1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 先日脱毛行ったら麻酔で失神し..
2023-10-07 13:28





Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Oh, no, it's just mental freedom your mental freedom gets less and less
I know it's frightening. Yeah, it actually was kind of scary. Yeah, and you you and you
Understand like wait, I think I'm losing the sense of reality
You can understand it like oh, I'm under the Masui and I'm losing the sense in reality
Oh, I can know it like I know it like oh my mind works and but my body is not working
Is what I can feel Wow and then sort of like this fear kicks in
Yeah, this fear kicks in and like oh, this is kind of scary. Yeah, I don't have control
Yeah over anything, but my mind is still perfectly working. Is that perfectly? Well, I guess it's not perfectly working
Yeah, but still yeah
Like within this small area that I still have left in me like I like I understand what's going on
Then I kind of black out Wow, I kind of like lose my consciousness
Wow, I'm just about like IQ. Oh, she knows. Yeah, and then after that, uh-huh. I
I go back right? Yeah after I lose I go back. Yeah
Like and that's where it gets really really kind of weird. Okay, like, um, what's already very well
It's already. Yeah, but like the first thing I noticed after blacking out was like I hear the fidgets his voice
Wow, like he doesn't we take the sigh
Because you have to hear that in the crew when you're like so just to like there's spots that you have to adjust your head
Right, okay. So like that I know he daddy. Oh gosh, Miss May. Okay. How's my name?
Hi, boom. Hi, boom. Hi, boom. That's what you do during
Yeah, and you you just you just hear the voice you only hear the voice first
So, wait, wait, wait, wait, yeah, so the place where you
Do that shock you must see and then the place where you do that. That's the most are the same
Yes, same you don't move at all. You don't move at all. Okay, I guess you're lying
You're laying in the same kind of I see I see I see bed. Yeah
Wow, I'm asleep. Take it off. I mean, I didn't meet you guys. I and yeah, wow. Yeah, and
It's like so the first thing that came into my mind was it was all
Nothing first. It was it was like absolutely nothing
There's absolutely nothing but only this voice Wow this voice Wow, and I don't know where I'm at
Like I don't know where I'm at. I don't know what's happening. I only hear this
Directions of like he didn't meet the good aside. Yeah, so me not knowing anything
I just the only thing I can do was like obey the directions, right? So I just I do this
But you did that yeah, yeah, I had I had the conscious to obey the the voice
But I didn't know what's happening. I couldn't remember why I was here Wow
I didn't know what I was doing. It's it's blue that guy. Yeah, all my memories were gone
It's fucking scary, okay
And like like I and I stood in like after like several voice. Yeah, it starts coming back
Oh, I think I know this voice
this voice is the voice you hear when you're when I'm that's knowing and like
That's the second memory that I that came back to me. But like I still don't know. Why am I doing that smell?
Like am I in a life like it's almost like which life in my in which life
Yeah, so so the only information I have. Oh, I'm in a life where I do. That's no
Like I'm a person that does that smell. Okay, that's the life that I'm in
I know it's weird
That's the mindset that I got it Wow. Like was I a was an old man?
Was I a young girl? Was I a a tree? No, I wasn't a person that
Decided to do a death spell. That's that's that was my life
Was the thing that I that came into my mind tree?
Yeah, like out of all the possibility like life could be anything right? Yeah, you just just a soul
Yeah, like just a mind without without nothing. I have nothing Wow and be trees you could be
Whatever. Yeah all the possibilities. I was a life
I was a guy that decided to do that smell and I didn't know why I was doing that smell
I didn't know how I went to the decimal place and
The more and more that I didn't know the more and more that I started asking questions
Yeah, and the more and more that I was getting scared
And I got scarier and scarier I was really scared yeah, I got scary and scarier and
Like like I'm like, it's like I'm trapped in this. Yeah place that I can't escape. Yeah, right and
Like I got so scared to the point where I kind of gave up like oh, this is something that I can't control like
my life is kind of
Dependent on whatever is happening right now
Wow, so I'm just gonna give up on fighting back and I gave up I gave up fighting back
Yeah, I did it. I gave up trying to gain control over my life. Okay, and then
After that a few seconds later, yeah came this huge happiness
Well, like I got so happy because like oh my god, I'm alive
Like I see I like I should be so happy. I see that. I'm alive, right?
All right, I gave up and controlling over like trying to fight back. Whatever is trying to control. Yeah
But I gave up on that because I'm not strong enough to like trying to control my muscle, you're right
Yeah, but like but I'm still alive. Yeah, like I'm right here
Doing's doing right that's more which takes a lot of money, right?
so I must have a happy life that because I have enough money to go to that smell and I'm
And I have the freedom to go to that small and I'm alive. Yeah, I'm probably healthy. Yeah, and I'm so happy
Wow, I have the privilege to let me do anything that's the scariest thought that's fucking scary and then
After that
After several. Yeah, so I was happy and my say Jitsu was over. Okay, so
still in in like
Yeah, so the blackout time was like three seconds Wow
Yeah, three seconds my my my my memory was gone, uh-huh three things after
Back, okay that my voice came into my man. So for me, it was like eternal. Yeah
well, like in reality, it was probably like three seconds, right and
Towards the end of the say Jitsu my memory started to come back. Oh wait
Today is a is a Wednesday. I don't know if it was a Wednesday or not. Well, yeah. Oh, I remember
My life as a as a youtuber
I remember my life as a as a guy that likes Japan and like full-on bilingual and like
And it came back and oh, I had a must see and I was never so cool
Oh, and that's why I experienced all this and it came back and that's how that was my first time experiencing a knockout
it was a
fucking adventure that's
Yeah, that's a fucking adventure, right? That's scary. Yeah, it's
Ridiculously scary, right, right
It's a fucking it's a it's a fucking experience. I
Mean unbelievable, how does the evil unbelievable?
Wow, you so you basically completely forget about everything about yourself, right, right
the right the moment after knockout the immediate moment after knockout is I was just completely like I
Didn't think I can't I couldn't think about anything
The only thing I could react to was the voice that I was hearing and at that time there's no I can't I couldn't remember
Pretty scary stuff, huh?
Yeah Wow
right, that's
Quite an experience. No, but I can't wait to go back and do it again
Oh because now that I know what a blackout feels like, okay, like I feel like I can handle it better
Like I feel like I can win that
Here, right, you know how the fear came to me and like oh I can't control anything. Yeah, it's scary
Yeah, I lost I give up right now. I feel like you can fly against. Oh, I know this
Yeah, this is a blackout situation, right? So I don't have to fight back. Yeah
It is my oh my revenge time, right? Yeah, you can give up much
Yeah, I can I can think of it as I'm not it's not it's not even a give-up. It's more. Yeah, it's a fight
It's just yeah
Wow, it was a fucking experience mental experience in ten minutes
Mental experience of a lifetime. Yeah minutes. I mean, I can't believe that's like ten minutes. It's like right few months. Yeah
Traveling right? I know right and
when I was done and I and I and I went into the elevator after the whole chaos of like, yeah, oh
You know, yeah the situation. I was like
Fucking it's crazy. It's like a movie. It was a movie. Yeah, it was a fucking experience
Pretty big stuff big stuff. Thanks. That's uh, yeah could be a lifetime experience
Yeah Wow
Wow, all right, so it's amazing. Yeah. Thanks for sending guys. Thank you Wow

