Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hello, hello. What are you drinking? What is that? Milk. Oh, is it milk? Yep.
It's a new cup or something? This is a cup that we've had in the studio. I think we bought this
for the 百均の英語ヤバ過ぎ企画. I see. Yeah. What does that say? Good things. Articles of daily use.
Drink. Let's lead a happy life. What? Let's lead a happy life. Okay. Yep. Well, yeah.
Sounds like 百均英語. Yes, yes, yes. It sounds 百均. Yeah, that's for a coffee shop or something
because you have like thick. Oh, like you can check off what drinks inside. Coffee, tea, cocoa,
milk, soup. Yep. It is interesting. Very interesting how the English works in the
百均の英語ヤバ過ぎ企画. Very interesting. Right. It's got its own vibes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It does. It does. Because it's just for the decorations for Japanese. It doesn't mean anything.
Yeah, we don't care what nobody reads. Yeah, it's just some foreign languages written on the
surface. That's enough. Yeah, right. If it looks English, it's got alphabets, then it looks great.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wonder how far you can fake it. Like, what if it wasn't English at all? Just
random, like random alphabets on a t-shirt. How many people would think like, well, that's
gibberish. What is that? How many people do you think would realize that? True. Right?
Do you think you would know? So there are many French things just like that. French was on the
surface. There are many, just like English. Do you sense that if French written on the surface?
No. Okay, type me a random French looking words. Let me see if I can sense it or not. Okay.
Um, that's too easy, maybe. Well, okay. There's one. Okay.
You have, you can have, okay, hold on, hold on.
I think that's French. I think that's French. Like if that was written on a t-shirt, right?
So I can sense that it's not English. Oh, you sense that's not English. Yeah, because you don't
know that. Yeah. But like, if there was like a picture of a, what's it called? Eiffel Tower.
Eiffel Tower. Right. And I'll be like, oh, also it's a French. So what you wrote is P-A-T-I-S-S-E-R-I-O-U-N-E-E.
Yeah. All in one word. Yeah. Patisserione. Yeah. Sounds so French. Is that not French?
Is it not French? No, it doesn't exist. It doesn't exist? Yeah, no. Wow. It doesn't, huh? No. Oh.
So maybe you can, you can make English-y word randomly, and then people would... Yeah,
people probably wouldn't notice, right? Well, yeah, but for example, like you, there are many
like nandoku tangos, right? Yeah. Really difficult to read in English. Yeah. And if I see those words,
then I... What? Is it, is it even a word? Yeah. So. Yeah. You can, you can do that.
Let me see if I can fake it. Okay. Oh, this one.
Jewelry of the spare fly. Spare fly. You think if that was written on t-shirt, you'd notice it?
Yeah. I mean, it, it, it looks just like English. Oh, it looks English? It looks English. So I can
fake it. Yeah. You can fake it. I mean, we don't know the words, the beginning and the last word,
but it looks English. Wow. Yeah. I can, I can fake that then. It's a French sentence.
It's a French sentence?
Yeah. I think that's French. Yeah. I think that's French, man. It's completely random.
Doesn't exist at all. I, I, I, I, I think that's complete French.
You can make it then. You can make whatever shit you want. Yeah. If you write this phrase at the,
you know, okashiyasan, patisserie, something, and you'd obviously think that's a French. Yeah. I
would think that's French. Wow. Wow. Yeah. You can fake, you fake that. It also looks Spanish to me.
Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. It's, so if, if, for example, like Russians written on it.
They have this, yeah, special characters, right? Yeah. Or like Thai, or like some kind of Arabic.
I have no idea. True. No, like Korean maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No idea. Right. That's right.
Yeah. Right. Yeah. True. Some Japanese written on the, like, completely nonsense hiraganas
on some kind of products or something. Yeah. And then foreign people would. They would love it,
right? Yeah. Yeah. We did a, we did a video on that, right? Some weird Japanese written on t-shirts.
Yeah. Weird fonts. Yeah. Yeah. That's the same thing. Same thing. Yeah.
Yeah. But English, we kind of understand, for example, good things at least. Because it's a,
it's a word that you learn in elementary. Yeah. Right. So it's like, I can, we can receive the
happy vibe from that. Oh, really? It's like, it's a good thing. It's a good thing. At least.
Okay. I think there's a perfect balance. Like a word of like happy life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
As a foreign language. Like full of joy. Yeah. Those keywords. Yeah. Even though you don't
understand fully, but you can receive certain amount of happiness. Good vibes from it. Yeah.
And looks good at the same time. Okay. That really does define the hyakki neigos, right?
It just put out random, easy, happy vibe English. Yeah. That's it. Right.
Yeah. Yeah. If it's written in French, people won't be understand even good things. Yeah. Yeah.
So that's not good. Right. Right. Right. It becomes just a random
text. Random text. Right. Right. Right. That's why. Oh, I see. Yeah. Yeah. Gotta be careful.
Yeah. It's very interesting. Yeah. Take a look at, so what people are asking questions like, so
what do the American dollar stores have written on their products? Right. True. Well, let's take
a look. Yeah. I mean, do they have the same, like similar concept? Well, so that's, that's a good
question. I don't think they do. Um, for example, what would be some of the tote bags, right? Yeah.
Right. Right. Japan, if it's Japan, they definitely have designs written on it, right? You have to.
You have to put English words on it. So this is a dollar tree is a very popular. Okay.
Okay. So we have right here, XOXO written huge. XOXO, be mine, love, hugs and kisses, you and me.
Those words. Okay. Okay. Uh, Mother Earth, thank, thank you. Well, Mother Earth thanks you.
Mickey Mouse, SpongeBob, Cinderella.
The essentials.
This is a chaos coordinator. See, this makes much more sense. Chaos coordinator. It's true.
Right. It makes sense. Yes. It's not cool, but it makes more sense if it's written on a bag.
Yeah. It's kind of a joke. Yeah. Right. Mother Earth, thanks to you is that also like,
that's the phrase you, like you write on the ecobag that like completely makes sense.
That's right. True. Okay. This ecobag, it's kind of getting Daiso vibe, but look,
enjoy the little things. Oh, it's right. It writes a positive message, but the English is perfect
though. Whereas Daiso, it would be something like, yeah. Happy life. Joyful. Joyful every day.
Uh, here's a different one. Uh, start every day with a smile. That's a good message. Perfect
English. Perfect English. Chase happiness. Perfect English. Make today amazing. Yeah. So
there are ecobag that has positive messages written on it, but the English is perfect.
I see. Yeah.
But it looks like it has, it shares the same. Some, yeah. Some of them have a similar vibe.
Right. Right. Right. Makes sense. Of course. Yeah. Like, is this American or yeah.
Right. But if you look into the English, it's actually the English version,
American version makes a lot more sense. Yeah. Yeah. So. Interesting. Yeah.
Isn't it like stupids? Cupids. Cupids. Is it Cupid? Cupid. No, it's not stupids. It's Cupid.
Yeah. I think it's, yeah. You can't see the S right. The C. Yeah. Yeah. It's Cupid.
Stupid. Cupid. Definitely. Yeah. I don't think that's, that's Daiso.
Daiso would, would accidentally type stupids, but yeah, it's Cupid. Yeah. Definitely. Okay. You can't
see, but yeah, definitely a C behind that. You can see that. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right.
Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye-bye.