, it's not Marvel anymore. Okay, that's complicated
How about Harry Potter? I like Harry Potter
Have you seen all of the film all of this? Yes series. Yes, I
Was into Harry Potter like for the first like like the first three
seasons not seasons
episodes but like
It's so long until the next one comes out. Oh, I've lost right interest in it. Oh, really, right?
Yeah, how long like like like three years yet before the next one comes out?
You forget what the plot was. Okay, you forget how the storyline was was and then I
Kind of lost interest. Okay
So I I do want to see Harry Potter now, it's all out
So I want to see them from you know, yeah, you can see that actually I saw
the episode three four five
Like a week ago. Oh, really?
Yeah, that's what I wanted to do. Like I wanted it like watch the whole thing at once
I wanted to consume all the story at once. I don't want to like
Have have some sort of like a time in between episodes, but it's so long
I won't ever so it is like what like three hours like three hours
Yeah, I have to get pumped that - okay that starts right
And now that recommend for you is
Zoolander Zoolander no, no, no, I've never heard of it. I love that movie. Is that what comic or?
action movie right super action
Hero movie Zoolander Zoolander sounds like Madagascar
Actually it is
What's the same guy Oh protagonist from Madagascar Oh
So it's an animated film. No, it's it's actual
Human, but the same guy are doing the protagonist Oh, I mean same
the same voice right right, okay
I'll make sure I check that out. That's that's good. This is probably like rated G or something. What rated G?
Rated G. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, everyone can see it. Right everyone can see well, I think it's for
kids maybe
I really enjoy that. I don't know if this is on Hulu or Amazon Prime or something, but I like Family Guy
Family Guy. Have you seen Family Guy? No, no
It's a comedy comedy
Animation comedy animation very famous animation in the United States. Okay, it's got I think it's
Maybe it's probably for adults. There's
There's cussing there's killing there's
It's uh, there's sex there's
Racisms there. It's
Okay, it's classic American right joking joke movie, right? It's uh,
It's a comedy film. Okay, it's not horror or anything
It's fun. It's fun. It's basically fun. Mm-hmm. I think we Japanese people can understand that
No, probably not. Okay, the English level is pretty high. Okay, and the culture right? It's deep down culture humor
so it's um
They make fun of like celebrities and stuff like that and what happened to them, right?
They make fun of Donald Trump and how he did something. So okay. I think it's pretty difficult to understand
but like
Put aside the jokes
Like the normal conversations like the daily conversations. They're pretty culturally relevant
So I think you know if you want to learn that side of yeah, I think I think it's a really good choice
also, I like um
Another one is the office. You don't know what that is, right? It's a comedy
Series um
The office it's uh, it's a comedy
Drama maybe um what it is. It's a
It's about a company called thunder Mifflin that sells papers it's a paper company Oh, right and
They show the everyday lives of an ordinary salaryman and it's comedy
and it's comedy is very right. It's heavy comedy and
They don't have you know how um like Full House they have the laughter voices
Ingraded in the film, right?
Right. Yeah, it's not there. Okay, it's just uh, it's not there. Mm-hmm
Sure, sir. Oh, right that kind of film the office is very popular extremely popular in the United States
Probably not in Hulu or Amazon ever seen it, but if you can you can search for on YouTube, okay, right, right
Please check that out. It's very funny. It's very hilarious. Okay, the office the office. Yes. Yes
Okay, it's very funny and the office and the Zoolander. All right Zoolander. Gotcha
Alright, thanks for listening guys. Bye. Bye

