1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Podcast Staffの採用はいい感..
2024-06-29 08:17

Podcast Staffの採用はいい感じに進んでる?

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Remember last week, we were like, 2 weeks ago, we were like,
Hey, let's 募集 some staff, right?
Yes, yes, yes!
So, for us, that's like 2 weeks ago, right?
The recording day was 2 weeks ago, though.
When this podcast is out, I'm sure it's been more than that.
But for us right now, it's been 2 weeks, right?
We were like, let's guess how many people we got.
Yes, yes, yes!
Is that episode published?
I sneaked it in the day after we actually talked about it.
So, almost 2 weeks ago.
I don't know, like 10 or something?
Yeah, like 10.
Like that?
I don't think I should disclose the actual number.
Okay, okay.
But I'll type it in the screen and I'll show it to you.
Alright, alright. How many people actually applied for it?
About this much.
I really have no idea.
A lot, right?
Like a lot, lot.
This is like a lot, lot.
Wow. Well, I mean, thank you.
Thank you, everybody.
Thank you so much for those who applied.
It's way more than I expected.
That's right.
I made like a rookie mistake.
So, I already did some interviews.
Already? Oh, wow.
Yeah, rookie mistake for me.
I was like, since I want to get through a lot of interviews,
like I'm gonna do 10-minute interviews in a row.
Right? Disaster.
What do you mean, disaster?
Yeah, you know, I mean, you can't really exchange a lot in 10 minutes.
So, I was like, shit, I want to get to know more.
But like the next interview is coming up.
So, I got to end it now.
But fuck!
You know?
Oh, I see.
But you know, I didn't have enough.
I couldn't reschedule it.
You know, it would just be so much more to do.
So, like I just kept it like that.
But like it was a rookie mistake for me.
I should have spent more time on each interviews, you know?
But like, yeah.
Wow, wow, wow.
But you already talked with several of them.
Yeah, yeah.
So far, so good.
Even 10-minute conversations?
Yeah, even 10-minute conversations.
I mean, I feel like I would...
I mean, we're on the right track.
There's gonna be someone who we can trust.
There's gonna be somebody who, you know, we'll be able to rely on.
That's right.
Are you gonna go through all of them?
At least just the paper.
At least you just read all of them.
But not interviewing all of them.
It's just not physically possible to interview everyone of them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I do have to do some Shinsaizu.
Yes, yes, yes.
I mean, it's I guess...
I would say...
うれしい悩み for you, you know?
I don't know.
It's very happy and we're so grateful for that.
But at the same time, you have to...
Yeah, if it's like, you know, just a few people, then you can manage.
And then just like you reschedule things.
And then just you casually do those things.
But if it's like a number like that, and then...
That's right.
You have to like organize first.
That's right.
You have to set up some ground rules.
Get everything organized.
Have it all systematically work.
Yes, yes.
Some of them were like Python professionals.
Kevin, what you got to do...
You're not doing it right, Kevin.
I know you work for Google.
I know you work for Amazon.
I know you work for Gophers.
Is that that level?
I made a sample of a Python you could use.
And it was like 500 times more faster than I was doing it.
But that's the power, though.
That's the power, yeah.
Having people, having talent and experienced people.
That's right.
I was blown away.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The funny thing is that he knows that you are working for Amazon and Google and everything.
Yeah, yeah.
And that person respected it.
I know you work for Amazon.
Yeah, I love that sense, too.
Yeah, yeah.
That's right.
Well, thank you for walking up.
Oh, yeah, no problem.
Thank everybody else for applying and being interested in the role.
Are you having fun of doing those?
I am pumped.
Oh, nice.
It's very fun.
It's new for me.
The experience is new for me.
So very excited.
It's really fun.
It's really fun.
You try a 10-minute interview and then kind of failed on your side.
That's right.
And change things.
Try new things.
That's right.
Very exciting.
What's the next step for you?
Next step for me, I guess, is to, you know, choosing the right person.
Okay, okay.
I guess, you know, I would have to go with...
You don't want to extend the interview time?
Oh, I probably won't do a second interview.
I would just try.
I would just go with my gut instinct.
Go with the first interview.
And then, yeah.
So the next step is you choose the right one.
That's right.
And then we'll see how it goes, you know.
We'll see how it goes.
Didn't it make you nervous?
Me nervous?
I guess I wasn't that nervous.
Not nervous?
I guess the people that were on the other side, they told me that they were nervous.
Ah, true.
You know, because like, oh, I've been watching you on the screen.
Now it's one-on-one.
And it's kind of like, I'm nervous.
I could feel it sometimes.
But, you know, yeah.
I tried my best to keep it casual.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Not to be like that.
Yeah, not to be scary.
Nice, nice, nice.
Yeah, so that's a quick update on how things are going.
Great, great.
Well, thank you for sharing that.
And thank you for all the people who applied.
That's right.
Who was interested in the role.
Gave us an email on that role.
Thank you so much.
I looked at everyone.
And I'm happy to hear that you're pumped.
Oh, I'm fucking pumped.
This is fun.
I'm happy to hear that.
I'm upping my game is what I'm feeling.
I can feel myself advancing.
Great, great, great.
Thank you for letting me do that.
No, no, no.
Go ahead.
Do everything you want.
Thank you for that permission there.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.

